July 20, 2024

The Democrats need to show the exit to all of these people. If Biden can't do it another candidate must. By Hal Brown, MSW


The costumed or normally attired MAGA's at the RNC and at Trump rallies and those in extremist groups like the man (below) used to illustrate the RawStory article Veteran newsman schools neo-Nazis: 'When I look at you guys, I do not think master race' must be shown the exit. If not our lives, our way of life depends on it.

Above is the photo RawStory used to illustrate their article.

You can read the article and watch the local TV station's video  where the reporter interviews the Neo-Nazis here. It shows a terrified little girl hiding behind her mother as she confronts the Neo-Nazis:

Compare the hand tattoos:

This is how the article concludes:

It was time for me to speak my truth.

"Can I be honest with you guys?"

"You're a loser, scumbag," Minadeo (a Neo-NAZI) responded.

"When I look at you guys, I do not think 'master race.'"

At that point, Boysheim (another Neo-NAZI) interjected, "You're old and about to die. Your time is coming to its end."

In fact, what I saw was a group of wounded, angry men who've never accomplished much in their own lives, looking for someone else to blame.

"You're worse than the Jews," Minedeo shouted.

Again, more of my truth: "I really feel sorry for you guys."

Boysheim shot back, "I don't give a f**k what you feel sorry for. You're going to be in a grave soon, you dumb f**king, sell-off boomer."

Minadeo chimed in, "F**k you, boomer."

As I walked away, I felt an overriding feeling of sadness.

These are really pathetic human beings.

They are the only ones who seem not to know it.

The two last sentences got to me because while these people are particularly pathetic human beings and do not know it, they are no more pathetic than all members of the MAGA movement who without really knowing what it means for the future of American democracy will say they believe in Project 2025. 

In fact if Trump is elected Project 2025 will be today's Mein Kampf.

By the time you read this we may already know whether Biden is going to step down. Hopefully he'll announce this decision at least by Monday so prominent Democrats and Republican anti-Trumpers who have considered him to be a weaker candidate than others can focus instead on wholehearteredly endorsing him.

He won't learn about my advice unless someone with a website that more than the few hundred who read my blog publishes something I write. For example, when we were watching the recent video of Biden walking up the stairs to Air Force One, my partner who sometimes says this to me said "if I were Jill and was by your side I'd be saying to you 'posture, honey, posture' perhaps adding it's only a few more steps until we get inside.'"

Meanwhile I hope that Biden makes the rational and right decision for democracy. For those who don't subscribe to The NY Times below is an excerpt from Maureen Dowd' column today, Lord Almighty, Joe, Let It Go!" I posted an excerpt:

Everyone wants Joe Biden gone.

Even the people who don’t want him gone really want him gone.

“Everyone’s waiting for Joe,” said one top Democrat. “And he’s sitting at home, stewing and saying, ‘What if? What if? What if?’ We’re doing things the Democratic way. We’re botching it.”

I have many happy memories of Rehoboth Beach. I went there growing up and have Proustian recollections of crispy French fries with vinegar sold on the Boardwalk. But now my gladdening images have been replaced by a maddening one: President Biden hunkered down in his house there, recovering from Covid, resisting talking to anyone who will tell him the truth, hoarsely yelling, “Get off my beach!” at the growing list of Democratic lawmakers and donors trying to warn him that he is pulling down his party and the country.

It makes me sad that Biden doesn’t see what’s inescapable: If he doesn’t walk away gracefully right now, he will likely go down as a pariah and ruin his legacy.

The race for the Oval today is between two delusional, selfish, stubborn old guys, and that’s a depressing state of affairs.

Dowd concludes:

Given that Biden said it would take the Lord Almighty to make him drop out, I have no doubt that Pelosi has been using their shared Catholic faith to guilt-trip the president into understanding the stakes, and what she thinks the Lord Almighty would want. Certainly, she might have said, she doesn’t like Trump claiming, as he did this week, that the Lord Almighty is on his side.

Really, what the Democrats need is a thrilling open convention, rather than a coronation. Trump just had one of those, after all.

Here's what Carl Bernstein had to say (reference):

One of the legendary reporters who chronicled the Watergate scandal says an irate President Joe Biden now recognizes he faces long odds to defeat former President Donald Trump — and could announce Monday that he's dropping out of the race. 

Carl Bernstein talked Friday night with CNN's Anderson Cooper on "AC360," and said, "the president himself has now moved from being what was called 'contemplative' about his situation to recognition that it's very unlikely that his candidacy can be sustained."

