Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts

July 20, 2024

The Democrats need to show the exit to all of these people. If Biden can't do it another candidate must. By Hal Brown, MSW


The costumed or normally attired MAGA's at the RNC and at Trump rallies and those in extremist groups like the man (below) used to illustrate the RawStory article Veteran newsman schools neo-Nazis: 'When I look at you guys, I do not think master race' must be shown the exit. If not our lives, our way of life depends on it.

Above is the photo RawStory used to illustrate their article.

You can read the article and watch the local TV station's video  where the reporter interviews the Neo-Nazis here. It shows a terrified little girl hiding behind her mother as she confronts the Neo-Nazis:

Compare the hand tattoos:

This is how the article concludes:

It was time for me to speak my truth.

"Can I be honest with you guys?"

"You're a loser, scumbag," Minadeo (a Neo-NAZI) responded.

"When I look at you guys, I do not think 'master race.'"

At that point, Boysheim (another Neo-NAZI) interjected, "You're old and about to die. Your time is coming to its end."

In fact, what I saw was a group of wounded, angry men who've never accomplished much in their own lives, looking for someone else to blame.

"You're worse than the Jews," Minedeo shouted.

Again, more of my truth: "I really feel sorry for you guys."

Boysheim shot back, "I don't give a f**k what you feel sorry for. You're going to be in a grave soon, you dumb f**king, sell-off boomer."

Minadeo chimed in, "F**k you, boomer."

As I walked away, I felt an overriding feeling of sadness.

These are really pathetic human beings.

They are the only ones who seem not to know it.

The two last sentences got to me because while these people are particularly pathetic human beings and do not know it, they are no more pathetic than all members of the MAGA movement who without really knowing what it means for the future of American democracy will say they believe in Project 2025. 

In fact if Trump is elected Project 2025 will be today's Mein Kampf.

By the time you read this we may already know whether Biden is going to step down. Hopefully he'll announce this decision at least by Monday so prominent Democrats and Republican anti-Trumpers who have considered him to be a weaker candidate than others can focus instead on wholehearteredly endorsing him.

He won't learn about my advice unless someone with a website that more than the few hundred who read my blog publishes something I write. For example, when we were watching the recent video of Biden walking up the stairs to Air Force One, my partner who sometimes says this to me said "if I were Jill and was by your side I'd be saying to you 'posture, honey, posture' perhaps adding it's only a few more steps until we get inside.'"

Meanwhile I hope that Biden makes the rational and right decision for democracy. For those who don't subscribe to The NY Times below is an excerpt from Maureen Dowd' column today, Lord Almighty, Joe, Let It Go!" I posted an excerpt:

Everyone wants Joe Biden gone.

Even the people who don’t want him gone really want him gone.

“Everyone’s waiting for Joe,” said one top Democrat. “And he’s sitting at home, stewing and saying, ‘What if? What if? What if?’ We’re doing things the Democratic way. We’re botching it.”

I have many happy memories of Rehoboth Beach. I went there growing up and have Proustian recollections of crispy French fries with vinegar sold on the Boardwalk. But now my gladdening images have been replaced by a maddening one: President Biden hunkered down in his house there, recovering from Covid, resisting talking to anyone who will tell him the truth, hoarsely yelling, “Get off my beach!” at the growing list of Democratic lawmakers and donors trying to warn him that he is pulling down his party and the country.

It makes me sad that Biden doesn’t see what’s inescapable: If he doesn’t walk away gracefully right now, he will likely go down as a pariah and ruin his legacy.

The race for the Oval today is between two delusional, selfish, stubborn old guys, and that’s a depressing state of affairs.

Dowd concludes:

Given that Biden said it would take the Lord Almighty to make him drop out, I have no doubt that Pelosi has been using their shared Catholic faith to guilt-trip the president into understanding the stakes, and what she thinks the Lord Almighty would want. Certainly, she might have said, she doesn’t like Trump claiming, as he did this week, that the Lord Almighty is on his side.

Really, what the Democrats need is a thrilling open convention, rather than a coronation. Trump just had one of those, after all.

Here's what Carl Bernstein had to say (reference):

One of the legendary reporters who chronicled the Watergate scandal says an irate President Joe Biden now recognizes he faces long odds to defeat former President Donald Trump — and could announce Monday that he's dropping out of the race. 

