Showing posts with label Trump mentally ill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump mentally ill. Show all posts

August 14, 2024

Does Trump have a mental illness and if he does does this make him dangerous and unfit for office? By Hal Brown, MSW, Retired psychotherapist

It seems terribly late to ask the questions in the title. After all, not only have I been speculating about this in my writing since 2017, but so have numerous mental health professionals. There was even a book titled "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump," which Wikipedia describes as "a book edited by Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist, containing essays from 27 psychiatristspsychologists, and other mental health professionals describing the 'clear and present danger' that US President Donald Trump's mental health poses to the 'nation and individual well being' ".

This line stood out to me in the Wikipedia entry for the book: According to Jeannie Suk Gersen in The New Yorker, "A strange consensus does appear to be forming around Trump's mental state, including Democrats and Republicans who doubt Trump's fitness for office."

Note well that this was published in 2017.

Fast forward to today and we have George Conway trying to get under Trump's skin not only with Lincoln Project ads but but starting a PAC he's started the "Anti-Psychopath PAC" (read Newsweek article).

Not only has Trump demonstrated more and more symptoms of psychiatric disorders which, as critics have noted, would be of such concern that if you observed them in a family member you would stage an intervention and make sure they got appropriate mental health treatment, but in the past year he has exhibited signs of early dementia. This was described by Dr. Lance Dodes, a supervising analyst emeritus of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and retired Harvard Medical School professor in this Newsweek article. Clinical psychologist Dr. John D. Gartner, founder of the Duty to Warn group, addressed the dementia issue in this article.

Let's get back to the strange consensus that appeared to be forming around Trump's mental state back in 2017.

I don't quite understand why Jeannie Suk Gerson used the word "strange" in her New Yorker article. Why was it strange that a consensus based on the same observable behavior would occur. Perhaps it was that both Democrats and Republicans were doubting Trump's fitness for office. If that was it, what the hell happened to the Republicans who saw this in 2017, with some notable exceptions like the aforementioned George Conway, Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, Michael Steele and others have put their doubts aside, at least publically, and now are supporting him.

Putting aside the whole intent to be a dictators and destroy democracy matter, do Nikki Halley and Mitch McConnell really think Trump is mentally fit for office. For that matter do Ron DeSantis and Marco Rubio not see that the man is more manifestly mentally ill than he was a few years ago when he merely met the criteria for being a malignant narcissist? 

Malignant narcissists and psychopaths aren't necessarily delusional. In fact they can be completely rational. Hitler is an example of a psychopath who until the end of the war was rational and made decisions based on facts. 

Delusions are symptomatic of psychosis. They represent a inability to differentiate what is real from what isn't real. This goes beyond engaging in wishful thinking into the realm of believing that what one wishes to be true actually is true.

The Republicans supporting Trump have to see it. Yet they are staying in the game with a losing hand. To quote the refrain from the Don Schlitz lyrics from the hit Kenny Rogers song "The Gambler:"

You've got to know when to hold 'em

Know when to fold 'em

Know when to walk away

And know when to run

You never count your money

When you're sittin' at the table

There'll be time enough for countin'

When the dealin's done

The stressed out biggest brain is getting smaller. This is not a surpise. Trump is human, after all. By Hal Brown, MSW
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• Aug 12
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March 16, 2023

Lindsay Graham isn't a psychologist but his assessment of Trump is right on

 Lindsay Graham isn't a psychologist but his assessment of Trump is right on

By Hal Brown, MSW

Background by DonkeyHotey

This story is making the news today:

HUFFPOST article above

On the face of it this isn't surprising. The fact that Lindsay Graham,  testifying during a special grand jury investigation into Trump’s attempts to overturn his defeat in Georgia, said that “if somebody had told Trump that aliens came down and stole Trump ballots, that Trump would’ve believed it," isn't really my point. Politically, Graham doesn't run for the Senate until his current term expires in 2027 so apparently he doesn't believe saying this about Trump will hurt his election chances.

Trump has turned curious critics into armchair psychologists. Until he came along the average American not familiar with psychological concepts who reads articles by and interviews with mental health professionals became familiar with several syndromes. They may have looked up malignant narcissism, dark triad, and Dunning-Kruger effect on Wikipedia when they decided that the best way to defeat one's enemy was to fully understand him. 

Do a Google image search for Trump in strait jacket and this is what comes up (click images to enlarge):

Trump was such a candidate for mockery because of his unhingedness, but the seriousness of his mental state tended to be overlooked or minimized by those who should have known better. 

When the book "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" was published the editor, Yale University forensic psychiatrist Bandy Lee, went to Washington, met with a dozen members of Congress, and made sure every Democrat in Congress had a copy. (See Yale psychiatrist briefed members of Congress on Trump’s mental fitness , CNN (Jan. 5, 2018)

The first mental health professional to publish an article explaining why Trump's malignant narcissism made him dangerous was the founder of Duty To Warn and who made the documentary #UNFIT clinical psychologist John Gartner in Donald Trump's malignant narcissism is toxic, USA Today, (May 4, 2017).

It wasn't merely mental health professionals who warned about Trump's dangerous psychopathy. George Conway is a prominent example: Donald Trump's Pathological Narcissism and Sociopathy Leave Him Unable to Function as a Proper President, Says George Conway, Newsweek, (10/3/19)

In 2022 it was revealed that John Kelly read "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" and came to believe he was "pathological liar whose inflated ego" was the sign of a "deeply insecure person,” according to upcoming book "The Divider." (LINK).
The first article about Trump being a narcissist by a mental health professional,  Northwestern University psychologist Dan P. McAdams, as far as I can tell, was in The Atlantic in June, 2016 I won't put a link because if you click you will use a free read unless you have a subscription. You can read a summary of the article for free here.

I wrote many articles about Trump's psychopatholgy first published on Capitol Hill Blue and then posted on Daily Kos. In Sept. 2022 I used this image of a Google search page for  Trump mentally ill in a Daily Kos posting:
Click above to enlarge

Bottom line: Trump has amply demonstrated that in addition to sharing the authoritarian and white supremacist beliefs of Ron DeSantos he is manifestly psychologically unstable. There is no way someone like him should be within 100 miles of the nuclear football.


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The Democrats need one person to go on TV, YouTube, and X every day to fight Trumpism. By Hal M. Brown As Trumpism moves to initiate 21st Century Nazism and an American police state we need our version FDR Fireside Chats.

The  fireside chat s  were a series of evening radio addresses given by Franklin D. Roosevelt between 1933 and 1944. He was trying to rally ...