That's true of his family as well, Bernstein said. Even so, the president feels "angry" and "abandoned" by Democratic leaders, including and most vociferously toward Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)

Yesterday I wrote Newsom/Whitmer is a made for TV winning ticket. They possess the "it factor" here.

Click above to enlarge image.


July 18, 2024

Newsom/Whitmer is a made for TV winning ticket. They possess the "it factor," by Hal Brown, MSW


Okay, it's an old TV but new flat screen televisions are just boring rectangles. You get the idea from this photo and the one below about what I'm going to write.

Whitmer may not have the Hollywood panache of Julia Louis-Dryfus who is known post-Seinfeld for playing a vice president in Veep, but she still has the "it factor" for a someone who hasn't received more Emmys than any other actress.

This isn't going to be a deep political analysis.  In fact, I don't know much about Gavin Newsom beside his being the governor of California, and aside from her harrowing story about the plot to kidnap her, I don't know much about Michigan governor Grethen Whitmer. 

Nothing here is particularly eye popping. 

Kamala Harris is the logical choice to run if Biden steps down but she just doesn't have the it factor. To the contrary, she has the "not it" factor. I think she'd made a fne president, but too many people don't like her.

Saying someone has the "it factor" is another way of saying they have star quality. In a way that is nauseating to half the country Donald Trump had his own star quality.  

Here's a dictionary definition if the "it factor:" (source):

The idiom "the it-factor" refers to a quality or characteristic that makes someone or something attractive, appealing, or successful. It is often used to describe celebrities, performers, or leaders with a unique charm or charisma that sets them apart.

In short:

  • It refers to the special quality or characteristic that makes someone or something stand out.
  • It is primarily used to describe people but it can also be used to describe products, ideas, or trends that are popular or influential.

Kamala Harris is far more well known nationally than Newsom and Whitmer. If Harris ends up running this makes her easier prey for the Republicans than Newsom and Whitmer. Without missing a beat they can throw every criticism they were going to use against Biden at Harris. 

You could say that Newsom and Whitmer aren't well known enough to capture swing voters, but this is the age of someone achieving near instant fame by becoming something called "an influencer", witness Amber Rose (who I never heard of before she spoke at the RNC).

I looked at some of her YouTubes and she has no talent (judge for yourself here) and apparently she became an influencer because she once dated Kanye West (aka Yeezy).

From the ridiculous Trump and JD Vance for the Republicans we go to the sublime for the Democrats, Newsom and Whitmer. In addition to possessing the "it factor" they have substance. They've got Constitution Avenue street cred.

They can say basically the same words as Kamala Harris about any subject and look like they were picked by Alan Sorkin to star in a reboot of The West Wing.

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Are Americans ready to put Trump in a psychological electron microscope and diagnose him as malignant? With his new Anti-Psychopath PAC Geroge Conway hopes so, by Hal Brown, MSW

Are Americans ready to put Trump in an electron microscope and diagnose him as malignant? George Conway hopes so. He's launched the Anti-Psychopath PAC.

This is from the Anti-Pyshopath PAC Facebook page:

This is Conway's post announcing the PAC on X:

I used to say George Conway, who explained Trump's malignant narcissism years ago, deserves an honorary doctorate in clinical psychology. It was Duty to Warn founder Dr. John D. Gartner who first went public about this in an article in May of 2017. It was published in USA Today. He explained what malignant narcissism was and how the diagnosis fit Trump. His article, Donald Trump's malignant narcissism is toxic was the first such article published in the non-partisan media. Unfortunately it was the last. Subsequent articles, and there were many of them, were published in progressive media or featured in interviews on The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell.

This is from Newsweek in 2019:

George Conway Says Trump Is a 'Malignant Narcissist': He's 'Both Mentally Disordered and Evil'

Here's an excerpt:

... Conway argued that Trump "is legally and diagnostically sane." "But he suffers impairment from at least two diagnosable personality disorders, and needs a full workup for possible onset of dementia. He's obviously unfit. He'd be drummed out of any other job," the lawyer explained. "Colloquially, though, we can say he's nuts."

He also tweeted this in 2019:

There is a huge group of Americans who understand that Trump has a  psychological syndrome comprising a mix of grandiose narcissism, psychopathy, sadism,and paranoia. They know that this makes him unfit to be president, They are aware that in this role if he's elected president he is dangerous for democracy here and around the world. 

Unfortunately there is also a huge group of Americans who couldn't define malignant naricssism if their lives depended on it even though, in a way, their lives do depend on understanding this and that Trump has this dangerous psychopathology.

