January 25, 2025

Rachel Maddow, there's nothing remotely amusing about Trump. By Hal M. Brown


I intended to write about my negative reaction to some of the hosts and guests on MSNBC laughing or expressing any kind of amusement when they talk about Trump or his minions. I don't want to pick on Rachel Maddow in particular, but she seems to be the worst offender. Others like Lawrence O'Donnell, Michelle Wallace, and Ali Velshi report on Trump and what he is doing with gravity. But Rachel seem to have a kind of nervous reaction sometimes, not all of the time, when she laughs or chuckles when reporting on Trump and his cadre.

Then I saw this on BlueSky.

I skimmed the article in The Independent (here), and made this reply on BlueSky:

There is nothing remotely amusing about Trump and about what he is doing. He is hell-bent on turning the country into a ruthless dictatorship as soon as possible.  Nobody on MSNBC should crack a smile when they talk about him even if they are reporting on some of his faux pas. 

Trump just admitted he watches Rachel Maddow and that what she says it getting to him.

I am open to considering that Rachel's approach is acceptable just because however she comes across get under Trump's thin skin. I measure this possiblity against how it effects her audience. I think of the impact Walter Chronkite had when he came out against the VietNam War.  

It is time for Rachel to say she isn't going to crack so much as a hint of a smile until the menace of MAGA is gone.

I think the peril of Trump will begin to sink in. It may take more reporting on children cowering in fear and crying when ICE agents manhandle their parents who are in chains when they are loaded onto airplanes.

Trump hates not to be taken seriously. I am not suggesting he shouldn't be mocked, at least not yet.  However, this should be left to late night comics, but I anticpate a time when even they will realize there is nothing left about him to make fun of. 

Cartoonists often mock their subjects but before long I will see them drawing images like this published featuring Hitler.

People need relief from their worries about what is happening to our country. They need to find things to distract them from their anxiety. This  is healthy. But they also should learn to accept that their way of life, their very freedom not to live in fear of the government, is in dire jeopardy. It is counter-productive if they see people on MSNBC ,and perhaps CNN, trying to make light of what Trump and his minions are doing.

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January 24, 2025

Get ready for Tsar Trump the Terrible, by Hal M. Brown

Sabrina Haake's Substack "Haake Take" today A king pardons his army: J6 was a rehearsal. By pardoning the most violent among them, Trump has begun recruitment for the real event prompted me to make a comment.Then I realized this would be a good topic for my own Substack. I added a bit to it and added an illustration.

Okay, I'll "go there" (none of us are are inhibited by Godwin's Law thanks to Trump) and suggest the following.

If Hitler, during the mid-thirties, announced to the world that he planned to invade and subjugate Europe, Endland, and Russian as part of his 1000 Year Reich and initiate the Holocaust to wipe out Jewery, I'd like believe the world would have taken him more seriously than it did. Maybe FDR wouldn't have kept the United States out of the war because of isolationist sentiment until Pearl Harbor and millions of lives would have been spared.

While Trump denied that he knew anything about Project 2025, his actions show that he aspires to be a ruthless dictator. King is too kind a word, unless you want to liken him to Henry VIII or the less known kings, Leopold II of Belgium and Æthelred the Unready.

If Trump lacked empathy it would be bad enough. He gets off on inflicting pain on others. This is sadism.

We know what he has in his mind. In 2017 he told police not to be careful not to injure suspects when they put them into the back of their car.

While addressing a crowd of law enforcement officers in July 2017, Trump did advise police not to be "too nice" with people in custody and encouraged officers to stop protecting peoples' heads when they're handcuffed and ducking to get into squad cars. Snopes

He's asked about shooting migrants trying to cross the Rio Grande below the waist. Of course with assualt rifles these wounds would often be lethal and wondered about putting alligators in the river.

This is kind of brutality that is in Trump's mind.

Listen up, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, when you shoot at the police wearing body armor, this is where to aim. (As an aside, police will be shooting back and if they try this Trump can't pardon them if they break state laws - at least not yet.)

Rather than saying Trump aspires to be king, among the other actual titles for rulers to use besides this, are emperor and tsar (or czar). I like the latter because of the Russian connection. I'm thinking of Ivan the Terrible, the first man to rule all of Russia as tsar. If we start to say Trump wants to be a tsar we can begin to call him Tsar Trump the Terrible.

Here's a little about Tsar Ivan:

He created a vicious private army and spent the rest of his life merrily murdering people, ransacking churches, and terrifying Russians everywhere. He attacked one of his own cities, Novgorod, slaughtering its citizens and ransacking everything, killing an estimated 12,000 innocent people. He also launched several ill-advised military campaigns that crippled Russia's treasury and reputation. When Ivan died of a stroke in 1584, Russia was mostly relieved. Reference.

