There's a part of me that I don't really know what to make of when it comes to wishing the absolute worst for the country during the next four years so people who voted for Trump suffer. In order for this to happen lots of good people will also suffer. In fact it is the good people will initially suffer more than the typical Trump voter. I don't want to see people suffer, not just know they are suffering, but literally see them suffering on television. But for the country to turn around this has to happen.
I offer for your consideration my Trump Tesla analogy.
I know that the people who thought Trump would usher in a a world of bluebirds and happiness for them personally are going to at some time be poleaxed with the realization that they bought the lemon of all lemon cars from a slick psychopathic salesman. The Trump car, let's say for obvious reasons that it is a Tesla, looked great in the showroom. Maybe they took it on a test drive and were impressed with the head snapping acceleration (one model will do 0-60 in less than two seconds and has a top speed of 200) and all electonic gewgaws.
Perhaps in time these buyers will eventually discover the transmission had a nasty habit of freezing up. They might discover the hard way that there were faulty airbags, that the navigation system didn't know north from south, that the air conditioning is faulty, and there's a glitch in the automatic locking system that may engage trapping them inside. Back to the consequences of this at the end of the blog.
Here's what led me to think of this:
I read an article in yesterday's NY Times, These 14 Voters Think Trump Has One Mandate Above All, and It’s Not About the Economy. It is by Patrick Healy, Margie Omero and Adrian J. Rivera. Mr. Healy is the deputy Opinion editor. Ms. Omero is a pollster. Mr. Rivera is an editorial assistant in Opinion.
I was stuck by some the impressions which these people who voted for Trump had of him.
For example these three were at the start of the article:
I can see the person why one person said "change" in response to the question "What’s one word that describes how you see Donald Trump today?" However common sense and patriotism, give me a break. Where are the heads of these people if not in the sand or some other place where the sun doesn't shine?
I served in the military. I’ve been a police officer. We spend lots of money in countries that most people couldn’t find on a map, and we have people that are starving in the streets of L.A. Trump believes in this country. He believes in Christ. He loves this country.
I’m kind of in the middle. The ones that were actually lawbreakers shouldn’t be pardoned. When they went into the Capitol building, some were just there, peaceful protesters. Maybe those people can get some type of pardon or commute their sentences. They shouldn’t be serving 15 years for just walking into the Capitol building. The ones that were violent and actually went in and took over in the Capitol building, they shouldn’t be pardoned.
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