Frank Figluizzi,who served as assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, posted a photo of someone painting a wall at the FBI Academy on BlueSky (here) which lists operativenss, fairness, compassion, integrity, initative, respect, and stability as some of the core values of the agency. It also lists diversity.The photo was published in The Washington Post article
This coincides with news that senior FBI agents are being fired across the country.
What I wondered about was just who decided this wall was offensive because it had one word, diversity, on it which would offend Kash Patel when he saw it. I think the bottom word is Constitution which would also be unacceptable to the likes of Patel and Trump.
It occurred to me that somebody with authority thought that they could curry favor with Kash Pateland Trump if they took credit for getting rid of it. I thought this was like a foot soldier in the Mafia making their bones by carrying out a hit for the capos. I bet they have a smile on their face today and are waiting for their reward.
I thought this was akin to ordinary Germans, an adult or a child, reporting a Jewish family they knew of to the Gestapo. Germans proved how loyal they were by being accessories to murder. I have no doubt that they were rewarded when they informed on Jews. In Holland citizens were paid a bounty for informing on Jews.
No Americans will be sent to a concentration camp and die in a gas chamber, starved, or worked to death because of the quest to root out DEI from the government. They won't exactly be like those who were called "willing executioners" in Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, the 1996 book by American writer Daniel Goldhagen. Not exactly, but how many of them would have been like Hitler's willing executioners?
People are being incentivized to report those they think are DEI hires. In this effort to purge the federal government of all DEI hires, people will loss their jobs, their lives will be disrupted, they and their families will suffer.
As a result of proving their loyalty and zeal, lower members of the MAGA mafia move up to positions of having more power.
I made screen grabs of parts of the Mission Page on the FBI website because it has the word diversity on it, and also includes on the very top upholding the Constitution and, under priories, protection of civil rights.
Diversity is on the bottom of the list of core values. How long it will take before it is sucked into the black hole of Trump's lsy for revenge remains to be seen. I'll keep up on this and let readers know.Something else that may disappear from an FBI website is on the FBI Selection page. Below is a list of the disqualifiers. Note what is listed at number three.
Click to enlarge
Having knowingly or willfully engaged in acts designed to overthrow the U.S. goverment would disqualify anyone who was part of J6. There's nothing there about them having been pardoned. I wonder if this will be dropped as a disqualifier and J6 insurrentionists will end up as FBI agents.This could mean that Oath Keeper leader Stewart Rhodes might become an FBI agent as long as his disability, having lost an eye, wouldn't make him a DEI hire.
He could end up as a member of the FBI SWAT team.
The FBI under Kash Patel will become a modern day Gestapo as it tracks down members of "the deep state."
Instead of the small caliber Walther PPK (above) the Gestapo carried, they carry full-size Glock 17 and compact Glock 19 pistols in 9mm. Regular agents can be backed up by FBI SWAT teams with assault rifles when they make arrests. Wait for the photo ops.
I bet Kash Patel can't wait to have an FBI badge and a Glock on his belt as he struts into the FBI building (which I doubt will be turned into a museum) with his protection detail.
Here are some of the replies to Frank Figluzzi's BlueSky post (click to enlarge them):
Updates: Read this by Andrew Weissmann.
Not all of the DEI scrubbing makes the headlines. Consider: