December 7, 2024

There won't be a mea culpa big enough for those trying to normalize Trump if you're wrong. This means you, Jon Stewart. By Hal M. Brown


This RawStory article, "Trump's plan to jam through appointments enters new 'extreme' phase: says expert" prompted me to react.


The plan already being discussed among a group of House Republicans involves Trump dismissing the Senate “against its will,” which would allow him to stack the government with whomever he chooses in the resulting "recess," wrote Akhil Reed Amar, a constitutional law professor at Yale University. 

“This is flagrantly unlawful,” he told readers in an op-ed published Friday in The Atlantic. Even more than that, Amar said the threat from House Republicans should be exposed as “an autocratic move that is not just unlawful but contemptuous of constitutionalism.”

The scheme, according to the Yale professor, would see House Republicans manufacture an “illusory” disagreement to spark the president’s adjournment power.

“First, the House of Representatives would pass a resolution calling for a recess,” he wrote. “The Senate would then (in all likelihood) refuse to pass the resolution. Trump would then declare the houses to be in ‘disagreement’ and adjourn both houses for as long as he likes.”

The "recess-appointments spree" would ensue from there, Amar said.

He noted the other Washington maneuver gaining traction that Trump could pull to get his nominations through the finish line – through a Senate vote to recess itself after the incoming president’s inauguration, “allowing him to unilaterally make a series of ‘recess’ appointments.”

“That plan may formally be legal, but it is plainly improper,” Amar wrote.

My reaction:

What would keep Trump from pressing the fast forward button on becoming an American Hitler? If he is thwarted in his nominations by Congress his next step could be to dissolve the body permanently.

Whether Congress would stop meeting if ordered to do so would remain to be seen. If they did meet and voted against him he could ignore their votes.

This would certainly lead to mass protests and there's a good chance it would cause him to declare a national emergency and invoke martial law and order the armed forces to break up demonstrations. People  likely would die if his orders are followed. The Kent State Massacre would look like a picnic. 

The big if is whether the military would go along with this. If they decided not to this could lead to a quiet, that is a non-compliant coup, or an active coup. 

If it was a active coup, instead of tanks protecting the White House and attacking Congress they could be surrounding the White House with cannons pointing at it.


If all this came to pass, the generals would install a temporary president. I don't see Trump as being literally arrested. Trump, protected by the Supreme Court for these acts, could not be prosecuted but this would be still be a coup. 

Despite being protected by the Secret Service faced with an overwhelming force military would not be engage in battle. They would have no choice but to stand by if the White House was surrounded and soldiers demanded Trump be surrended or they would enter and remove him. 

Thus Trump, if he didn't leave voluntarily, would be physically removed by a cadre of soldiers who would allow his Secret Service detail to accompany him. They'd all be flown to Mar-a-Lago in a military transport, not Air Force One. The Supreme Court would probably call an emergency meeting and declare that this was unconstitutional, which it would be, but they'd have no power.

New presidential elections would be called to be held in six to nine months. Trump would be allowed to run but the elections would be supervised by the military and be fair. If the people who believed Trump's promises that he'd make their lives better decided they wanted a ruthless dictatorship the generals would have to accede and allow Trump to become president again. 

I would hope that by this time enough gullible Trump voters would have realized they'd been betrayed and misled, and that this was not what they voted for. Thus iff he did end up running he'd lose. The Republicans would be given a second chace to free themselves from Trump and MAGA and nominate someone else. This would also give the Democrats time to have an open convention and hopefully nominate a better candidate than Kamala Harris.

Of course Trump is making sure he is portrayed as Mister President-to-be Nice Guy Normal as evidenced by his meeting with President Macron to celebrate the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral today and having a a 60 Minutes interview with Kristen Welker tomorrow.

Maybe all of this glory will mute Trump's dictatorial desires to exact revenge against his enemies and spitefully ram though the 2025 Agenda to turn our federal goverment into a heartless freedom-chipping machine where people are like dead trees and would be reduced to wood chips and disposed of. 

I think Jon Stewart is naive and misguided when he rips into the media for scaring people about Trump (read article).


Jon Stewart decried the media’s panicked coverage of President-elect Donald Trump’s upcoming second term, saying that it’s not helpful to get the public “s***ting our pants this early.”

Before interviewing Vermont senator Bernie Sanders on his latest Weekly Showpodcast episode, the Comedy Central comedian, 62, opened the hour acknowledging that America is currently in a “transitional period where we are not sure about whether the ground we are standing on is solid.”

“Although the news media seems convinced that we are the Roadrunner and the Coyote and the Coyote has run over the cliff, and we just looked down and realized there’s nothing under our feet and now we are plunging to our deaths,” Stewart quipped in reference to the famous Looney Tunes characters. “Because the news media is always very circumspect.

“We don’t know what’s going to happen when Donald Trump takes over,” he said, adding that while “we should be prepared” for all outcomes, “I don’t know how helpful it is to get us s***ting our pants this much, this early.”

Using a metaphor to describe his feelings about the Democrats losing the election, he said: “In the joint custody agreement that we now have in America, the kids are going to live with Dad for the summer and you just have to f***in’ eat it.”

Jon, I hope you think about this. There is good cause for freedom loving Americans to be (no asterisks) shitting in their pants. Stewart's summer with Dad won't be merely three months of Hell. It will last at least four years.

There is a very good chance Stewart and everyone else trying to normalize Trump are dead wrong. Maybe in the next year or two they will rue the day they helped people let their guard down and helped pave the way for the end of the American experiment in democracy. 

Dishonorable mention for trying to normalize Trump: Joe Scarborough and MikeBrzezinski for going to Mar-a-Lago to kiss the ring, and kudos to Rachel Maddow for calling them out on this.

Trump, not merely through his words, but through his nominees, has shown us what he wants to do. There will be no mea culpa big enough to come from people not taking this seriously.

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December 6, 2024

Why Christofascist Hegseth is so important to Trump, By Hal M. Brown


To answer the question in my title: the reason Hegseth is so important is the last part of the word Christofascist. Forget the Christo, it is the fascist part that counts. For a fascist leader to succeed he must have control of the military which must be led by committed fascists. 

As of today, Trump is all in on Pete Hegseth - (the image above his Truth Social is my AI) and well he should be. He needs him. Perhaps more than anyone else in his administration Trump needs to have a yesman as Secretary of Defense.

The Senate dare not disagree. After all, he claims to have a mandate to do whatever he wants to do with the country. Of course, Homer Donald, you did not win a mandate....

Putin can more or less honestly claim he had an electoral mandate. Hitler eventually did have an electoral mandate. Trump insists that he also has a mandate. Of all his many lies this may be the most egregious. With his claiming a mandate he is justifying everything he intends to do to drastically change the way the country is governed. 

In the process of staffing his government prior to taking office he is facing his first test. He is getting minimal, but significant, pushback from enough Republicans in the Senate to stop some of his nominations. This gets me to the following:

The words above jumped out when I saw them in the Salon article 

Trump ushers in a Christian "deep state": MAGA moves to gut the Constitution.

I don't see the danger of the United States being governed by something like a Taliban with nukes and 3,400 fighter/jets, even though we see articles like another article in Salon:

How Christofascists became the heart of the MAGA movement

The reason I take issue with this is shown in the photo above. The two people flanking Trump may be Christofascists, but Trump is only a transactional Christofacist. He's no Mullah 

Hibatullah Akhundzada.

As long as Trump is president, Christian Nationalism will not be as dominant as people like Hegseth and others in the movement want it to be. Trump is basically a transactional person in all ways and I have little doubt that he is an atheist. He fakes being religious, but what anybody with any sense knows what he is really thinking when he's posing for pictures with religious leading praying over him especially if he hasn't had lunch yet.

There are no indications that Trump has any kind of religious faith. Whether or not Trump stays in office until he dies the presumed next in line to lead the nation as president, or by then the position may have another name, is J.D. Vance. My impression is that he's as transactional as Trump and when it comes to Christian Nationalism. I think his views are more nuanced. He went from being an athiest to an orthodox Catholic. Read the following:

J.D. Vance Used to Be an Atheist. What He Believes Now Is Telling.

He’s not an evangelical Christian. He’s a Catholic—of a very specific type.

It may be especially relevant that Vance is married to a Hindu. 

Where does this leave the country? If we are not on the brink of becoming a Christofascist country we are well on the road to becoming a fascist country of a type unique to America. Fascism is simply defined as an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government. For us to become truly fascist Trump has to geld Congress.

What we have in common with nascent fascist regimes is that the rising dictator plans to centralize power under the leader and turn any elected governing body into a ceremonial rubber stamp for public consumption. For example Wiki tells us the following:

Greater German Reichstag (German: Großdeutscher Reichstag) after 1938, was the national parliament of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. Following the Nazi seizure of power and the enactment of the Enabling Act of 1933, it functioned purely as a rubber stamp for the actions of Adolf Hitler's dictatorship — always by unanimous consent — and as a forum to listen to Hitler's speeches. In this purely ceremonial role, the Reichstag convened only 20 times, the last on 26 April 1942. The President of the Reichstag (Reichstagspräsident) throughout this period was Hermann Göring.

Likewise Wiki tells us that the Russian Federal Assembly since the 2003 elections, the Federal Assembly (of Russia) has been referred to by analysts and observers as being a rubber stamp institution.

What all countries that turned into fascist regimes have in common is that they had a military to back them. Trump needs Hegseth to make sure, or try to make sure, that the military does his will. If Trump has to pray with Hegseth and say it is God's will to obey his commands he will do it.

So far Trump is only on the verge of ignoring what Congress, particularly the Senate, may do to thwart his plans. He's a psychopathic megalomanic and doesn't tolerate people who stand up to him. It remains to be seen whether he'll play the democracy game if some of his nominees don't get approved by the Senate. 

I have no doubt he has advisors like stone-cold sociopath Steve Miller who will explain to him that as president he has incredible power and shouldn't put off using it and take the first step to neutering Congress by doing what he can to force them into recess to make his appointments. If he can't manage to pull this off I can see him going full bore dictator and declaring a national emergency and initiating martial law. He couldn't get his crowd to do it,  but now could order soldiers to shut down the US Capitol. 

This would be the final test of whether the line against tyranny will hold and stop the forces of fascism. It would be up to the military to decide whether they are loyal to a person or to the Constitution. 

The Capitol isn't far from the White House. Military leaders would be faced with a stark choice. Instead of watching tanks heading to the Capitol Trump could look out the window and see them with their cannons pointed towards, not away from, the White House.

Here are more of the images that came up when I looked for Trump and Hegseth hugging. Note that none of the hands look right. Bottom right is closest to real but Trump's fingers a too long. I dediced to look into this and found a couple of articles.

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December 5, 2024

I agree with John Dean, Brian Karem and others who say Biden should pardon every possible Trump enemy and throw in a pardon of Trump for good measure, by Hal M. Brown


John W. Dean (remember him from Watergate?) posted this on BlueSky:

"Biden should keep going with his pardons: Trump, Jack Smith & team, Mueller & team, and a blanket pardon for all on Trump’s enemies list for any and all political statements before December 25, 2024! Merry Christmas:-). Take the wind out of retribution/revenge!" Here are the replies to his post on BluyeSky.


'It’s appropriate': Dem Senator Federman backs Biden pardon — for Trump

I think Biden should pardon everyone who by any stretch of the imagination of a blinded by the bright burning flames of revenge Donald Trump could be a target of revenge. He should pardon not only the obvious enemies and critics but right this minute should have staff compiling a list of everyone Trump may order the DOJ to go after if Biden has pardoned people like Mueller, Jack Smith, Fauci, Schiff, and Liz Cheney. (My partner just reminded me that he should also pardon Michael Cohen. I also thought of anyone who testified against Trump in congress like the Vindeman brothers, hope Hicks, and anyone on this list.)

