January 23, 2015

My Hawaii photos, from paper, 1959
I spent the entire summer here when I was 15.

My aunt's Studebaker convertible.

That's my aunt in our backyard. 

Above three - my Aunt Grace's house above a garage on the end of Kalakaua at Coconut.

A WWII bunker near the Doris Duke estate.


From the air on arrival. Unbeknownst to me, I took a photo of my aunt's house, next to the unfinished  condo.

Diamond Head from our apartment.

The condo under construction across the street.

My aunt swimming at Doris Duke's estate where she docked yachts.

Aunt Grace

Downtown, Punchbowl in background.

Me, up the road a piece from where we lived.

January 19, 2015

Just a few miscellaneous photos around Willamette View taken this week: from berries and balls to the waterfall (which only flows when there's be a lot of rain).

click to enlarge below

I'm rethinking Pete Buttigieg as Kamala's VP choice. By Hal Brown, MSW

  Above: Chasten and  Pete Buttigieg with adopted twins. Of all Cabinet members it is usually the Secretary of State who is most well known....