To be a popular villain in fiction a character has to express their villainy with panache. Trump is a master of doing this, from floating the idea of putting alligators in the Rio Grande or shooting immigrants trying to cross the border in the legs to, just the other day, talking about having one day when police can round up criminals without the usual retraints on using violence against them.
Here's his latest crowd pleasing suggestion:
Trump's call for police to have a 'Purge'-like day is an authoritarian strategy.
In the 2013 dystopian thriller "The Purge," America observes a tradition wherein, once a year for a designated 12-hour period, all crime is permissible — up to and including murder. During the purge, society is rocked by spectacular violence, which is said to have a cathartic effect: It dramatically reduces crime and unemployment. "The Purge" provides audiences with a warning about the horrifying consequences of selective observation of morals and a world ruled by a "might makes right" ethos. But at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Sunday, former President Donald Trump effectively floated the idea as a good thing. Except in his spinoff version, the twist is that it’s only the cops who get to do what they want.
Poor J.D. Vance tries to pull off this kind of unabashedly evil persona, but he just can't manage it. Trump, with his sing-songy voice and the hold he has on his audience, manages it. Perhaps this works because he is able to use that modulated voice the way hypnotists use theirs to put subjects in a trance.
I suppose we can excuse Vance for seeming to be a Trump Mini-Me.
Trump has been acting for decades. Vance is on the big stage now, but he has barely the skill for a small role in a community theater performance. If his best lines are about cat ladies and people eating pets he can't even deliver them well.Tonight in the debate he has one last chance to prove his acting chops. He will have to do this debating someone who isn't going to be mouthing lines from a script written by lunatics.
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