Carl Bernstein talked Friday night with CNN's Anderson Cooper on "AC360," and said, "the president himself has now moved from being what was called 'contemplative' about his situation to recognition that it's very unlikely that his candidacy can be sustained."

That's true of his family as well, Bernstein said. Even so, the president feels "angry" and "abandoned" by Democratic leaders, including and most vociferously toward Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)

Yesterday I wrote Newsom/Whitmer is a made for TV winning ticket. They possess the "it factor" here.

Click above to enlarge image.


October 1, 2023

Use the "SHINGLES DOESN'T CARE" model for Biden commercials


Click to view above commercial

By Hal Brown

Authors note: I dropped out of college at the start of my junior year where I was a psychology major and lived in New York City for two years. I thought I could put my knoweldge of psychology to good use working for an advertising to good use and make tons of money if I got a job with an ad agency. I'd heard a few people made it from a mailroom job to becoming a hotshot ad executive so I applied for one. I didn't get it.

A TV commercial for the heavily advertised shingles vaccine Shingrix came on just after I heard a news story about Trump on MSNBC. This is when I got the idea for my Sunday blog. 

These ads  may be played less frequently on Fox News considering how many anti-vaxxers watch that station as often as it is on MSNBC. I could be wrong since the anti-vaccination movement was mounted against the Covid vaccine and people who are against that vaccine for poltical reasons may have no problems with other vaccines.

From what I can tell the same actor narrates all of the commercials. He has a great authorative voice but his tag line "Shingles does care" is used though each commercial to a persuasive effect. 

The theme of each commercial is the same, telling viewers that no matter what they do thinking it will help them avoid shingles, shingles doesn't care.

No matter whether a viewer has seen the commercial before or not, the man has a fantastic voice for warning about the dire consequences of a disease. 

Since he may be under contract to do these commercials he probably won't be able to do other voice-over commercials, and I doubt the DNC could pay his as much as he now gets, but finding an actor like, an unknown or a famous one like Sam Elliott (left) with a similar  powerful baritone voice shouldn't be diffcult. Watch Sam Elliott talk about his voice to Steven Colbert here. The actor with the famous voice has already been featured in a Joe Biden ad aired during the MLB World Series which went viral. You can watch the one minute ad here.

I envision the depiction of problems in ordinary people's lives followed by tag line "Trump doesn't care" which would be used in each commercial that would have the most impact. 

It would be the most effective for those familiar with the Shingrix commercials. Those in the over 50 age group  are more likely to have seen them since they  probably are aired on shows with large audiences in that demographic.  

One part of the commercials could also deal with Covid and how Trump's not caring cost tens of thousands of lives and so much suffering. That would key right in with the disease idea.

Even for those who haven't seen the Shingrix ads the idea that you have been dealing with a major life problem and Trump doesn't care is the message that President Biden has to get across if he runs against him. If DeSantis is the candidate the same approach could be used, and with other GOP wannabe candidates it should be effective to varying degrees. 

The thrust of these commericals is a timeworn technique. Since the beginning of poltical advertising competing candidates have tried to convince voters they care more about them than their opponent does. By getting enough votes in the Electoral College this  is how Trump won. 

The end of the each commercial would feature a photo of Trump like this:

It would be followed by  a photo of Joe Biden like this:


This is what an article in Women's Health says about both the commercial and the disease (my bold):

Sometimes TV commercials, like the one with the Shock Top mascot who talks, are really funny. Sometimes they make you tear up (even Sarah McLachlan probably cries when her SPCA ad comes on). And sometimes they're just plain gross. Anyone seen that shingles commercial running all over cable lately? Cuz it's pretty impossible to ignore.

So what is shingles? The quick and dirty is that it’s a painful rash that pops up when the varicella zoster virus—the cause of chicken pox—reactivates in your body, says Sam Altstein, doctor of osteopathy, an assistant professor of family medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates about 10 to 20 percent of us will develop it at some point in our lives. Great.

If you’re infected, small red bumps appear all over a specific part of one side of your body. And these can transform into blisters, which eventually dry up into scabs, he says. The rash hurts, too—compare the pain to that of a sunburn, says Altstein.

If you're reading this you don't want to get shingles and you don't want to get Donald Trump as the next president of the United States.

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