February 11, 2023

Sarah Huckabee Sanders' grim vision of a "woke mob" enforcing Satanic rituals


Click image to enlarge

This was the subtitle of this Salon story:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders' grim vision of a "woke mob" enforcing Satanic rituals

This is the real way the article appears.

Regular readers of my blog know that I often can't resist making my own version of images used to illustrate various articles.

Images I used to make my illustration


I looked for any mention of Satanism or specifically of satanic rituals in the article but there weren't any. She may not have uttered his name because she believes, as some people do, that you must never say the name of a demon out loud.

The word "rituals" does appear three times:

"We are under attack in a left-wing culture war we didn't start and never wanted to fight," she proclaimed, although the antecedent of "we" was not altogether clear. "Every day, we are told that we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols," she said. 

That certainly sounds alarming, but specifics were again absent: What false idols and what flags, and where are these alleged rituals mandatory?

"Every day," Sanders said, "we are told that we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols." 

She also may have wanted to invoke this QAnon conspiracy belief...

... that liberal politicians and Hollywood "elites" are harvesting the blood of children to extract adrenochrome for its psychedelic and life-extending benefits. (Reference)

Sanders has company among the super-Maga high priests. None other than a blood relative of His Highness Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., believes that Hollywood satanic rituals will soon be exposed. Hollywood, Democrats, you say tomato they say tomatoh.

One could suggest that Satan is one of the Democrat's false idols, although it could be said that if you are a Christian who believes in Heaven and Hell to suggest that Satan is not real, i.e., false, would also be to say that God and Christ aren't real either. 

Let's assume for the sake of argument that Sanders is a sincerely true-believing Christian. This would mean that she believes in Satan, aka the Devil, Lucifer, Beezlebub, the antichrist and 25 or so other names from the Bible. As the righteous believer she is, she would believe both God and Satan are keeping an active eye on her and her activities. 

It would seem that in the State of the Union response she has mightily pissed Satan off. Why does he even need demons. He has a "woke mob" working for him. Not only are they woke, but they all are well educated and have significantly above average IQs.

I sure hope for her sake that God will protect her from this mob... not really... I am rooting for Satan. 

Seriously, though, unless you are a delusional MAGA nutcase there is one word in the Salon article title that rings as true as a church bell. 



Sarah Huckabee Sanders is not known to have ever claimed to be a witch or having had ever attended a Witches SabbathThis is a midnight meeting of witches to practice witchcraft and sorcery; in the Middle Ages it was supposed to be a demonic orgy.

Above: Sixteenth-century Swiss representation of Sabbath gathering from the chronicles of Johann Jakob Wick. Note Devil seated on serpent-enlaced throne, witch performing the osculum infame upon a demon and another being aided by a demon to summon a storm from her cauldron, while others carouse and prepare magic potions

Unlike failed Delaware GOP senate candidate Christine O'Donnell she has never had to state that she wasn't a witch.

Insert: Francisco Goya (1746–1828), Witches’ Sabbath (1797-98), oil on canvas, 43 x 30 cm, Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid, Spain. 

Addendum: No insult is intended as far as those who practice Wicca or Paganism. Differences  between them and Satan worship are explained here. The likes of Sanders and QAnon cultists don't know anything about Wicca and Paganism and I am sure think they all worship Satan. Of course this is not true (LINK).

Click above to enlarge

The Arkansas  federal funding as a share of total state revenue is 30.3%. Reference.

Satanic ritual abuse has been the subject of serious scholarship. Here's one such example from the Christian Research Institute website. ( See Wikipedia). Note that it was originally published in 2009 but updated in 2022.

The Hard Facts about Satanic Ritual Abuse

This was in VOX in 2021:

Why Satanic Panic never really ended

The collective fears that consumed the US in the 1980s and ’90s are still alive and well — all the way through QAnon and beyond.