Unfortunately Zsar Trump the Terrible is not a three word alliteration because of the soft T sound in tsar, but it does have a menacing ring to it.

I post my Substacks (formerly blogs) on several platforms. They are on Substack where, if you want to submit your email, you can be notified of all new blog posts. They are on HalBrown.org. They are also on Stressline.org I also post them on Medium because this enables them to be easily found on internet searches.

January 23, 2025

How Trump's grandiose narcissism can help turn around the dark days of democracy's death, by Hal M. Brown


As we enter the dark days of democracy's death there are several positive things I can think about Trump's grandiose narcissism that can derail his quest to establish his ruthlessly cruel dictatorship. The obvious one is that some of his plans will fail so egregiously that some of his supporters in Congress will turn against him. Then, by the next election the Democrats may win control of one or both houses of Congress.

There's something else that can happen much more rapidly.

This is that he will frequently make himself available to be questioned in person by members of the Washington press corps. 

In his feverish juggernaut to undo everything Biden did he's already withdrawn from The World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Accords. He eliminated Biden's cap on some prescription drug prices.

These are all things that even some of his supporters don't support. They need to see how he justifies these actions and others.  This is where his willingness, even his eagerness, to face reporters comes in.

He's a narcissistic showboater. He loves to be on TV and thinks he so much smarter than anyone that he doesn't think it's possible for a reporter from what he calls "the fake press" to ask a gotcha question that he can't come up with a convincing answer to.

Consider, though, his feeble response to a question from NBC's Peter Alexander:

Alexander asked, “You would agree that it’s never acceptable to assault a police officer?“

Trump answered ”sure."

Alexander followed up: “Among those you pardoned was D.J. Rodriguez. He drove a stun gun into the neck of an officer who was abducted by the mob that day. He later confessed on video to the FBI and pleaded guilty for his crimes. Why does he deserve a pardon?”

Trump said: “Well, I don’t know. Was it a pardon? Because we are looking at commutations and we’re looking at pardons.”

Alexander said that it was a pardon.

Trump responded “OK, well we’ll take a look at everything,” 

Then Trump then went off-topic, falsely claiming that murderers in some cities “aren’t charged. But I can say this: Murderers today are not even charged. You have murderers that aren’t charged, all over. You take a look at what’s gone on in Philadelphia. You take a look at what’s gone off in L.A., where people murder people and they don’t get charged.”

Alexander's question was well-crafted because it set Trump up to contradict his vice president. He was also able to say that Rodriguez was pardoned and didn't recieve clemency.

The next time Trump goes before the press hopefully he will be asked how he justifies actions like being one of the few nations not signing the climate accords, which even China  and Russia signed along with 194 countries and the EU are a part of.  He should be asked how he explains pulling out of WHO, which also has 194 members. He should be asked to summarize what WHO has done and what its role is in public health.

On the subject of health, he should be asked that now that he's undone Biden's prescription cost cutting what he'd say to the millions of seniors that now have to choose between life saving medication and paying the rent.

On deportation, I'd like to see him asked what he would say to young children children terrifed and confused because they, and their parents who are in chains, are being led onto an airplane or vehicles to be deported (below).

What would Trump say if he was asked whether he'd authorize the military using lethal force to stop people trying to cross the border who posed no threat to them? Consider:

Frustrated with a record number of people seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border this spring, President Donald Trump at one point asked in a private meeting with close aides whether the U.S. could shoot migrants below the waist to slow them down. Reference.

If he offered this as an answer the reporter should be prepared to explain that bullets from assault rifles are so powerful that even shots in the legs, let along to the abdomen, are often lethal.

If Trump is still threatening military action against Greenland and Panama reporters can ask how far Trump would go authorizing the military to use their massive firepower against our allies. Both countries have a right to self-defense and the United States would be an aggressor. Trump should be reminded of this if this subject is brought up.

The hits keep coming. 

Yesterday Trump pardoned the creator of a Dark Web website serving for charges which included selling narcotics. Trump needs to be asked how he justifies this and what message it sends to other criminals trafficking in narcotics.

Trump realizing that he looks inept with his defensive and ridiculous answers to reporters questions wouldn't be in his nature. This aspect of his narcissism would be good for us. The more he goes before reporters who won't be intimidated by him the better.

Of c0urse it is possible that Trump will revoke the press conference privileges of anyone who poses difficult questions. This is where all the objective media have to act as one. If any of them are denied press privileges they should all engage in a well-publicized boycott. This would leave only a few reporters from Trump-world media in a near-empty room. They would pose softball questions and viewership would go way down.

As long as Trump, who loves conflict with adversaries as long as he convinces himself he always is the winner, the public will have a chance to hear how he rationalizes, justifies, avoids, and goes off on irrelevant tangents, to make his transgressions, some of which go beyond stupid to being downright cruel, look not just great, but glorious. For Trump, it's just no fun unless everyone sees his cruelty.

