Showing posts with label Trump House speaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump House speaker. Show all posts

October 5, 2023

On Trump becoming temporary speaker of the House: Give him the gavel and here come da judge.

 On Trump becoming temporary Speaker of the House.

By Hal Brown 

Here's a screen grab of Trump's Truth Social truth, because if he puts onine you know it's the truth.
Click to enlagre (stays on this page)

Trump is hinting or perhaps hurling the idea like wet spaghetti at the wall to see if it sticks, that he'd be willing to act as a temporary, i.e. short term,  Speaker of the House until a new one is selected. 

I don't know if this is meant to be a publicity grabbing stunt or if he'd really do it. Given his ego he just might. 

It would be problematic in that he'd have to go to work whenever the House was in session. This could put a crimp in his style. Sure he'd be in the spotlight but presumably he'd have to try to make the Republicans in the Houselook good. This would be akin to getting 221 one legged squirrels on meth trying to march in formation to a common destination.

Rather than a gavel he might need a .50 cal. machine gun to keep the GOP House in line.

He might take the job solely because for a change he could be the gavel wielding judge and bang his gavel on Democrats. 

Watch classic Laugh-In Sammy Davis Jr. clip above

If he was temporary Speaker he'd probably make the news but he couldn't feed off the energy of his cult crowds at rallies even though Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks otherwise:
Click to enlarge, does not go to X

Since she dreams of running with Trump, his winning, and then his meeting a convenient death, I wonder if her first executive action as president would be to allow her to bring her gun collection into the White House.


On Trump becoming temporary speaker of the House: Give him the gavel and here come da judge.
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