October 19, 2024

We know Erich Fromm from his formulating the condition of malignant narcissism,. but his book "On Disobedience" is very relevant today, by Hal M. Brown, MSW

Erich Fromm's name often comes up in reference to Trump being a malignant narcissist because he is the one who first formulated this as a psychological condition.  Mental health experts beginning with Dr. John Gartner in his 2017 article in USA Today ("Trump's maligant narcissism is toxic") have been using this formulation of psychological conditions to describe Trump.

Erommw as a prolific writer probably best know for his books "The Art of Loving." and "Escape From Freedom." 

One of his less known works, "On Disobedience," is particularly relevant today. 

Various portions of "On Disobedience" were published in other works in the early 1960's. The book is espcially relevant today. You can read several of the first pages here.

This part addresses why people are so easily led by authority figures like Trump.

From the book: 

Why is man so prone to obey and why is it so difficult for him to disobey? As long as I am obedient to the power of the State, the Church, or public opinion, I feel safe and protected. In fact it makes little difference what power it is that I am obedient to. It is always an institution, or men, who use force in one form or another and who fraudulently claim omniscience and omnipotence. My obedience makes me part of the power I worship, and hence I feel strong. I can make no error, since it decides for me; I cannot be alone, because it watches over me; I cannot commit a sin, because it does not let me do so, and even if I do sin, the punishment is only the way of returning to the almighty power.

In order to disobey, one must have the courage to be alone, to err and to sin. But courage is not enough. The capacity for courage depends on a person's state of development. Only if a person has emerged from mother's lap and father's commands, only if he has emerged as a fully developed individual and thus has acquired the capacity to think and feel for himself, only then can he have the courage to say "no" to power, to disobey.

A person can become free through acts of disobedience by learning to say no to power. But not only is the capacity for disobedience the condition for freedom; freedom is also the condition for disobedience. If I am afraid of freedom, I cannot dare to say "no," I cannot have the courage to be disobedient. Indeed, freedom and the capacity for disobedience are inseparable; hence any social, political, and religious system which proclaims freedom, yet stamps out disobedience, cannot speak the truth.

There is another reason why it is so difficult to dare to disobey, to say "no" to power. During most of human history obedience has been identified with virtue and disobedience with sin. The reason is simple: thus far throughout most of history a minority has ruled over the majority. This rule was made necessary by the fact that there was only enough of the good things of life for the few, and only the crumbs remained for the many. If the few wanted to enjoy the good things and, beyond that, to have the many serve them and work for them, one condition was necessary: the many had to learn obedience. To be sure, obedience can be established by sheer force. But this method has many disadvantages. It constitutes a constant threat that one day the many might have the means to overthrow the few by force; further more there are many kinds of work which cannot be done properly if nothing but fear is behind the obedience. Hence theobedience which is only rooted in the fear of force must be transformed into one rooted in man's heart. Man must want and even need to obey, instead of only fearing to disobey. If this is to be achieved, power must assume the qualities of the All Good, of the All Wise; it must become All Knowing. 

If this happens, power can proclaim that disobedience is sin and obedience virtue; and once this has been proclaimed, the many can accept obedience because it is good and detest disobedience because it is bad, rather than to detest themselves for being cowards.

Blog from this morning here.

What is the most beautiful word in the dictionary according to Trump? By Hal M. Brown, MSW

Trump tells us what the most beautiful word in the dictionary is - tarrifs.

I wouldn't have known that Trump said this if I hadn't seen it in this HuffPost article:

A Failed Mic Leaves Donald Trump Pacing The Stage In Silence For Nearly 20 Minutes

Donald Trump paced his rally stage in silence for nearly 20 minutes Friday night in Detroit after his microphone cut out.

DETROIT (AP) — Donald Trump paced his rally stage in silence for nearly 20 minutes Friday night in Detroit after his microphone cut out.