I post my Substacks (formerly blogs) on several platforms.  They are on Substack where, if you want to submit your email, you can be notified of all new blog posts. They are on HalBrown.org. They are also on Stressline.org  I also post them on Medium because this enables them to be easily found on internet searches.

January 22, 2025

Trump attacks bishop for her sermon at National Prayer Service saying to "have mercy" on his constituents, specifically naming LGBTQ people and immigrants and Gays for Trump is still online, by Hal M. Brown

I'm surprised that Trump didn't call the bishop who called on him to be compassionate a Devil worshipper. This is the man who couldn't be bothered to place his hand on two Bibles held by his wife when he was sworn in to be president. Perhaps he thought that if he took the oath without his hand on the Bibles it didn't count.

Here's the background person who Trump called a so-called bishop:

Mariann Edgar Budde (born December 10, 1959) is an American prelate of the Episcopal Church. She has served as Bishop of Washington since November 2011. Before being elected Washington's first female diocesan bishop, she served 18 years as rector of St. John's Episcopal Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Wikipedia

Here's more from Wiki:

In June 2020, amid the George Floyd protests in Washington, DC, Budde criticized the use of police and National Guard troops to forcibly clear protestors from the grounds of Lafayette Square ahead of President Donald Trump's pose for a photo op in front of St. John's Church, enabling its use "as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus."[9][10][11][12]

On January 21, 2025, the day after the Trump's second inauguration as president, Budde delivered the homily at the interfaith prayer service traditionally held at the Washington National Cathedral after each presidential inauguration.[2][13]Also in attendance were the new Vice President, JD Vance, House Speaker Mike Johnson, and Pete Hegseth, Trump's nominee for defense secretary.[13][14][15][16][17] In the sermon, Budde addressed Trump, who was sitting in the first pew, urging him to show mercy and compassion to vulnerable people.[15][2] saying: "Millions have put their trust in you. And as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy on the people in our country who are scared now."[18][19] Budde specifically cited the LGBTQ+ communities, immigrants, and refugees fleeing from war in their countries.[2][15]

Trump responded by personally disparaging Budde, calling her a "so-called Bishop" and "Radical Left hard line Trump hater" on his social media profile Truth Social.[20][21] Trump called the service "very boring" and demanded an apology from her.[13] Trump allies also attacked Budde; evangelical pastor Robert Jeffress condemned the bishop for having "insulted rather than encouraged our great president"[13] while Republican congressman Mike Collins said that Budde (who is a U.S. citizen) "should be should be added to the deportation list."[22]

This is the Truth Social post that has made the news about this: 

This is what Trump posted:

The so-called Bishop who spoke at the National Prayer Service on Tuesday morning was a Radical Left hard line Trump hater. She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart. She failed to mention the large number of illegal migrants that came into our Country and killed people. Many were deposited from jails and mental institutions. It is a giant crime wave that is taking place in the USA. Apart from her inappropriate statements, the service was a very boring and uninspiring one. She is not very good at her job! She and her church owe the public an apology! t

This Newsweek article has a video of what Trump said when asked what he thought of it:

Donald Trump Hits Out at Bishop Who Confronted Him: 'Very Ungracious'

Excerpt: Trump criticized the service, calling it "boring and uninspiring," and demanded an apology from Budde and her church.

I won't go into Trump who hasn't had a gracious moment in his life calling the bishop ungracious.

Here's an article about this with a video:

I have no way to determine how many members of the LGBTQ+ community support Trump or are members of Gays for Trump. I don'reven know if the organization even exists as an organization per se. Here's the Wikipedia page about it.

What I do know is that Gays for Trump has this actively updated website praising Trump.
Here's a sample:
There may be something seriously mentally wrong with gay people who are able to twist their minds into some kind of pretzel so thay can support a president who ran on, among other things considered woke, being anti LGBTQ+. Perhaps they think that they are superior to trans people who bore the brunt of Trump's attacks. If so all I can say with distain for them is "nice" followed by /s (see what this means).

I post my Substacks (formerly blogs) on several platforms.  They are on Substack where, if you want to submit your email, you can be notified of all new blog posts. They are on HalBrown.org. They are also on Stressline.org  I also post them on Medium because this enables them to be easily found on internet searches.

January 21, 2025

My Washington Post subscription cancellation just got a temporary reprieve. It's still on probation. By Hal M. Brown


There he was. Jeff Bezos, the owner of both Amazon and The Washington Post, along with Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and the less familiar owner of Google, Sundar Pichai, in Billionaires Row at the inauguration. 

If he only owned Amazon, all things considered with Trump's affection for oligarchs, it would make sense for him to be there. However, my outrage is that he owns one of the two most important and influential newspapers in the country. He's the one who spiked the editorial board's endorsement of Kamala Harris and a cartoon by Ann Telnais which was highly critical of him and these Trump butt kissing oligarchs. 

