By Hal Brown
The GOP has gone wiggy in their war on woke.
The author lives in a suburb of wonderfully weird Portland, Oregon.
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Here in Portland, Oregon we are proud of being weird and wonderful. Keep Portland Weird is a frequently used slogan (read about it on Wikipedia).
This is the webpage of Travel Portland:
This conveys how Portland is both weird and woke. |
This is from the website Boundless Roads:
Cities like Portland aren't the only promoters of weird and woke as a positive image. For example Weird N Woke is a line of clothing which combines weird with woke in their name .
The company, founded in Lancaster, PA, offers clothing like the Liberty is Dead t-shirt. Here's their Facebook page. I am now a fan of the company and appreciate that the founder Austin Welk (about him) resides in the Republican Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. It voted GOP in every presidential election since 2000 and in the last Presidential election the vote was Republican, 56.9% to 41.2% Democrat.
Another way weird is used in a positive sense is in services. For example some of these are described here.
The first column I read this morning was this (subscription):
One word in a sentence prompted me to write a comment in the article:
But Biden’s biggest advantage has to do with the opposition — the Republican Party has gotten weird.
Here's my comment:
I live in Portland, Orgeon, which proudly proclaims (as does Denver) itself as wonderfully weird. Thus I suggest that calling the Republican Party weird is a misnomer and does weirdness a disservice. I suggest the word wiggy which includes weird in the definition: emotionally uncontrolled or weird.
At this writing seven readers there recommended my comment:
Following posting this I realized I should have included Austin as a proudly weird city.
The word was used in this sentence:
As a result, “They have to win the endorsement of a crowd in an echo chamber having a conversation that the rest of the country thinks is too nasty or weird to join,” he wrote.
Headline writers often use alliterations so anti-woke weird warriors sound good. In my opinion wiggy is a better word in this context.
This is how my online dictionary defines weird and wiggy:
Weirdweird | wird | adjective suggesting something supernatural; uncanny: the weird crying of a seal. • informal very strange; bizarre: a weird coincidence | all sorts of weird and wonderful characters. • archaic connected with fate.
wiggy | ˈwiɡē |
adjective (wiggier, wiggiest) informal, mainly North American emotionally uncontrolled or weird: you've been acting all wiggy.
Since both word have the soft W sound wiggy can be used in phrases with anti-woke and warrior as an alliteration. Both words can mean bizarre. Wiggy adds emotionally uncontrolled to the definition. Therefore it describes the Republican war on wokeness. Not only does weird have a positive connotation, but another reason I'd like wiggy used instead is that weird is overused and wiggy is a far less used word.
We can thank Ron DeSantis for pushing the war against woke to and beyond the breaking point by going after Disney and continuing to dig in his heals in his utter bigotry. For example:
The author spews intolerance.
* "Why is there a seemingly sudden increase in pedophiles, sexual deviants? Why do we have so many amoral—or plainly immoral—educators, school administrators, school boards, politicians, community leaders, and even judges, hell-bent on advancing the sexualization of our innocent children, and pushing perversion into the hearts and minds of the most impressionable among us?
*Why are too many of these leaders hiding their aberrant "sex education" and "gender-affirming" curricula from the parents of their students, stripping moms and dads of their rights to determine when and how their children are exposed to sensitive topics in school?
* What do these groups of decadent influencers have to gain? In short, their ambition is the total breakdown and collapse of the family. Their target is our children. Their goal is social chaos. In some cases, they have been successful. Tragically successful.
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