Not only don't many Trump supporters not care that he is a malignant narcissist, they like when he rails against his, and their, enemies as if he's an evil unhinged blood thirsty monarch. He's a king like this Alice in Wonderland queen:

I doubt George Conway's PAC will sway many voters. Still, Donald Trump knows well who he is. George Conway was married to KellyAnne and he ended up in the limelight when he came out as an anti-Trumper and was one of the founders of The Lincoln Project. Even the couple's daughter, Claudia, came out as an anti-Trumper. Now both she and her father are a thorn in Trump's side. Consider: "Claudia Conway Calls Out Mom, Kellyanne, for Supporting JD Vance" in Newsweek two days ago.

Trump fancies himself to be a greater president than Lincoln so it was a brilliant idea to name this organization after Lincoln. 

Now whatever he does George Conway makes the news. It is almost irrelevant whether Trump is aware of his efforts, or if he is, whether this bothers him. After all Trump's grandiose narcissism is part of malignant narcissism and if he happens to catch a glimpse of the trucks and billboards the PAC has around the convention his reaction would probably be how handsome he looked. He knows that bad publicity is often better than no publicity. 

Trump thrives on people worshiping him whether as a divinity, a superman, or hunka-hunka-burning love who is irresistible to women. For example he knows that that are millions of men who wish they could grab women by their private parts and get away with it and women who would gladly let him have his way with them. I may even enjoy seeing some of them with homemade or purchased t-shirts like this at his rallies:

Whether or not George Conway's PAC swings a single vote at least it makes anti-Trumpers feel good as we worry about the dystopian nightmare a Trump regime would thrust us into. This doesn't mean we should let our guard down. While few of us can make the national news we should do whatever way we can to spread the word about how dangerous to democracy a President Trump would be.

I am trying to do this in my own small way by writing this blog and giving quotes to Chauney DeVega to use in his Salon columns, most recently here: "Trump is able to turn bullets into gold": Experts on MAGA's "mythology of Trump the superman."


George Conway was on Morning Joe this morning. He gave a lesson in abnormal psychology as it applies to Trump. (Click image to enlarge):

My blog for Friday is "Newsom/Whitmer is a made for TV winning ticket. They possess the "it factor."

I always appreciate it when anyone who likes my take on issues posts links to the blog on Facebook or other social media.

You can read this and previous blogs on two websites and on Substack. One may look better than the other because of how the platforms present the page.

Read on the WordPress Stressline.org (you can subscrbe to this on the upper left)


Read on the Google Blogger platform HalBrown.org This version has a Disquis comment section which makes it easy to post links and images.

July 17, 2024

Post assassination attempt we have to watch out for the words of war we use, by Hal Brown, MSW

Above: How AI draws Trump as a scorpion

Watch Out For Words of War We Use

Biden had to apolgize for his "bulls-eye" comment and I had to be careful about the words I used for a Chauncey DeVega Salon column quote.

The words Trump and Biden are now both using are going to be under the microscope lest they are suggestive of violence. For example (from an MSN article)

In an unedited interview that ran in its entirety, a defiant President Joe Biden told NBC News anchor Lester Holt that it was a mistake when he recently said that he wanted to put former President Donald Trump back in "a bullseye," yet did not cave on his criticism of Trump's mean and often violent rhetoric.

Last week, before a comeback performance at a Detroit rally, Biden said to donors, "We're done talking about the debate; it's time to put Trump in a bullseye." Republicans are now accusing the president of stoking violence against his rival following gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks' attempt to kill Trump, who was shot in the ear at a rally on Saturday. 

"How do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when a president says things like he says?" Biden asked Holt, then referring to Trump's reaction while in the White House to the deadly alt-right Unite the Right incident in Charlottesville in 2017. "Do you just not say anything because it may incite somebody?"

Salon columnist Chauncey DeVega asked me for a quote for an article he was writing. You can read the column and my quote here:

"Trump is able to turn bullets into gold": Experts on MAGA's "mythology of Trump the superman."

DeVega used my reference to "bullets"in it in his title because it couldn't be construed as a call for violence. I pat myself on the back for being so clever.