The big point of controversy will be whether or not he should also issue a pardon for Trump now that there isn't a snowballs chance in Hell he'll ever set foot inside of a prison. 

By now everyone who enjoyed the uncountable cartoons of Trump in prison must know this will never happen.

I even made an illustration which I used in a few blogs. 

The only possiblity Trump will get his just rewards for his crimes is in an afterlife if such a thing exists. 

Then hopefully he'll spend eternity being seduced by a Stormy Daniels lookalike and having sharks repeatedly neutering him. (Side note: We just watched 53 episodes of the fun series The Good Place. It is also a show that addresses ethics and these aspects of it have been the subject of a number of serious articles, "5 Moral Philosophy Concepts Featured on The Good Place" for example. Referencing the show when it comes to the ethical and moral dilemma faced by Biden when it comes to pardoning Trump is relevant. While there are political implications to this on balance I think it is the ethical and moral thing to do.

If you've seen the series you know about all the methods of torture described by the demons designed specifically for individuals in the Bad Place, Hell, so I had to come up with one just for Trump. This also gave me an excuse to use the AI illustration above for today's blog.)

If Biden pardoned Trump it would open the question as to whether he'd accept it, or as appears to be possible (read article here) to refuse it. My sense of his personality is that he would refuse to accept the pardon. He'd see this as giving Biden a win and there's no way he would do this.

I still think that it would be worth it for Biden to pardon Trump just to put him in the position of having to refuse to accept the pardon. 

I also think Biden should order a review of the cases against all the J6 insurrectionists to determine who didn't commit acts of violence causing serious injury and pardon them. This would force those who are in prison or still facing prison to decide whether to accept the pardons or wait for Trump to pardon them. Biden should do this as soon as possible so they can spend Christmas at home.

It would test their belief that Trump would follow through on his promise to free them and force them to wait until late January.

If enough non-violent offenders accepted pardon by Biden it would leave Trump having to pardon the most violent of them. This would be a bad look for Trump among many people.

World events won't be coming to a halt so Biden will be busy with other matters of importance, but I am sure he has people he trusts to compile a pardon list so all he'd have to do is sign it.

This will also be a good excuse for Biden to address the nation and give a speech about how his pardon for Trump is an attempt to bring the nation together. He could have his Gerald Ford moment.

This would make it more difficult for Trump not to accept the pardon.


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December 4, 2024

In the news today: How far will the Supreme Court go to promote trans ignorance and anti-trans bigotry? By Hal M. Brown, MSW

Above: Protesters of Kentucky Senate Bill SB150, known as the Transgender Health Bill, cheer on speakers during a rally on the lawn of the Kentucky Capitol in Frankfort, Ky., March 29, 2023. (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley, File)

Here's a repost an updated version of yesterday's blog on this topic which you can read here.

In addition to the legislators I wrote about yesterday, the newly elected trans member of the House Sarah McBride, and Leigh Finke, trans member of the Minnesota House, the trans people and their parents being interviewed on TV (at least on CNN) are also doing a great job of conveying their humanity to those willing to listen to them.

This is the crucial part. Who are the people who are willing to listen with empathy rather than entrenched prejudice based on a combination of ignorance and bigotry. How many of them are open to changing their minds?

There are so many people who consider others to be less than human because of their beliefs. This is especially true when if comes to members of the LGBTQ+++ community and in that group those who are transexual.

I am lucky enough to live in Oregon. If the Supreme Court rules against gender affirming care for adolescents my state and the other states in white below will turn red. 

This case isn't really about trans, it isn't about medicine, it isn't about saving lives, it isn't about what people like Kristen Waggoner, President, Alliance for Freedom says it is as I write this. She is scare mongering and making up stories about people who decide to change genders and later change their minds. Obviously this is what counseling is for.

