Showing posts with label House Speaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House Speaker. Show all posts

October 5, 2023

Trump posts unprecedented all-caps call for help in extraordinary wee hours post


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Trump posts unprecedented  all-caps call for help in extraordinary wee hours post

By Hal Brown

This was the article in Raw Story today:

Here's the Truth Social post referred to:
Clicking above to enlarge does not go to Truth Social

If you wonder if Letitia James was right in saying Trump was making racist baiting comments (read article) consider that he calls her a racist and then refers to her as Peekaboo James. Here's Mrs. Betty Bowers' explanation as to why that term is racist:

Clicking to enlarge does not go to X

Trump's using the term peek-a-boo, however he spells, it makes no sense since it refers to a game played with a young child, which involves hiding behind something and suddenly reappearing, saying “peekaboo.” 

Trump, who by the way is White, regularly calls Letitia Jones, who lest you haven't noticed (he certainly has) is Black, a racist. Am I going out on a limb to suggest that any White person who calls a Black person a racist is very likely to be a racist themselves?

As I write this on "Morning Joe" the panel is disucssing Trump's remark about migrants "poisoning the blood of our country" which can be taken as racist in that it can refer to people who aren't White having babies with White people. Read Did Trump Echo Hitler with Remark About Migrants: 'Poisoning the Blood of Our Country'?

Meanwhile back into the dark recesses of Trump brain, beware all ye that dare to enter there, we can justifiably ask ourselves why he went from his usual attack and revenge mode into his all-caps exclamation point "HELP!".

The wall between Trump conscious mind and his unconscious where his alien anxiety provoking fears reside is almost as formidable and imprenetrable as he pretends his US/Mexico wall was.

Trump, as I have pointed our many times, is actually a human being. While his personalty dynamics are unusual, like anyone he has a breaking point. He is currently under more stress than he's ever been. Everyone uses psychological defense mechanisms to protect themselves from their fears. Not to detract from this blog with details (you can read about defense mechanisms in many articles with a web search here) denial is the least healthy and the most primitive. 

Many pundits note he uses projection all of the time but my sense is that he does this to some extent deliberately and to provoke a reaction. Denial is always unconscious. 

When there are cracks in the dike of denial you can see some leakage. 

Trump could be like the Little Dutch Boy trying to plug that leak.

Of course if there's a small leak in a dike or dam it's imperative to plug it in time. However, this doesn't always work.
If Trump's dam is failing what we can expect to observe is an increase in his demonstrating self-defeating behavior and his expressing thoughts that seem weird and nonsensical like, for a recent example, ranting about preferring to be electrocuted rather than eaten by a shark.

Addendum/Update on Trump becoming temporary Speaker of the House.

Click above to go to Fox News article

Perhaps by total coincidence Trump used the word "help" but in lower case in another post today:

Click to enlagre (stays on this page)

Here he is hinting that he'd be willing to act as a temporary, i.e. short term,  Speaker of the House until a new one is selected. I don't know if this is meant to be a publicity grabbing stunt or if he'd really do it. Given his ego he just might. It would be problematic in that he'd have to go to work and in addition to hogging the spotlight he'd have try to make the Republicans look good whenever the House was in session.

He might take the job so for a change he could be the gavel wielding judge and bang his gavel on Democrats. 

Watch classic Laugh In Sammy Davis Jr. clip

If he was temporary Speaker he'd probably make the news but he couldn't feed off the energy of his cult crowds at rallies even thought Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks otherwise:
Click to enlarge, does not go to X

First he offered his help to his dear friends in the GOP House, and then he asked for help from, I'm not sure, God perhaps. 


On Trump becoming temporary speaker of the House: Give him the gavel and here come da judge.
Hal Brown
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Trump posts unprecedented all-caps call for help in extraordinary wee hours post
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