The Republican nominee and former president was about to wax on about one of his favorite subjects, tariffs, working up to naming it by first teasing “the most beautiful word in the dictionary.” Very quickly afterward, the sound went down.

I assume he was going on to say that the most beautiful word in the dictionary is "tariffs."

Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, together with its 1993 Addenda Section, includes some 470,000 entries. I found it telling that of all these words, some of which by no stretch of the imagination can be called beautiful, Trump selected the word tariffs.

I assume that if Trumpism was in the dictionary he would say that this was the most beautiful word. It isn't there. I expect that within a year it may be added.

Hitlerism is there.

There are those who would consider this a beautiful word, and since Trumpism isn't there by default they might say this was the most beautiful word in the dictionary.
If I had to chose one word as the most beautful in the dictionary I'd chose this one:

Others might select God.  You say tomatoes and I say tomatohs.

 Both words are a far cry from tarrifs although taxes are referenced at least 30 times in the Bible, for example: "But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’" (Luke) "And when he came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, saying, 'What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth collect customs or poll-tax, from their sons or from strangers?' ” (Matthew)
I think this is yet another glimpse into the disordered mind of Donald Trump. This goes beyond his usual grandiose narcissism. We know Trump speaks in absolutes and hyperpbole. He has the biggest brain, he's the smartest person on any subject. To everything good he wants to brag about about himself he adds an "est" to. Not a big brain, but the biggest brain. 
He does this with his enemies as well. For example on the Dan Bongino show he referred to Judge Chutkin this way: "the judge is the most evil person." According to Trump she's not just an evil person, she's the most evil person. 
As for the traffis, Trump could have said that he was going to talk about one of his favorite words in the dictionary. Instead he said he was going to talk about the most beautiful word in the dictionary. 
If this was merely a one-off comment it would be irrelevant. It isn't. He shows signs of congitive deterioration not only whenever he goes off a teleprompter with his words and his so called "weave" way of Mexican jumping bean way of talking, but a few says ago when he saw him sway and awkwardly dance for a half hour .
Below: Does this look like someone who is cognitively together?
We also saw this yesterday when he paced around the stage and turned his back to the audience as if he was lost for 20 minutes. He, for example, could have gone off-mic and talked to members of the audience. If he was thinking strategically he would have realized that this would have made the news. 
Whether or not there's time prior to the election for voters who intended to vote for Trump to realize, perhaps with sadness and sympathy, that he has dementia and that a vote for him is really a vote for Vance remains to be seen. It seems that it would be easier for people to accept this than to admit to themselves that they were sold a false bill of goods, that they were gullible, by someone who conned them.
Of course many, perhaps most, of the voters who realized this would vote for him anyway because they like Vance. There's not much time but they need to be convinced that if Trump is elected and continues to deteriorate Vance is in position to play Judas to Trump's Jesus through the 25th Amendment. Vance should be portrayed a an opportunist who knew Trump wouldn't make it through his term and enable him to, like Brutus, summarily get rid of Ceasar.
Addendum: Here's an article from PRIDE about Trump dancng to the gay anthem YMCA. Scroll down to see this uncensored animated X rated version of him dancing to YMCA.


October 18, 2024

Trump was rude and crude at Catholic event, but there were no nuns to slap his wrists, by Hal M. Brown, MSW


AI Image from Perchance

Trump got a few scattered laughs at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner which is a benefit for Catholic Charities, but from what I saw his rude and crude remarks were mostly met by stone faced people who were visible as he spoke and silence from the audience. There was none of the resonating laughter we hear when a politician makes self-deprecating jokes at this and other similar events.

I wonder if some of those on the dais and in the audience were thinking back to their Catholic school days when the langauge he used would have earned them a sharp slap on the wrist with a nun's ruler.

Previous blogs

October 17, 2024

What would Christine Jorgenson say about the fate of democracy hinging on people who think transsexualism is akin to Satinism? By Hal M. Brown , MSW


What, I thought when I saw the following

Progressive activists inadvertently gave Trump his best ad against Harris

wasn't about what is depicted in the AI image I used to illustrate this blog.

I can't say I was surprised when I read the article that it was about the following:

One of Donald Trump's favorite campaign ads is currently bombarding sporting events and is claiming that Kamala Harris wants to give away free gender-transition surgery for prisoners and immigration detainees.

Harris's past stance on this issue comes from an ACLU questionnaire from five years ago, which asked Harris if she'd use executive authority to ensure people who rely on the state for medical care have the opportunity to transition if deemed a necessity. Harris answered, "Yes."

What should, but doesn't, boggle my mind is that so many people are having conniption fits over the entire issue of transsexualism. It used to be what seems like an eternity ago that people on the right went batshit crazy over the notion that so called "woke" liberals wanted to promote homosexuality. 

Books about male penguins raising a baby together and other books about diversity were banned. 

Today this seems almost the quaint old days. 

Now we have right-wing hysteria over the lie that somehow kids who may be confused about their sexuality will be hustled into an operating room in a school and end up going home at the end of the day as a different gender.

I am old enough to remember Christine Jorgenson, the first American to undergo sexual reassignment surgery.

I didn't read it in The NY Daily News (below) at the age of eight but some time afterwards I learned about it. 

Trying to remember back I don't think I thought much about it. She just seemed like a curiosity to me. I had no idea that she represented so many people who identified as transgender with numbers over a million children and a million adults in the United States.

Jorgensen's highly publicized transition helped bring to light gender identity and shaped a new culture of more inclusive ideas about the subject.[8] As a transgender spokesperson and public figure, she influenced other transgender people to change their sex and names on their birth certificates.[citation needed] Jorgensen saw herself as a founding member in what became known as the "sexual revolution."[8] In a 1988 Los Angeles Times interview, Jorgensen stated, "I am very proud now, looking back, that I was on that street corner 36 years ago when a movement started. It was the sexual revolution that was going to start with or without me. We may not have started it, but we gave it a good swift kick in the pants."[36]

In 2012, Jorgensen was inducted into Chicago's Legacy Walk, an outdoor public display celebrating LGBTQ history and people.[37]

In 2014, Jorgensen was one of the inaugural honorees in the Rainbow Honor Walk, a walk of fame in San Francisco's Castro neighborhood, noting LGBTQ people who have "made significant contributions in their fields".[38][39][40]

In June 2019, Jorgensen was one of the inaugural 50 American "pioneers, trailblazers, and heroes" included on the National LGBTQ Wall of Honor within the Stonewall National Monument (SNM) in New York City's Stonewall Inn.[41][42] The SNM is the first U.S. national monument dedicated to LGBTQ rights and history,[43] and the wall's unveiling was timed to take place during the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots.[44]

Chrstine Jorgenson died at the age of 69 in 1989. As I wrote in my title, if she were alive today I wonder what she would think about the fate of democracy hinging on peoples fear of transsexualism.

October 16, 2024

I wonder if Vance thinks about Capt. Queeg and how his 2nd in command Lt. Maryk used Article 184, and Trump and the 25th Amendment. By Hal M. Brown, MSW


AI Image from Perchance

I rarely think of something to write about that is unique in the sense that it s totally a new idea or perspective which nobody else has expressed. Such it was when I thought about the well know strawberries episode in "The Caine Mutiny" when Captain Queeg, played by Humphrey Bogart, in the 1954 Oscar-nominated movie "The Caine Mutiny" was overcome by the insanity we see in Donald Trump.

I wrote about this on Nov. 8, 2023 here:

“The Strawberries, the strawberries” – Trump will crash and burn if he goes full-bore Capt. Queeg. He will crash and burn once enough Republicans say what Claire McCaskel said: Trump’s “got mental illness, for gosh sake!” She was mild. Many may say “holly sh*t he really is crazy.”

