I found Trump in Medieval painting of legal HellBy Hal Brown
Okay, that's a lie. I added a stylized version of Trump (made by using BeFunky) putting him in Hell, legal Hell. Above is a detail of a detail from a fresco in the medieval church of St Nicholas in Raduil, Bulgaria which is part of the Wikipedia entry on Hell.
I noticed that in the upper left corner of this painting the Scales of Justice were drawn. They are being held by a hand coming out of the clouds. Presumably this is the Hand of God. Also coming out of the cloud, I think it represents Heaven, is a flume of fire with a dark demon, perhaps meant to be the Devil himself, which would fit with God casting him out of Heaven.
Of all the paintings of Hell I could find online this was the only one with the Scales of Justice even though Hell is where people who break the law in egregious ways are supposed to go.
There's no sense to bullet point the tally here, but to be reminded you can just glance at the article or click below to enlarge the photos I took when "Morning Joe" re-aired the segment this morning:
Mika, after describing all the legal jeopardy and entanglements facing Trump, concludes with a personal message to Trump who, it has been reported, sometimes watches the show:
"That's a lot of law stuff happening there, Donald, just something to think about."
... and this:
the goodies keep coming...
Did I mention that if Stormy in the leak in the Trump ship that starts to sink him it would be poetic justice?
I mean, really raw:
The more stress Trump is under the more likely he will make mistakes...
This is cray-cray... supper time but juts on last article:
The trout was delicious. Thank you Fred Meyers.One last look before bedtime:
By chance there are two definitions of the word don (among a few others) which are applicable here. One is the proper name which is short for Donald and the other lower case is what the head of a Mafia family is called.
For decades Trump's Teflon has been like a coating of incredibly slippery mercury, his version was gold rather than silver colored, but just as difficult to hold onto as the real chemical element which is used in thermometers and other devices. It also happens to be poisonous.
As all this is happening we have the extraordinary case of the former FBI agent Charles McGonigal who had been in charge of the New York City office who was arrested for being basically a Russian spy. As this case moves forward we may find that Trump's fake Russian conspiracy was a more successful Russian espionage case of an American double agent than that involving Aldridge Ames.
Here a some images that I put together to illustrate previous blogs. The following could end up to be more than fantasies: