June 8, 2015

View from the 16 story OHSU building on Bond St. - Downtown Portland and the tram

This blog is devoted to my photos... 
before moving here I was using a Nikon D-90 with a 18-200mm lens,
here I have been using my new D-7100 with the Nikor 18-300 lens.
To see previous pages, click the link "Old Posts" on the bottom of the page.
To contact me, email halbrown100 at yahoo.com

Below: I took a friend downtown to the 16 story OHSU medical building for an appointment. It is connected by the landmark tram to the clifftop medical school itself. I used the opportunity to take pictures of Portland and some of its dozen bridges, including a brand new public transport, bicycle and pedestrian Tikkum Crossing Bridge (open this fall), which is similar in design to the Zakim Bridge in Boston. 

 Mt. Hood

I'm rethinking Pete Buttigieg as Kamala's VP choice. By Hal Brown, MSW

  Above: Chasten and  Pete Buttigieg with adopted twins. Of all Cabinet members it is usually the Secretary of State who is most well known....