I never get tired of watching this classic scene:

It occurred to me again that Trump's losing it in recent appearances was even more similar to Queeg becoming clinically paranoid than he was even a few months ago.  In the "Caine Mutiny" his crew realized he was endangering them so they decided to invoke Article 184.

I did a web search and discovered the following: 

How 'The Caine Mutiny' influenced the debate over the 25th Amendment

It was published in The Washington Post in Sept, 2018 but you can read it without a subscription here.

If you somehow missed seeing the movie based on a Herman Wouk novel:

The crew, as of late, believed the captain was out of his mind. He had recently ordered a sweeping investigation into who ate a missing quart of strawberries from the kitchen, believing the apprehension of this strawberry thief was of singular importance. In a second fit of paranoia, Queeg ordered the sailors to search for a nonexistent secret key to the icebox, believing it would lead to the thief. Now the captain was frozen in fear — believing he had everything under control.

This is a long article but the points it makes aren't what I want to focus on. 

We are now faced with a situation where we could have a president who, like Queeg,  becomes irrational and dangerous enough to lead to his second in command, his vice president, starting the process by calling in the Cabinet so they vote to use 25th Amendment. If they voted for this it would then go to the Congress.

Unless people are familiar with the novel or movie they wouldn't compare  Lt. Stephen Maryk, the ship’s executive officer, who finally takes over command of the vessel, to J.D. Vance. In effect Vance could be use the law like Maryk did to remove his superior and take over the ship, in this instance, the ship of state. 

For this to happen Trump's decompensation has to be public enough so 2/3rd of the members of Congress were willing to permanently remove the president. Then of course we'd have Vance as president.

Voters must realize that a vote for Trump is very possibly a vote for someone so unbalanced they could be removed through the 25th and they are really voting for J.D. Vance. It is possible, perhaps even likely, that enough people would prefer Vance to Harris as president that Trump still would win despite this.

Trump cannot win unless all members of his cult vote for him. There is a way this could change. His cult members view him as a Jesus like figure. If they realized that their Jesus was very human and had dementia some of them might, just might, feel sorry for him if they could believe it. As unlikely as this is there's a chance it could happen in the few weeks until the election.

They'd have to be convinced that when Trump says his fragmented speaking is an example of his masterful ability to do something he proudly calls "the weave" (see article) is really like a family member with dementia saying that their garbled mixed up speaking is meant to be avant-garde poetry.

If these voters could be convinced that Vance would be like Judas, while they might not vote for Harris, they might decide not to vote at all. 

These votes could make the difference between a win for Trump and a win for Harris.

What a President Vance would mean for the country isn't the point here. We can all imagine a sane version of Trump who also wants to be a dictator but understands Project 2025 and is intend on implementing it.

I think the Harris team has finally realized that Trump's cognitive decline can be a major, perhaps a deciding, issue in the election. This is evidenced by her using his unhinged words against him.

Read article and watch video.

On Oct. 2, I posted this blog:

“On the initiative of the vice president” should be on the top of the page story today. I just added Trump and strawberries to the image I made using AI:

Read previous blogs here.


October 15, 2024

Trump wants you to believe Kamala has a "migrant phone app" to help drug cartels. Is this schtick or does he believe it? By Hal M. Brown, MSW


I read about this in 

Trump’s lie-industrial complex by Lucian Truscott, IV in Salon today.


He tells this lie at every one of his rallies, accusing President Biden and Vice President Harris of “letting in criminals from “insane asylums which are mental institutions on steroids” using what he calls “Kamala’s migrant phone app. She’s got a phone app. It’s meant for the cartel heads. The cartel heads call the app and they tell them where to drop the illegal migrants…It’s not even believable.” 