I orginally considered ending my quote using submarine warfare analogy with writing about how a Commander Biden out to set his sub on the bottom of the ocean for about a week before surfacing to periscope depth, manning the torpedos, and going full speed ahead. Of course this was a reference to the book and movie "Run Silent, Run Deep." I thought that not everyone would get it, but I thought it would work anyway. After all I thought Biden would make a good Clark Gable. He played the commander in the movie. From Wiki, the title refers to "silent running", a submarine stealth tactic. The story describes World War II submarine warfare in the Pacific Ocean, and deals with themes of vengeance, endurance, courage, loyalty, and honor, and how these can be tested during wartime. You can see why I thought to use it as an example.
Then I realized that referencing warfare would be going against the call to avoid anything in our rhetoric which could be construed as a allusion to violence. 

Political campaigns have always been called fights and the term "a hard fought battle" is part of the lexicon when people write or talk about political campaigns. Now we have to be careful of how people may take our words to be suggestive of violence.

Being cognizant of how the words used to criticize one's own political opponent and by others to make a case against a politician may lead to some people construing this as a call to violence is important. I can't find the word or words to describe how far beyond irony it is that between Trump and Biden, and between far-right Republicans and Democrats, it is that Republicans are the ones who reveled in using infammatory language. 

Comparing what Trump and his followers have said with what Biden   said is what Joe Scarborough called phony moral relativism when criticising the Lestor Holt interview with Biden.

"We could talk about Nancy Pelosi, we could talk about the assassinations of Joint Chiefs, the hangings of Mike Pence. We could go on and on and on. We could talk about it on both sides. Again, a good question to ask about what he said in a private fundraiser — a good question to ask, I would have asked the same question. But to ask that question absent of any context seems to me to be — you talk about a phony moral relativism."

 I'd just say it was like comparing apples and aardvarks.

Biden has a dilemma because he must highlight Project 2025 and Trump's dictatorial ambitions as a threat to democracy despite Trump and his campaign trying to say doing so may incite violence.

I'm reminded of all the TV commercials for medications with dire, sometimes life threatening, side effects and adverse reactions. While scenes of happy people in bucolic setting play on the screen with a musical backround a melodious voice reads the required label warning  which sometimes end with "and may cause death."

Somehow Biden and his surrogates have to warn about the threat Trump is to democracy by choosing their words very carefully. In fact they may caution against using the words "threat" and "democracy." Instead Biden and other trying to sound the alert about this existential threat might just use specific examples of what Trump, and now Vance, want to do without using any words that would have the Republicans screaming foul.

What can Biden's campaign do? Can they use the fact that JD Vance once said Trump would be America's Hitler in their ads? If anything is inflammatory comparing Trump to Hitler this certainly is. How can Biden say that in many ways Trump has said things could be like Hitler without saying Hitler's name?
Here's a TV discussion about this.

Consider this from 2023: 

Trump compares political opponents to 'vermin' who he will 'root out,' alarming historians

Former President Donald Trump vowed this weekend to "root out" his political opponents, who he said "live like vermin" as he warned supporters that America's greatest threats come "from within" -- extreme rhetoric that echoes the words of fascist dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, experts and Trump's critics said.

A Trump campaign spokesman dismissed the backlash to his speech, at a Veterans Day rally in New Hampshire, but some historians said the parallels were alarming.

"To call your opponent 'vermin,' to dehumanize them, is to not only open the door but to walk through the door toward the most ghastly kinds of crimes," writer and historian Jon Meacham said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

There's not much that could be more inflammatory than suggesting Trump is like Hitler. Now making this comparison will be (to use a German word) verboten.

Consider some of the words and phrases in political parlance besides "bullseye" that we have think of as warlike or as calling for violence: aim, target, set their sights on, fire at, blast, and even the commonly used word "attack." 

Whether Trump and his surrogates can resist employing hysterical hyperbole that the Democrats can point to as promotion of violence remains to be seen. Already some speakers at the convention are demonizing Democrats and coming close to this.

I don't have to write much about the times Trump has promoted direct violence. This one example is from 2016:

It isn't original to use the scorpion and the frog fable to apply to  Trump and how he can't resist expressing his violent thoughts. 

scorpion wants to cross a river but cannot swim, so it asks a frog to carry it across. The frog hesitates, afraid that the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion promises not to, pointing out that it would drown if it killed the frog in the middle of the river. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I am sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge. It's my character." (Wikipedia)

Of course in the fable both the scorpion and the frog end up drowning. We can only hope that Trump stings himself and that Biden, the frog, who is after all adept at swimming, makes it to shore and recovers from the injection of Trump venom.

Update, HUFFPOST article:

How one must ask can they effectively fear monger by avoiding every word that might incite someone to violence?