What it is is another battle in the war against woke. For the anti-woke zealots and bigots it is their Fort Sumter occupied by the Union. They are like the South Carolina Militia bombarding it with artillery while local resident of Charlston cheered from the shore. This is considered the start of the Civil War. They believe they have to take take the woke fort as they did Fort Sumter in 1861. 

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December 3, 2024

Thank you Sarah McBride and Leigh Finke, you are among our best people to lead the charge to stop the GOP's anti-trans vituperative juggernaut. By Hal M. Brown, MSW

Sarah McBride, the first openly trans person elected to Congress. She will serve in the House representing  Delaware's at-large congressional district.

Update Dec. 4th:

Leigh Finke is also a spokeperson for the trans community. She is the first trans person elected to be a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives. She was interviewed on CNN this morning as part of the coverage about the Supreme Court dealing with the decision on gender affirmng care for minors. The more people like her who can make the case for acceptance of members of the trans community the better.

This is a congressional district that includes the entire state of Delaware.
The photo above is from the Wikipedia page on the  Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) which was an early private sexology research institute in Germany from 1919 to 1933. As far as Trump and his minions go, science be damned. They are loath to learn the facts about why people end up being trans or any of the other colors on the Pride flag. While he won't send actual storm troopers to destroy data I doubt any research into sexuality will be funded by the federal government under Trump.

I was a therapist for 40 years and I don't know why some children feel they aren't the gender some think they are or ought to be. When I refer here to gender I mean male or female, the designation that goes with being born with a penis or a vagina and all the assumptions made by society that assume male and female babies will grow up to be heterosexual. Remember that old term?

At 80 I am old enough to remember when there were no letters at all. People who weren't what was often called "straight" (progressives don't use that term anymore) were called gay or lesbian. Before that the term gay was frequently used to refer to men and women. Here's a history of how the designation with all the letters came to be.

In the 1990's when more and more letters were being added to LGBT the term cisgender was coined to differentiate these people from those who were transgender.

Now the letter list stands at LGBTQIAP+ or  LGBTQQIAAP. One can be forgiven for having to look up what each letter stands for (here for example).

I never gave much thought as to research into reasons why some people realized at various ages they weren't heterosexual and/or cisgender. I assumed it was biological. If they were clients I just accepted them for who they were and tried to help them with the problems that brought them to therapy. This wasn't the kind of political issue that could make the difference between electing a president who believed in American democracy and one who planned to become a dictator.

As a therapist I knew about, and was appalled by, the conversion therapy movement which was peaking in the 1970's when I recieved my MSW degree and went to work in community mental health. This was debunked and deemed harmful by the vast majority of the mental health community including people who were Freudians who, like me, saw that this was one of the things Freud was wrong about. He thought it was caused by something that went amiss in early childhood. He thought the same thing about schizophrenia which we now know has a biological cause.

I assumed that we didn't know absolutely positively for sure what led to various kinds of sexual identities but I knew that most experts strongly leaned towards a genetic and biological explanation. Below is what they say.

Here's the Google search.

Most people know about the persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany (see Wikipedia). I suppose that we can say that we've come a long way in the United States in that homosexuals are not actively persecuted. Still, until 2003 homosexual activity was illegal (read article).

We've even come a long way since I was a child and the grownups probably speculated behind closed doors about Liberace, Boy George and Pee-wee Herman. Today gays and lesbians simply have been too well intergrated into our society and culture. Now we have Elton John, Ellen DeGeneres, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, and Pete Buttigieg. 

We're a celebrity culture. Trump would never have been elected president the first time if it wasn't for "The Apprentice" and his movie cameos. Of course many of his picks for high positions in his administration gained prominence on Fox News.

Unfortunately, of all the known trans celebrities until now none have achieved the celebrity status of people who are garden variety gay or lesbian. Here's a list of 70 trans celebrities.  I know who Laverne Cox (who was in Orange is the New Black)is and Chaz Bono (Sonny and Cher's son) and they have been outspoken advocates for trans rights. How many of the other 70 do you recognize?

