Showing posts with label scared puppy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scared puppy. Show all posts

August 6, 2023

Does SuperTrump have Mommy, Daddy, and Even Puppy Issues?



"I purposely didn’t comment on Nancy Pelosi’s very weird story concerning her husband, but now I can because she said something about me, with glee, that was really quite vicious. 'I saw a scared puppy,' she said, as she watched me on television, like millions of others, that didn’t see that. I wasn’t 'scared.' Nevertheless, how mean a thing to say! She is a Wicked Witch whose husbands journey from hell starts and finishes with her. She is a sick & demented psycho who will someday live in HELL!"

By Hal Brown

We know exactly what Trump was doing this morning at 5:37. We also know what he wasn't doing. He wasn't chillaxing with a cup of coffee and and watching Fox News hosts fawning over him and blasting his enemies. See the two articles below:

Link to first story above /// Link to second story

It doesn't require a graduate degree in psychology to figure out that if Trump really wasn't scared he would simply have ignored what Nancy Pelosi said about him looking like a scared puppy.

Trump wants the public to see him as a superhero, a macho-man, as demonstrated by his electonic card collection. He has a particular affection for identifying with Superman.

The History of Trump Pretending to Be Superman


Lex Luthor is based on Trump, but that hasn’t kept him from repeatedly posing as the Man of Steel (New York Magazine, 12/27/22).

We might ask what Freud would say about this were he around to analyze The Man of Steel's feelings about his adoptive parents. 

Whether Trump has a "mother-thing" (Freud had other terminology to explain this) for Nancy Pelosi is open to speculation. She certianly has triggered him before.

If you search Trump Pelosi on DuckDuckGo these are the first two articles:

This top article is from Dec. 23, 2019 in The Guardian while all of the other articles are about the "scared puppy"comment.

Click above to read
Remember this (photo featured in The Guardian artilce):

It isn't only Nancy Pelosi who sets Trump off on rants. For example, so does the recently emboldened Mike Pence (I wrote about his transformation on Aug.. 4th here):

Perhaps Trump has both Mommy and Daddy issues. For that matter, he may also have puppy issues.  Freud was a dog lover and it's been written that he was the first to use dogs as an adjunct to therapy. However, he never addressed the role pets have in our psyche in his psychoanalytic works. 

Click to read article

It is well known that Trump broke the presidential tradtion of having pets in the White House: see: Trump family breaks with presidential pet tradition.

Trump was aksed about this: 

Trump explains why he is the only president in 100 years to not have a dog

The president also said the idea of adopting a dog seems a bit 'phony' to him

 “I wouldn’t mind having one, honestly, but I don’t have any time. How would I look walking a dog on the White House lawn?"
Trump wasn't too busy during his presidency to play golf and be SuperTrump hero worshipped at Mar-a-Lago but he didn't have time to even have a dog in the White House, not that he'd even have to care for it. How would he look walking a dog on the White House lawn? He'd look like millions of other dog lovers, that's how.

Perhaps Baron wanted a dog. We may never know unless Baron writes his memoirs. According to reports it was Melania who came up with the idea of highlighting the heroism of the combat dog  Conan, so it's possible she is a dog lover.

So far the only person who has known Trump personally and written in depth with honesty and insight about his personality is his niece Mary Trump. In the future we may learn more. If Melania Trump wants to write a book in the future, perhaps after she's divorced him or he has died, she'd be assured a record breaking book deal and sell far more copies than  the aprox 1.1 million "The Art of the Deal" did. After all, Mary Trump's book outsold Art of the Deal in just one week.

Publishing books by mental health experts analyzing Trump has become a cottage industry. The ultimate best-selling and most accurate book would be co-authored by Melania Trump and Mary Trump.


When trying to determine the mental state of Donald Trump one has to pay attention to what he says. For example in yesterday's shower speech::

Psychiatrist who authored The Goldwater Rule says there are exceptions and Trump is one of them, by Hal M. Brown. MSW

Mental health professionals said Goldwater Rule be damned, it shouldn't apply to us when we warn about the danger of Donald Trump. This ...