Showing posts with label RFK Jr.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RFK Jr.. Show all posts

December 8, 2024

If only the entire country could divorce itself from a toxically masculine regime, By Hal M. Brown. MSW


I came across this in today's NY Times (subscription):

You can watch the video clip shown above here.

In the Times article the following is revealed:

Mr. Kennedy added that as part of an “anti-aging protocol from my doctor,” he also receives testosterone replacement therapy. “But I don’t take any steroids,” he said. “I don’t take any anabolic steroids or anything like that.”

The lines between supplementation with T.R.T. — a common practice among older men — and steroid use can get blurry for some because they are dealing with the same hormone in vastly different quantities. 

This kind of display of musculature is just one more representation of the toxic masculinity that has taken over the political scene thanks to Donald Trump. He obviously isn't about to allow himself to be photographed shirtless. He's convinced his cult that he really looks like the AI created superhero images he promotes.

We also had Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg making noise about fighting each other in a cage match. Jumping juvenile Jehoshaphat, these are grown men!  See: Billionaire brawl: all the latest on the cage match between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. The cage match was cancelled (read article) with each man blaming the other. I expect on pay per view people would have tuned in.

More about Elon because, well, just because he's at least for now one of the most influential Trump whisperers. He made the best of a bad situation in 2022 and was able to joke about it saying publication of bathing suit photos were a good excuse to go to the gym (see article) when photos of him shirtless went viral.

Of course we had Trump beating Vince McMahon in a fake wrestling match and shaving his head. I won't subject you to photos of that. I also won't bother publishing photos of a horseback riding shirtless Putin.

Another toxic male Trumper who I doubt you pay any attention to, though you've heard his name, is Alex Jones who does the InfoWars website. He also likes to put shirtless photos of himself showing his muscles online.

Then we had Hulk Hogan literally ripping his shirt off to show off his muscles during Trump's final rally. Again, I won't subject you to including them in this blog.

I can see a woman doing this at a Trump rally. In factwoman was escorted out of a Trump rally after flashing her breasts in the stand. 

It is hard to image that we would have a president who would do what he did in these two photos:

Can you imagine a self-respecting woman doing the same thing?

Wikipedia's definition of toxic masculinity begins:

The concept of toxic masculinity is used in academic and media discussions to refer to those aspects of hegemonic masculinity that are socially destructive, such as misogynyhomophobia, and violent domination. These traits are considered "toxic" due in part to their promotion of violence, including sexual assault and domestic violenceSocialization of boys sometimes also normalizes violence, such as in the saying "boys will be boys" about bullying and aggression.

Wikipedia does not have a page for toxic femininity,  but it is a concept in psychology and social science. It has a very different meaning than toxic masculinity. Consider:

Toxic femininity refers to the adherence to the gender binary in order to receive conditional value in patriarchal societies. It is a concept that restricts women to being cooperative, passive, sexually submissive, gentle, and deriving their value from physical beauty while being pleasing to men. From VeryWell Mind.

Toxically masculine men, whether they have rippling muscles or, like Trump and Steven Miller (left), aren't muscle men, still have toxic male beliefs. For example, they tend to lack empathy and are prone to bullying. They often are sadistic and enjoy inflicting pain or discomfort on their enemies. In the past few days we saw Trump's total lack of empathy when talking about deporting entire families including children when only one or both parents were here illegally. Without weight lifting hardened biceps this is Trump flexing his muscles as saying "look how tough I am." 

This is Trump interviewed by Kristin Welker on Meet the Press (watch video here) talking about eliminating birthright citizenship and deporting entire families:

PRES.-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: Well, that way you keep the – well, I don't want to be breaking up families, so the only way you don't break up the family is you keep them together and you have to send them all back.

KRISTEN WELKER: Even kids who are here legally?

PRES.-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: Well, what you've got to do if they want to stay with their father – look, we have to have rules and regulations. You can always find something out like, you know, "This doesn't work. That doesn't work." I'll tell you what's going to be horrible, when we take a wonderful young woman who's with a criminal. And they show the woman, and she could stay by the law, but they show the woman being taken out. Or they want her out and your cameras are focused on her as she's crying as she's being taken out of our country. And then the public turns against us. But we have to do our job. And you have to have a series of standards and a series of laws. And in the end, look, our country is a mess.

This is just plain sadistically sick. How anyone with any sense of morality can read or watch Trump saying this thinks he is a decent person staggers me. How someone who says "Trump is a Christian" can utter these words with a straight face is a sad sign of the times.

In 2021 Adam Sewer of The Atlantic wrote a book about the Trump administration titled "The Cruelty Is the Point: The Past, Present, and Future of Trump's America" with the first part of the title becoming a frequently used phrase to describe Trump's inhumane policies.

Cruelty is part and parcel of toxic masculinity. Trump and his ilk thrive on knowing people are afraid of them. This is not just because of the power they have over their lives, but potential victims know that they take satisfaction in being cruel.

Numerous articles like 7 Subtle Signs of Toxic Masculinity in a Relationship give advice to people who have men like this as their partners. If only it could be simple for an entire half of a democracy loving country to get a divorce. It could go into couples therapy to get help to gain the insight and self-esteem to get a divorce from a toxic partner. It is as if half the country has been forced into a marriage with a toxic, and abusive, partner. 

Previous list of blogs here.

Primary Hal Brown's Blog website is (if you are reading this anywhere else any additions or corrections will be at this address)

July 20, 2023

Gullible people who believe Donald Trump may also believe anti-vaxxers like RFK Jr. and Dr. Zach Bush, and snake oil salespeople pushing products like Prevagen

By Hal Brown

Read on single page here.

 This is major revision version of the story I posted on Daily Kos on April 18, 2021

Click above to enlarge.
You may have seen many of these commercials

See their commericals here.

If you watch MSNBC as many of my blog readers do, and have a decent memory, you may recognize the name Robert Strictler. He’s one of the people who appeared in ads for Prevagen which is supposed to improve memory in people over 50. There are lots of the people giving paid testimonials ( see how many you recognize here, trivia points for each one). The ads featuring Strickler were running on almost every evening MSNBC show when I first wrote this.

If you haven’t seen the commercials they are all pretty much like this Robert Strickler one.

It should be a no-brainer (pun intended) that if there was a medication that actually improved memory in seniors, or anybody for that matter, it would be a boon to humanity. Everyone would be taking it. 

So what’s the deal with Robert Strictler with his dulcet baritone, and all the other incredibly healthy looking people, touting how this pill improved their  memories? Should you believe them? (I think I answered that in my illustration.)

Prevagen is marketed as a brain supplement supposedly based on a discovery coming from analyzing a species of luminescent jellyfish. This could convince the gullible. They say it contains a protein called apoaequorin, which is made by the Aequorea victoria jellyfish.

I mean, why not, it makes on species of jellyfish glow so why should’t it light up your brain? The jellyfish even kind of looks like a human brain.

Glowing jellyfish, Aequorea victoria

"Brilliant" marketing, eh what?

He’s either lying and making the commercials for money, or actually thinks it has improved his memory. I won’t rule out the possibility that he’s a true believer and making money is a bonus. The placebo effect is very powerful.

Does it really work aside from a placebo effect which has been scientifically demonstrated to be powerful in many circumstances (read The Power of the Placebo Effect). The simple answer is no. You can reach this conclusion with a simple DuckDuckGo web search of Prevagen hoax or real.

You’ll find articles like this from a 2017 NBC News article.

There are numerous articles like this including this one from a Harvard Medical School newsletter: FDA curbs unfounded memory supplement claims.

Now lets do another DuckDuckGo search. Here’s what you’ll find if you search the following:

Why are some people more gullible than others. 

The top article that comes up actually has the title of my Internet search. It's from The Conversation:

Here’s are excerpts from this article that apply to both dietary supplements and how Donald Trump exploited the gullibility of a large segment of the public.

Homo sapiens is probably an intrinsically gullible species. We owe our evolutionary success to culture, our unique ability to receive, trust and act on stories we get from others, and so accumulate a shared view about the world. In a way, trusting others is second nature.

But not everything we hear from others is useful or even true. There are countless ways people have been misled, fooled and hoaxed, sometimes for fun, but more often, for profit or for political gain.

Although sharing social knowledge is the foundation of our evolutionary success, in this age of unlimited and unfiltered information, it is becoming a major challenge to decide what to believe, and what to reject.

Gullibility in public life

Gullibility and credulity have become important issues as a deluge of raw, unverified information is readily available online.

Consider of how fake news during the US presidential election influenced voters.

Stories that generate fear and promote a narrative of corrupt politicians and media can be particularly effective. In Europe, Russian websites “reported” numerous false stories designed to undermine the EU and to bolster support for extreme right-wing parties.

Credulity and gullibility are also of great commercial importance when it comes to marketing and advertising. For example, much brand name advertising subtly appeals to our need for social status and identity. Yet, we obviously cannot acquire real status or identity just by buying an advertised product.

Even water, a freely available colourless, tasteless, transparent liquid is now successfully marketed as an identity product, a multi-billion dollar industry built mostly on misleading advertising and gullibility. Dietary supplements are another large industry exploiting gullibility


There's a sucker born every minute

This is a phrase closely associated with P.T. Barnum though there’s no actual evidence he ever said it.  Wikipedia

I’d say that with the birth rate in the United States now being a baby being born every eight seconds (Reference) there are currently many more suckers than merely one being born here every minute.

Con artists probably have uttered these words as they laughed all the way to the bank.  Not to assume Trump ever said these words I wouldn't be surprised if he thought about it as he turned lying into an art form. I would expect that those working on his campaign either said it or thought it.

Another quote which is apropos when considering how gullible people are has been attributed to Abraham Lincoln but it is also unclear whether he ever said it: 

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Reference

All I can say about the future of America is that whether Lincoln said this or not, I damn well hope it is true since it appears that about 40% of the voting public believe Trumpian lies. These number have been holding true since I originally wrote this

I hope that number of gullible people who swallow the scare tactics from the hard right hook, line, and sinker never gets high enough to turn us into the kind of country the likes of Trump and his minions want it to be.

I am not sure of the authorities of the FDA and the FTC and how they intersect or overlap when it comes to regulation or possible banning the advertising claims of supplements. This is the authority of the  FDA for supplements. They say that “a firm is responsible for determining that the dietary supplements it manufactures or distributes are safe and that any representations or claims made about them are substantiated by adequate evidence to show that they are not false or misleading.”

I think the FDA which is a scientific body should do a rigorous review of research used by the manufacturers of supplements to make their claims, or commission their own studies.  Then if appropriate the either the FDA or the FTC could issue the ban.  

There’s another three letter government entity, a commission and not an agency, which is relevant in this discussion, the FEC. The is the Federal Election Commission. They seem to be a toothless tiger when it comes to keeping our elections honest. See “Senate confirms new members and restores power to long-hobbled Federal Election Commission” from 2020.

I suspect that those taking advantage of the payouts ordered by the FTC never reach the predicted amounts (see “Prevagen Payouts Could Reach Tens of Millions of Dollars Due to False Advertising” ) because even if those who purchased the product hear about it not that many will go to the trouble of submitting a claim. Even if they learn of the settlement they need proof of purchase and only are eligible to receive 30 percent of the retail cost of Prevagen, with the total not to exceed $70. How many people have proof of purchase and will bother making the claim to get a maximum of $70?

Note that the original FTC false advertising charge was issued in 2012 and the payouts weren’t ordered until 2020. It seems to me that a company that has made hundred of millions selling a bogus health supplement doesn’t care about paying out tens of millions to consumers anyway.

Here's an excerpt about Prevagen from GoodRx:

Is there any scientific evidence supporting Prevagen’s claims?

The evidence to support Prevagen’s use is limited and flawed. Quincy Bioscience published a small study in 2016 comparing 10 mg of apoaequorin per day to placebo (a pill with no medication in it) for 90 days. All study participants self-identified as having memory problems, but none had any serious memory loss conditions like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

At the end of the study, people taking apoaequorin had higher scores than those taking placebo on some of the tests used to measure their overall memory. The study authors noted the difference between the two groups was significant, and Quincy Bioscience — who also sponsored the study — has been using these results to back up Prevagen’s claims.

But there are a few issues with the study. First, it only included a little over 200 participants and only ran for 90 days. This number of people is smaller than what we typically require when trying to prove a medication is effective for the general population. Also, conducting the study for only 90 days means we don’t know the long-term safety or effectiveness of Prevagen.

Another problem with this study is the types of tests the researchers used to test memory. None of the cognitive assessments used in this study are standard tests used by healthcare providers to look for and diagnose memory loss conditions. Using a non-standard test makes the results difficult to interpret, so we can’t say for sure just how effective Prevagen is.

The only way I can see to protect gullible consumers is to ban such advertising. In the world of politics there's no feasible way to ban false advertising. The only was to fight against people being misled by poltical lying this is to educate the public so they are more skeptical and become adept at critical thinking. This would take an enormious bipartisan public education campaign. Getting the GOP on board with this is about as likely to happen as Trump going on Fox News and admitting he was the biggest liar of all time and suckered all of his supporters since he didn't give a crap about them. 

----- Case Study: Dr. Zach Bush -----

Dr. Zach Bush made a case against getting vaccinated for Covid to his many followers when the vaccine first came out. This year we have RFK Jr. spinning similar dangerous lies about vaccines.

Well known medical doctors like Dr. Oz who promotes pseudoscience have a significant following but lesser known ones like Zach Bush  promoted false claims to a gullible audience not only about various health subjects but dangerous theories about Covid including in Zach Bush’s case recommending against vaccination. 

I researched Zach Bush because he'd been recommending against Covid vaccination. If you search him on DuckDuckGo you have to go far into the results to find anything debunking him. If you add the search terms pseudoscience, quack, debunked, and fraud  you will find several articles explaining how he is promoting pseudoscience. 

If someone worried about the Covid vaccine talked to a friend who gets their medical information from Zach Bush and his like and then they looked them up online they would find what seem to be logical medical reasons not to get it. When I first looked at some of what Bush wrote it look like a lot of scientific gobbledygook, but I could see how lots of people would find what he said to be credible. Then I did my deep dive into the Internet to learn more about him.

I learned from one of those websites exposing him as a fraud that several years ago he hired a company to assure that he could flood Internet search results with his own material. It was successful. This fraud is a slick self-promoter who even sells his own products on his various websites.

Zach Bush is a good case study because of his credentials. This is some of what Medika,an excellent website. says about him in Who Not To Trust: A List of 10 Covid-19 Charlatans and “Medical” Snake-Oil Salesmen.” Note that he's number three on their list. They consider him, as do I, a real danger to the public health.  They call him the poster boy for predatory health. From what I can tell he mixes reasonable sounding and at least, to some extent, scientifically researched medical and scientific  opinion with pseudoscience. 

As a showman he is a slick as the snake oil he sells. In fact, he actually does sell products like this:

I could call him the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of the medical profession.

Click below to enlarge:
Bush has his own page on the Medika website:

I am always suspicious about anything posted on Reddit, however I found the comments posted there about Zach Bush to be worth reviewing. 

I joined and post my first comment which was abut Bush here.

July 19, 2023

Holy maraschino-cherry macho mishagas, Batman, what's with these push-up 'pulican's?

By Hal Brown

Click smaller images tp enlarge them/

By chance one of the first articles I read this morning had nothing to do with politics but for me it segued into the second one I read and led me to write this blog. The first article was in The Washington Post (subscription)

Weight training can be easy and still build strength. Here’s how.

It served as some motivation to start doing the light weight training lazy-me got out of the habit of doing an embarrassing length of time ago. My dumbbells don't do me any good languishing on the floor of my kitchen pantry (top photo).

The next article, by Amanda Marcotte, which I looked was... 

 It at was featured on the top of the page on Salon:
I watched the videos in the the article.

For some convoluted reason in my mind I thought of one of Robin's oft used taglines in the Batman series/

  Robin had many "holy something Batman" phrases. 

Here's a video of 50 other them.

 Seeing these videos he might exclaim Holy maraschino-cherry macho michagas Batman. This was my intial reaction.

Why did this come to me? 

Letting my mind wander, I recalled the time years ago when my friend Helen, her foster daughter, and I used to go to our local Friendly's restaurant and always made sure our favorite waitress waited on us. One time I ordered a sundae with extra cherries for desert and she brought me a sundae topped with as many cherries as would fit on the ample mountain of whipped cream. I think I made this association because the videos in the articles represented the sicky sweet cherries on the top of the sundae.

I have a photo of the actual sundae somewhere. This isn't it but it was taken of me at the same restaurant.

You may prefer to forget the 2007 fake wrerstling match, Batttle of the Billionaires, between Trump and Vince McMahon with Trump "winning" and getting to shave McMahon's head.

. I'd seen the "this is my Covid protection" video of Margorie Taylor Greene lifting weights and doing swinging pull-ups...

...  and of course most of the Trump photoshopped digital trading cards depicting him as some musclebound superhero.

I hadn't seen RFK Jr. doing push-ups ("getting in shape for my debates with President Biden" which hopefully will never happen) showing off his actual muscled pects and abs. If anything demonstates the egotism and unseriousness of his run for president this one video tweet does.  

I hadn't seen Tom Cotton and Chuck Grassley trying to show off by doing butt-in-the-air push-ups to prove, hmmm, something half-assed point:

Drew Comments, above left, snarkily wrote:

 For some guys who try to act so macho and manly these some sorry ass push-ups no cap🤨 Chuck Grassley and Tom Cotton I see why y’all fight for the 2nd amendment so hard. Y’all NEED guns 🥴

I have nothing to add to what Amanda Marcotte wrote in her concluding three paragraphs:

Such nonsense also lays the groundwork for other fascist arguments about who does and doesn't count because of their bodies. Women, ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, and disabled people are often targeted with stereotypes of bodily degeneracy, as a pretext for stripping them of basic human rights. There's a reason that Trump and his acolytes like to portray immigrants as diseased or drugged-out, implicitly comparing them to supposedly pure-and-strong white Americans. Dehumanizing people as weak or sickly is a first step towards arguing they must be culled or controlled. There's a reason that the discredited theory of eugenics laid the foundation for the Holocaust.

Toxic masculinity and fitness fetishization also do lesser but real harm to the authoritarian personalities that get caught up in it. Right-wing websites and influencers like Alex Jones and Joe Rogan are always grifting their audiences by pitching useless supplements with false hopes of physical perfectability. People who believe Kennedy's silly claim about 35-minute workouts might get frustrated when it doesn't work out for them and develop eating disorders or other bad health habits response. And, of course, there's all the people who believed that only "weak" people need vaccines, and ended up either very sick or dying from COVID-19.

Working out is a good thing to do and being fit is a fine goal to have. It just turns to poison in the hands of fascists, who conflate fitness with moral superiority. Your push-up count says nothing about your character or fitness to lead. But your choice to post cringey workout videos as campaign proves that you're bankrupt in both departments. 

Make American Nasty and Mean, by Hal M. Brown

  There was one line that struck me as particularly telling in The NY Times (subscription) article  How Trump’s Border Czar Thomas Homan Fou...