February 10, 2023

Mocking Scream'n Greene: Like shooting fish in a barrel

Mocking Scream'n Greene: Like shooting fish in a barrel
By Hal Brown

I couldn't resist adding her shoes to my illustration:

I was not the first to make the comparison between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Cruella de Vil', not by a long shot. The jabs had to do with what she wore to the State of the Union address where she also screamed, not to her vocal outburst at the spy balloon briefing.

Here's an excerpt from the Raw Story article:

“When she got to ask questions, she was yelling out saying ‘bulls---’ and, you know, ‘I don’t believe you,’” said that lawmaker. “Just screaming and yelling, irrational in my estimation.”

I haven't read anything about what she wore to this. Since this was a confidential meeting and the media wouldn't be covering it she might not have bothered to wear her version of an attention grabbing clown suit or brought her I-spy-with-my-egotistical-eye balloon.

I use DuckDuckGo but of course you can use your preferred search engine.

Rather than provide links you can just do a web search and pick any stories you want to read. 

The Walt Disney Company is suing Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene for copyright infringement. The multi-media and theme park giant charges that the conservative politician knowingly infringed on their intellectual property, Cruella de Vil, and is suing for $150 million in damages.
That Disney might sue isn't as far-fetched as it may seem since the company is well known for taking trademark infringement very seriously. I haven't heard whether they are going after all those who used the Cruella DeVil images. Perhaps I will get nailed for using her in my blog illustration.

OnlySky Media's political pundit Andrew Canard posited an interesting speculation:

“I’m just waiting for the conspiracy theory that Greene is a plant funded by George Soros to destroy the GOP,” he said.

The State of the Union ranting led to people tweeting side by side images of her with this baboon.

There are numerous images of this particular not too distant relative of Marjorie Taylor Greene one could use for such comparisons:

   Here's another comparison. 

The person on the left is going to jail. Majorie Taylor Greene, as far as I know, has not requested conjugal visits. 

Below is Greene's idea of funny. What won't she do to get attention?

You can watch the video she posted on Twitter here. Note that she was having someone make the video so she knew damn well it would be picked up by the media.

Her balloon stunt triggered Lauren Boebert, her rival for the lunatic spotlight, into a reaction (reported on MSNBC)

I wonder how many Republicans are expressing of feeling the same sentiment as the one reported in this article:

According to one disgruntled GOP staffer, "I don’t think someone who looks and acts like a cartoon supervillain heckling the president on national television is the best representative of the Republican Party."

February 9, 2023

Trump's "real" State of the Union speech is a version of Where's Truth Waldo when there's no Waldo in the picture.

 Trump's "real" State of the Union speech is a version of Where's Truth Waldo when there's no Waldo in the picture.

By Hal Brown

CLICK above to enlarge. Hint: You can try but if you want to find Truth-telling Waldo, aka Trump and/or Sarah Sanders (do I need to mention Santos), because this is a beach with honest people lots  

of luck...

If you are reading this I very much doubt you watched Trump version of the response to President Biden's State of the Union address on NewsMax or looked at Truth Social. Of course, like me you may have held you nose when you saw this article on HUFFPOST and watched it from the link below:

Trump Gives 'Real State Of The Union' And Declares He's 'A Victim'

The former president turned his supposed rebuttal of Biden's speech into an acrid campaign rant.

Feb 8, 2023,

Trump, reading off a teleprompter, went on in a near monotone with his grating voice.

The first words out of Donald Trump's mouth were "here's the real state of the union" which if you think about it is an attack against Sarah Huckabee Sanders for presumably giving a speech about the unreal state of the union.

Occasionally he made an attempt to modulate his voice to the "this is horrible" level, for example when he said that "savage criminals and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime wave" which of course the blames on President Biden.

The man seems incapable of transitioning from his rabblerousing mostly extemporaneous speaking style used at his rallies to reading off a teleprompter. Without the energy he seems to suck out of his cheering cultists he seems benumbed.

Trump went on the say that the murder rate, thanks of course to Joe Biden, was the highest it has ever been, a claim that got a big FALSE on Snopes.

The reference to the weaponization Justice Department included what seemed to be a "poor me" plea for sympathy was "and I’m a victim of it — is persecuting his political opponents.”

According to Trump, Joe Biden's Justice Department is not only trying to indoctrinate our children but trying to mutilate them. It is unclear whether this is a reference to transexual surgery or the QAnon conspiracy that children are being killed to harvest adrenochrome, i.e. that  "liberal politicians and Hollywood "elites" are harvesting the blood of children to extract adrenochrome for its psychedelic and life-extending benefits. Reference.

If that's not bad enough he goes onto say Biden is trying to lead us to the brink of World War Three." Trump, lest we forget, has a secret plan for stopping this which is a no-brainer: stop helping Ukraine and make sure Russia wins the war. 

Wait for this bit of projection. This may be the best part. 

Trump accuses Biden of being the most corrupt president in history. He must have his own definition of the meaning of that word. It certainly doesn't fit what the dictionary says:    "having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain."

Of course Trump has good news. 

He says that "we're" going to reverse every crisis, calamity, and disaster caused by Joe Biden, using the royal "we" before saying, with a rare use of the first person singular, that "I'm running for president to end the destruction of our country to complete the unfinished business of making America great again."


Its far as lies, I could say the same thing about what Sarah "I can't believe she's a state governor" Sanders said in her official GOP rebuttal as far as a truth-check.

This is what I wrote about it yesterday:

She was all over the place with her emphasis on how horrible the Democrats are in promoting so-called "woke" policies and using the word freedom numerous times. Of course she's trying to gaslight everyone as if by describing the destruction of freedom as freedom it will make people question their own sanity. 

Just about every part of the anti-woke culture war is an attempt to take away freedom, from a woman's right to choose to the right to read what you want to read, to learning the truth about racism in America, to a person's gender identity choice. It's as if she thinks that the more she uses the word freedom she will distract from the fact that these anti-wokers want to subjugate those they disagree with.

Salon had a good article about it:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders roasted by hometown paper for SOTU response

Sanders' speech was called a "word salad of talking points and name calling

Sander's most mocked line was “The choice is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal and crazy.” For example the tweets shown in this article. 


CLICK above to enlarge

Trump's "real" State of the Union speech is a version of Where's Truth Waldo when there's no Waldo in the picture.

 Trump's "real" State of the Union speech is a version of Where's Truth Waldo when there's no Waldo in the picture.
By Hal Brown
CLICK above to enlarge. Hint: You can try but if you want to find Truth-telling Waldo, aka Trump and/or Sarah Sanders (do I need to mention Santos), because this is a beach with honest people lots  
of luck...

If you are reading this I very much doubt you watched Trump version of the response to President Biden's State of the Union address on NewsMax or looked at Truth Social. Of course, like me you may have held you nose when you saw this article on HUFFPOST and watched it from the link below:

Trump Gives 'Real State Of The Union' And Declares He's 'A Victim'

The former president turned his supposed rebuttal of Biden's speech into an acrid campaign rant.

February 8, 2023

The Sandra Sanders speech wasn't psychiatric word salad, it was deliberate gaslighting

 The Sandra Sanders speech wasn't psychiatric word salad, it was deliberate gaslighting
By Hal Brown, MSW

Those of us who watch MSNBC keep hearing terms like unhinged and untethered from reality, and today in the Raw Story article shown above (with my added picture) "word salad" is a term used to describe the GOP response Sarah Sanders gave to the State of the Union speech.

These terms tend to be used colloquially but many of them have counterparts in psychiatry. "Word salad" is one of them. Used to describe the Sanders rebuttal it is meant to be a mishmash of ingredients which, alas, for a chef would make a hard to stomach salad.

