Showing posts with label Trump clown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump clown. Show all posts

August 17, 2023

"Teflon Gone" Trump may be sliding out of the frying pan into the fire


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Above was the main page of HUFFPOST yesterday (article here). 

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By Hal Brown

Today this is a top story on Raw Story decribing what was discussed on Morning Joe in their first hour (and is still being talked about as I write this):

GOP 'quietly panicking' over 'devastating' poll numbers on Trump crimes

Above: Opnion on the decision to indict Trump o Jan 6 case

Up until recently Trump has been even more slippery than my bag of Teflon furniture sliders.

He has been able to slide out of trouble, whether legal entanglements or his crude misogynist Access Hollywood comment and having extra-marital sex with a porn star just after Melania gave birth, like an egg on a Teflon frying pan.

Trump's demise has been predicted before. The covers of The New York Daily News depciting him as a loser clown are a good example.

The Daily News featured this story on their front page on July 4, 2018. More than five years later it may finally be true.
Trump was considered a loser clown on these fromt pages duriing his first primary.
The only issues I have with the depictions of Trump as a clown in the illustrations above is that they merely show him as a sad or smiling clown.

In fact while Trump was clownish he was anything but benign. He was the clown of nightmares. He was like a classic scary clown in movies like Pennywise from "Stephen King's It" and all the other scary clown movies only in a suit and ridulously long red tie.

The clown who was the president/king and tried to overthow the "bedrock values" the United States were founded on during his presidency and ever since he lost this bid for reelection he has continued to do so. 

The Constitution was a joke book, more a book of cartoons for the man notorious for not reading anything more complex than simple words on notecards. He not only ignored the Constitution but took pleasure in doing so and getting away with it. Kings, emperors, and dictators write their own rulebooks.

Hopefully one or more  juries of citizens treat him like any other citizen who is not above the law, and will prove he has lost his Teflon protection. If he is found guilty he'll be cooked. He will slide out of the frying pan into the fire where Teflon won't do him any good. He'll need a fireproof suit.

Addendum 1:

Trump and the clown references and imagry, below about a clown car with Trump as the driver honking sadly on the oversized horn, keep coming up. This is from 

Trump’s Last Two Indictments Complement Each Other Perfectly by Dahlia Lithwick in Slate:

Addendum 2:

The title of this story in Salon is a prediction and speculation:

I thought it was ironic that when I read it ads for very expensive toasters appeared twice in the article:
I wrote about Trump sliding from the firepan into the fire. You could also say he's about to be toast.

Addendum 3:

My comment and drawing: One way to put it is that he's skating on thin ice in a heavy suit of armor. Another is that Trump thinks he can jump into shark infested waters wearing his super-suit of armor will it protect him without realizing it would assure that rather than being eaten alive he'd sink quickly to a watery grave.

Psychiatrist who authored The Goldwater Rule says there are exceptions and Trump is one of them, by Hal M. Brown. MSW

Mental health professionals said Goldwater Rule be damned, it shouldn't apply to us when we warn about the danger of Donald Trump. This ...