The owner of a newspaper, any newspaper, does not belong as a guest at the inauguration of a president. 

Rupert Murdoch was there, but -- well -- of course he was there. Jeff Bezos does not own a propaganda rag. I wonder if they talked to each other. If they did I'd like to see a photo.

I still have my subscription to The Washington Post. I have been vacillating on whether or not to keep it. I'd like to send my own infintensibly small message. However, I still find that it has opinion columnists who I admire, for example Alexandra Petre, Eugene Robinson, Phillip Bump, Catherine Rampell, Karen Tumely, Jonathan Capehard, and Ruth Marcus.

 (I have subscribed to Jennifer Rubin, who resigned in protest, and Norm Eisen's Substack "The Contratian.") They have put together a group of lesser known excellent opinion writers. I can only read so much so I can see a time when I do cancel my subscription.

This is what The Washington Post website looked like this morning:

Scrolling down to look at the opinion section this Editorial Board opinion is what I was eager to read. I was surprised that it wasn't on top of the opinion section. A column about Trump's crypto coin scheme is hardly more important than the opinion of the editorial board.

You can click above to enlarge the image.

I thought "okay, Bezos and Post, this is your last chance with me." I wanted to see if this was an exercise in Trump ass-kissing. It wasn't. Quite the opposite, it was an objective critical analysis. If you are one of who I expect are the few subscribers reading this you can read it here.

Some of the piece was straight reporting describing what Trump said. Below is the excerpt which was critical of Trump.

Trump on Monday also planned to sign a dizzying array of troubling executive orders. His administration will seek to end birthright citizenship in an attempt to empower his government to deport people living illegally in the United States who have citizen children, an affront to the 14th Amendment. He declared an emergency at the southern border to authorize sending troops there, and he will reinstate the “remain in Mexico” policy from his first administration, which forced asylum seekers to wait in squalid and dangerous tent cities south of the U.S. border as their claims were processed. Together, these policies threaten to do great harm, not only to migrants and their families but also to the American economy.

For the second time, Trump plans to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord, again making it one of the only countries in the world not party to the global commitment to reduce carbon emissions. He also positioned himself in favor of loosening barriers to carbon-emitting projects, promising to “drill, baby, drill.” At the same time, he made clear his active opposition to clean energy. He was expected to pause all offshore wind leases, a step that might portend a broader ban, which would stop the United States from competing in this burgeoning industry.

It pays to remember that there is a limit to what any president can accomplish immediately. Trump’s attempt to end birthright citizenship, for instance, will face strong court challenges, because the concept is written into the Constitution. His “remain in Mexico” policy can work only with cooperation from Mexico. And though Trump might no longer be subject to the moderating pressure that comes from wanting to be reelected, he is not immune to political reality. His legacy and his party’s future electoral success will depend not only on what he can manage to get done in the next four years — but also on how popular those accomplishments will be.

If you look at the illustration on the top of this page you will see this in the lower corner:

I wouldn't have seen this because it was in the Letters to the Editor section and it was nowhere on the main website page. 
All of the letters, with the exception of the last one, were highly critical of Trump. This is what that one said:

Weather forecast: scattered storms, mostly sunny for the next four years.

Tom CutrofelloWoodside, New York

Some of the letters were long. Here's a shorter one which was critical of Trump:

If voters had been taking Donald Trump seriously all along, they would not be surprised by how he hit his targets with absolute precision in both speeches Monday. Either folks have been in denial that he is the authoritarian he said he would be on Day 1, or they are okay with it. Either way, it’s a poor outcome for the United States, and for our democratic republic. Mary KollerGrand Haven Michigan

I found them because of the message on my computer screen. If I didn't get this I doubt I would have found them since they aren't anywhere on the main page. If you can find them click here and let me know where they are.

Today my subscription to The Washington Post is on probation. It still has many opinion columnists I like to read, for example Alexandra Petri, Eugene Robinson, Phillip Bump, Catherine Rampell, Karen Tumelty, Jonathan Capehard, and Ruth Marcus. If Bezo tries to make the paper into "The Trump Tribune" I expect more of their writers will quit and then I'll be cancelling my subscription. I'll keep my NY Times subscription and perhaps use the savings to subscribe to The Atlantic, Forbes, or Rolling Stone.

I post my Substacks (formerly blogs) on several platforms.  They are on Substack where, if you want to submit your email, you can be notified of all new blog posts. They are on HalBrown.org. They are also on Stressline.org  I also post them on Medium because this enables them to be easily found on internet searches.


Hair of the dog, anybody? I have discovered who some of the FoxNews morning audience are. By Hal M. Brown

Above is a photo I took this morning of a commercial aired on FoxNews. It is for Redneck Rivera Whiskey. It costs $25 a bottle. This is how ...