Finally we have a trans person, newly elected member of the House, Sarah McBride, to lead the charge for trans acceptance and trans rights. Thanks to the ignorant bigot Nancy Mace with her large dangling crucifix earrings she is getting far more attention in the media than she otherwise would have.

Nothing says "I'm holier than thou" than giant crucifixes hanging from your ear.

McBride has been catapulted to being a major  spokesperson for trans rights. Here's a Google News search for her. She comes across not only as articulate but as, dare I say, completely normal. Yes, normal.... a normal smart woman. How normal is she? This is from her X page:

The latest poll indicates that there are 92,329 binary and nonbinary transgender people ages 16 and older living in the US. This has beeen made to seem like an extraordinary number even though it is out of 335,893,238 people living in the country. Read: Largest survey of transgender people in the US reveals key insights at a time when trans rights are under attack.

Consider the Gallop poll shown here and below (click to enlarge):

It should be a no-brainer to see why Trump and the far right selected transgender people as the group out of all of these to use to scare people. Simply put with an illustration (below) they are the only colors on the rainbow flag that involve medical treatment and ultimately surgery.

Of all the letters or Pride flag colors all of them involve, in addition to one's identity, actual behavior. 

Trans is different. Even the word "trans" in chemistry means the "molecular structure in which two particular atoms or groups lie on opposite sides of a given plane in the molecule." With a person, in order to get to the other side of the "plane" gender affirming surgery is necessary.

Someone can live a life as any of the other letters or colors and never have to be treated by medical specialists in this area. While to varying degrees all of the other letters, or the colors in the Pride flag, have been used as ammunition against so-called "woke," Republicans have had the most success with the colors representing trans.

Because children often realize that they don't belong in the body they were born with before they are old enough to get medical treatment on their own this has helped the Republicans with their campaign of lies about progressive schools allowing children to have a gender reassignment operation against the parents will.

I'd rank Trump's anti-trans rhetoric right up there with his anti-immigrant scare rants with swaying the election his way.

We need Sarah McBride and more transgender people to tell their stories about their experiences growing up knowing that their body gender didn't correspond with the gender they knew they really were. They need to humanize the experience.

As someone who represents the most demonized and fright-inducing member of the LGBTQ+++ community she is well postioned to be an advocate for all the other people and their loved ones and friends who are fighting the measures being taken in states and school systems across the country to remove LGBTQ+++ education fro the curriculum.

While Trump and many of his inner circle aren't capable of empathy, hopefully some of those who voted for him are, and they will get to know Sarah McBride and admit to the errors of their ways.


It must be noted that perhaps in most instances, parents and their teenaged children are the ones to seek medical help with gender transition such as hormone treatment. This is case about to go to the Supreme Court.

NASHVILLE — The Supreme Court on Wednesday will consider for the first time whether states can ban certain gender transition medical treatments for young people — a closely watched case brought by three transgender teens, their parents and a doctor, all seeking to ensure health care access they say is critical.

At issue is a Tennessee law barring transgender minors from using puberty blockers and hormones, treatments the state characterizes as risky and unproven. Lawmakers said the state should instead encourage adolescents to “appreciate their sex, particularly as they undergo puberty.”

The court’s ruling might have implications for the more than 100,000 transgender adolescents living in Tennessee or one of the 23 other statesthat has banned using the drugs to treat minors with gender dysphoria. The question of whether and how to medically treat young people whose gender identity is different than their sex assigned at birth has become a polarizing issue, one President-elect Donald Trump seized on in advertisements targeting transgender people during his campaign.

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Shortly after the damning Jack Smith report was released Trump rants about... wait for it... Seth Meyers, By Hal M. Brown

The Jack Smith report about Trump's election interference was released last night a bit after midnight. Just before 1:30 AM Trump took t...