In psychiatry those who speak in a word salad are manifesting a symptom of a serious disorder.

word salad, or schizophasia, is a "confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases",[1] most often used to describe a symptom of a neurological or mental disorder. The term schizophasia is used in particular to describe the confused language that may be evident in schizophrenia.[2] The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but are semantically confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from them. The term is often used in psychiatry as well as in theoretical linguistics to describe a type of grammatical acceptability judgement by native speakers, and in computer programming to describe textual randomization.

In psychiatry

Word salad may describe a symptom of neurological or psychiatric conditions in which a person attempts to communicate an idea, but words and phrases that may appear to be random and unrelated come out in an incoherent sequence instead. Often, the person is unaware that he or she did not make sense. It appears in people with dementia and schizophrenia,[3] as well as after anoxic brain injury. In schizophrenia it is also referred to as schizophasia.[2] Clang associations are especially characteristic of mania, as seen in bipolar disorder, as a somewhat more severe variation of flight of ideas. In extreme mania, the patient's speech may become incoherent, with associations markedly loosened, thus presenting as a veritable word salad.

I am not saying that Sanders has a psychiatric disorder. This is more what she was doing, also from Wikipedia:

Deliberate use

Narcissistic word salad is a type of purposefully confusing speech, using circular reasoning, logical fallacies and other rhetorical devices to disorient and manipulate a person or group. Some antisocial and narcissistic people use it in gaslighting their targets.

She was all over the place with her emphasis on how horrible the Democrats are in promoting so-called "woke" policies and using the word freedom numerous times. Of course she's trying to gaslight everyone as if by describing the destruction of freedom as freedom it will make people question their own sanity. 

Just about every part of the anti-woke culture war is an attempt to take away freedom, from a woman's right to choose to the right to read what you want to read, to learning the truth about racism I'm America, to your gender identity choice. It's as if she thinks that the more she uses the word freedom she will distract from the fact that these anti-workers want to subjugate those they disagree with.

Here's a good article about her speech:

Republicans Respond to Biden: We’re Not Weird

Anybody miss me?


By Hal Brown

I can't answer the answer the question as to whether anyone noticed that I haven't posted a blog for about 36 hours. It's early evening here in Oregon. For two days I have been without Internet and television because Comcast/XFinity was supposedly upgrading our service.

My TV and Internet just came back on.

I listened to President Biden's State of the Union Address on the radio but missed out on being able to both hear and see the Republican maniacal screaming. I missed being able to hear what the MSNBC crew had to say.

I haven't had time to immerse myself in the news as I usually to early every morning to see if I am inspired to write something which I hope will be a more or less original opinion on a subject.

Lacking an actual opinion I might just create one or more illustrations like I did early in the morning before the Internet went down yesterday.

February 7, 2023

Who will really be standing behind Biden in the State of The Union Address

 Who will really be standing behind Biden in the State of The Union Address
By Hal Brown

It's supposed to be the House Speaker, but who will really be there symbolically as the real power in the House?

As far a McCarthy goes, he made his bed and now he has to sleep in it. I hope this takes away some of the glory he'd otherwise feel standing in a place of honor during the State of the Union Address.

I bet Greene wishes that she was selected to give the GOP response instead of Sarah Huckabee Sanders.


Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders will deliver the GOP’s response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night but viewers might want to do some fact-checking before taking anything she says at face value.

During Sanders’ two-year tenure as the press secretary for Donald Trump’s White House, stint as a Fox News commentator and new job as Arkansas’ Republican governor, Sanders has earned a reputation among her critics for lying with ease something she’s admitted under oath to doing and fiercely defending Trump’s most offensive behavior.

I wouldn't say that all, or even most, of the Republicans in the House of Representatives would benefit, indeed, that the country would benefit, from an assessment by psychiatrists to see if they'e be helped with treatment by major medications known to reduce delusional thing.

Psychiatrist who authored The Goldwater Rule says there are exceptions and Trump is one of them, by Hal M. Brown. MSW

Mental health professionals said Goldwater Rule be damned, it shouldn't apply to us when we warn about the danger of Donald Trump. This ...