July 21, 2022

Misspelled local graffiti

 This was on the side of a fence by the Chevron station of the corner of McLoughlin and Courtney in Milwaukie, Oregon. The writer misspelled the word destruct. It isn't possible to determine whether the commentary was meant as a reaction to high gasoline prices or a more general gripe.

The question as to whether we, as human beings, are hard wired to self-destruct can be seen as a profoundly philosophical and psychological one. I'd like to find the author of this and ask what they really meant.

A car parked at Fred Meyer Oak Grove:

Here's another car:

"On the initiative of the vice president" should be on the top of the page story today, by Hal M. Brown, MSW

Why is this man laughing? Image of laughing Vance from Perchance Photo AI Unfortunately you need a subscription to read this entire Washing...