Here's an another excerpt from the article:

Trump spreads one vicious lie after another about immigrants, alleging that tens of thousands of “illegal” immigrants descended on the town of Springfield, Ohio, population 58,000, taking people’s jobs, eating their cats and committing crimes such as murder and rape. He tells lies about other towns such as Aurora, Colorado, where immigrant “gangs” are taking over entire apartment complexes “with AK-47s and they’re going to take over the whole damn state by the time they finish, unless I become president.”  He has even ginned up a whole new lie, that immigrants are crossing the border with Mexico “from the Congo in Africa. Many people from the Congo. I don’t know what that is, but they come out of jails in the Congo.” 

Whether Trump is doing schtick when he says things like this or whether he believes them is important. If he wanted to employ a metaphor he should be writing something like this about Kamala, the phone app, and migrants:

It's like Kamala has a migrant phone app. It's as if she’s got a phone app meant for the cartel heads, as if cartel heads call the app and they tell them where to drop the illegal migrants....

He doesn't write this. He concludes what he did write with "It’s not even believable” which is telling because it shouldn't be believable for any rational person because it is ludicrous.

If Trump just wants you to believe it he's a psychopathic manipulative liar, but if he believes it he is clincally delusional. This tells us that he gets information from others that supports his narrative, or that he makes things up with some semblence of creativity, or has them pop up from the fevered recesses of his unconscious. Wherever they come from if he ends up believing they are true he is experiencing delusions.

Along with the prospect that if Trump becomes president we will end up with what Chauncey DeVega called "The Age of Trump: MAGAVerse 2.0" in yesterday's Salon column (here). DeVega, ever the consumate wordsmith, wrote the following words that I hope against hope won't turn out to be prescient:

With less than a month to go until Election Day, the American people and the world will soon find out if the epic that is the Age of Trump is about to be over or if they will be forced to suffer through a sequel featuring the various characters and spin-offs that the MAGAverse 2.0 may spawn. In these final weeks, the story that is the Age of Trump most closely resembles some type of crime novel, one in which the crimes are announced and planned in public and then committed in plain sight.

With Trump we will also have a president with worsening dementia and a delusional psychosis. As I was quoted in the DeVega column this would mean that there would be a very good chance Trump's condition would deteriorate to the point he'd be removed through the 25th Amendment and Vance would become president. Vance would be a president with intact mental capacity who would be more capable than an unhinged president of implementing Project 2025. 

Vance wouldn't be doing schtick. He'd be be as serious a a heart attack for democracy.

October 14, 2024

If "they" knew what we in Chauncey DeVega's Salon column know, would "they" still vote for Trump? Probably... By Hal M. Brown, MSW

Trump from Perchance Image AI

 With less than a month to go until Election Day  the American people and the world will soon find out if the epic that is the  Age of Trump is about to be over or if they will be forced to suffer through a sequel featuring the various characters and spin-offs that the MAGAVerse 2.0 may spawn. In these final weeks, the story that is the Age of Trump most closely resembles some type of crime novel, one in which the crimes are announced and planned in public and then committed in plain sight.  Chauncey DeVega

This was the main story on Salon this morning. It is a column by Chauncey DeVega .

It is a series of interviews with several people he interviews about politics on a regular basis. It happens that I am one of them. The quote about Vance in the title comes from what I said.

The "they" I refer to are those who people who believe another Trump term won't destroy democracy. They do believe Trump will fulfill all his promises to make their lives and the country better. They are among the good, moral, ethical, and caring people I wrote about in my blog the other day.

To quote myself from that blog:

Everyone voting for Trump isn't a believer in white nationalism, isn't a racist, and certainly not a violence prone sadist who thinks it's a good idea to separate migrant children from their parents and lock them in cages let alone put alligators in the Rio Grande or shoot those attempting to cross it in the legs.

First and foremost they believe that a Trump presidency will be good for them, their families, and for the country. Second, they believe that Kalama Harris will not be good for them, their families, and for the country. Many of them say that they just don't trust Kamala Harris but they are unable to explain why. 