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July 15, 2024

It's possible J.D. Vance will be president within four years, by Hal Brown, MSW


AI gnerated images

Today's bonus blog:

If elected VP JD Vance will be a heartbeat, or absense of a heartbeat, away from succeeding a president with a thick neck, who eats poorly, gets little exercise, and is obese. These are all factors portending life threatening illness. 

Consider President Vance. 

I'm sure he has.

Biden is older than Trump but doesn't have the health risks Trump does. Not only that the idea of President Harris doesn't strike fear into the hearts of every democracy loving American.

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Read on the Google Blogger platform HalBrown.org This version has a Disquis comment section which makes it easy to post links and images.

or… Hal’s Substack where you can sing up to get an email when I post a new blog.

When Republicans tell Democrats to stop calling Trump a threat to democracy you know they're afraid, therefore they should keep doing this, by Hal Brown, MSW


When I saw the article 

After Assassination Attempt, Republicans Say It’s Out Of Bounds To Call Donald Trump A Threat To Democracy

in HUFFPOST you can see my reaction above. 

I recommend that Biden and his campaign team push the campaign pause button until a few days after the Republican convention to let Trump's "I was but for the grace of God almost a martyr" blitz run it's course. This will seem like the classy thing to do. After all, it is Democrats that want to portray themselves as having empathy, which of course they do.

In reality since so much attention will be foucsed on the convention that it will be hard to compete with their noise machine even with a few well-placed powerful ads about Trump being a threat to democracy. In addtion, holding back the ad buys will save Democrats some money. 

What the Republicans are now revealing is that it may not be issues like abortion that they are most afraid Biden and other Democrats running for office will focus on. It is that they are afraid of the truth sinking in with voters that Trump really does want to be a dictator and, notably, that this is a very bad thing.

Until now it appeared that portraying Trump as someone intent on becoming a dictator on day one, and for those who think he's immortal, forever after, wasn't hitting home with undecided sane voters. We knew that his most ardent supporters from the cultists at rallies who you know by looking at them would be thrilled to have him rule with power unfettered by the pesky Constitution...

... to those in The Heritage Foundation who wrote Project 2025 from their opulent Massachusetts Avenue office in Washington (below) wants Trump to be a dictator. 

What we didn't know was that the GOP mucky-mucks were actually worried about the Democrats warning the country about this. Now we know they are. By eschewing positive ads about all the good things Biden had done they must with forceful and let's hope formidable focus describe the damage, make the the destruction, to democracy his presidency would mean. The Democrats will be hitting Trump where it hurts him the most. Go figure! Many of us, myself included, thought this wouldn't matter.

The Democrats shouldn't pay attention to those who are like the editorial board of The Washington Post who just published Opinion Turn down the heat, let in the light. One, the Republicans aren't go to "turn down the heat" and more importantly the Democrats need to turn up the heat.

The Opinion piece concludes with:

Perhaps the assassin’s failure was providential, as so many have suggested. Mr. Trump’s murder could have plunged the United States into political darkness. Now all Americans have been given a chance to turn toward the light.

Biden is trying to do just that not only because it is politically wise at this time but also because he has two sides, the combative Dark Brandon and the one that exudes sincere empathy. But the editors at the Post who wrote the above don't understand the forces of rage and evil normalized by Trump and his minions. If they believe Americans writ large can turn to the light they have to be delusional. 

Biden needs to unleash his Dark Brandon:

It is possible that the Trump camp has internal polling which shows that it will matter if Biden goes full-on Dark Brandon. 

Forget the fact that it is Trump and his allies who have said, hell, shouted, that it was the Democrats who were turning the country into a dictatorship calling them a mishmash of names from what they thought would be fright inducing terms from facists to communists. We know what Trump wants the country to be. 

I predict that before too long a signifcant number of iffy Trump supporters will be hit with the truth about what he wants for the country. They won't buy the comparison between this Trump "some Iwo Jima sh*t" photo posted on X by Chris LaCivita,  a senior advisor to Trump's campaign....

and the real one...
It shouldn't need to be pointed out that the Marines risked thier lives, and 6,200 of their compatriots died, so they could plant this flag on the top of Mount Suribachi. Trump didn't knowingly risk his life when he walked to the podium at a Butler, Pennsylvania rally. Butler County does have some hills but none of them are occupied by enemy soldiers.

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Read on the Google Blogger platform HalBrown.org This version has a Disquis comment section which makes it easy to post links and images.

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Hair of the dog, anybody? I have discovered who some of the FoxNews morning audience are. By Hal M. Brown

Above is a photo I took this morning of a commercial aired on FoxNews. It is for Redneck Rivera Whiskey. It costs $25 a bottle. This is how ...