Showing posts with label Tony Soprano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tony Soprano. Show all posts

September 15, 2023

Kevin McCarthy is no Tony Soprano. (He's also not Hadleyville Marshall Will Kane.)


By Hal Brown

Update: These two images also illustrate my point.

As a Sopranos fan I had a reaction to the Raw Story article below:

House GOP near 'the Godfather II stage' where 'the whole family kills each other': Republican lawmaker

Excerpt (my bold added):

Infighting among House Republicans has gotten so intense that some members are drawing analogies from classic mobster movies to describe it.

One unnamed congressional Republican told Semafor this week that relations among his colleagues may have reached "the Godfather II stage” where “the whole family kills each other.”

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), meanwhile, explicitly compared House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to TV mob boss Tony Soprano, in that "everybody thinks they’re going to kill him and he comes out alive."

Somehow I don't see McCarthy as a Tony Soprano taking care of family business, but who knows, maybe everything will turn out ducky for him. If you watched the Sopranos you know about Tony and the ducks in his swimming pool, and his killing member of his Mafia crew Fabian Petrulio.

Click above to watch final High Noon scene

I just don't see McCarthy coming out the victor, even if he puts on his best "don't piss me off" Mafioso face, can throttle the life force out of those who dare cross him, or shoots it out with his enemies at high noon

He's not Tony Soprano and he's not Marshall Kane. He can't even be sure he'll be Marshall of the House next week.

As far as I know McCarthy doesn't smoke cigars, but now that the GOP has allowed smoking in the House maybe if he wants to instill fear in his caucus he should take it up in Tony Soprano style.

Just because he can talk like a gangsta doesn't make him a gangsta.

Hair of the dog, anybody? I have discovered who some of the FoxNews morning audience are. By Hal M. Brown

Above is a photo I took this morning of a commercial aired on FoxNews. It is for Redneck Rivera Whiskey. It costs $25 a bottle. This is how ...