When confronted with all the reasons not  to vote for Trump they either counter by saying this is fake news or dismissing these reasons by saying that his various strengths as a leader outweigh his shortcomings. They don't think children are being sent to school where, against their parents will, they will have their gender changed. They don't think Kamala Harris will turn the country into a communist or Marxist state.

What do Chauncey DeVega and those quoted in his column know?

Chauncey DeVega knows that Trump is an enemy of democracy. He has clearly made a case for this in his numerous columns.  Chauncey DeVega is a senior politics writer for Salon. His essays can also be found at Chaunceydevega.com. He also hosts two weekly podcasts, The Chauncey DeVega Show and The Truth Report. Chauncey can be followed on Twitter and Facebook.

Scholar and best-selling author Norm Ornstein knows that if Trump wins there's a good chance he will fulfill his pledge "to invoke the Insurrection Act, provoke political violence, focus on retribution, pardon the January 6 criminals, blow up our alliances and form a new one with dictators."

Matthew Dallek, a political historian at George Washington University and author, thinks that "if Trump were to lose, it’s virtually impossible to envision him accepting the election results; he is likely to accuse his enemies of stealing the election and urge his most passionate followers to take to the streets."

Lawyer, writer, political activist David Pepper knows that there is a very real chance Project 2025 will be implemented and could mean the "privatizing weather forecasts to attacks on public education, unions and workers, to bans on abortion and IVF, everyday Americans will quickly see how long-sought right-wing priorities will quickly upend their own lives, their communities and the nation as a whole."

As the only psychotherapist interviewed for this column what I know is that Trump is in cognitive decline. Therefore there is a very good chance that if Trump wins he would eventually be removed through the 25th Amendment. This would happen if his condition deteriorated into advanced dementia that was impossible to hide from the public. This would make a J.D. Vance, a clincially sane authoritarian, president. 

My impression is that Trump voters would miss their "dear leader" and turn him into some kind of god. They would engage in massive denial that people like us addressed the signs he had early dementia for months if not years.  Chris Christie noted this yesterday: 'I Saw': Chris Christie Describes 'Significant Declines' In Trump's Cognitive Skills (read article).

For people to change their minds about Trump (and Vance) they need to open them. This is not only incredibly difficult for those who have deeply held or core beliefs to do. These are beliefs that are part of their identity and how they view the world. Signficantly, it is even harder to radically change a belief that is central to one's identity when doing this means admitting you were gullible. Consider this entry from my online therausus for gullible:

 the swindler preyed upon gullible peoplecredulousover-trustingover-trustfultrustfuleasily deceived/ledeasily taken inexploitableripe for the pickingdupabledeceivableimpressionableunsuspectingunsuspiciousunwaryunguardedunskepticalingenuousnaiveinnocentsimpleinexperiencedunworldlygreenas green as grasschildlikeignorantfoolishsillyinformal wet behind the earsborn yesterday.

Considering the malevolent vengeance driven personalities of both Trump and Vance my suggestion to everyone should they win is that there's both strength and solace when you join with like minded people.

This is my quote from the DeVega column:

I want to share some advice, and hopefully some wisdom, from my 40 years as a psychotherapist and from the insights I gained from both my own clients and from my own therapists. In addition to what I said above, I would remind everyone who feels overwhelmed that no matter how horrific things get you are not alone in the resistance. The most insidious feeling during times of stress is loneliness. If you feel this and want to hide your head under a blanket force yourself to rally whatever strength you can muster and reach out to like-minded people.

Another way to put it is that it is better to hang together than to hang alone.


This was posted on Oct. 14. This is the blog from Oct. 15th.

Read previous blogs here. 

It's not hyperbole to invoke Hitler, albeit with qualifications, anymore, by Hal M. Brown

When we compare Trump with Hitler, we aren’t comparing him to Hitler in the 1940’s. We compare him to Hitler when he was coming into power i...