Showing posts with label Elon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elon. Show all posts

November 4, 2022

Mired in Muskland - 7 - Elon creates poll for trolls

 Mired in Muskland - 7 - Elon creates poll for trolls

By Hal Brown

Look, Elon made a poll for us.

The poll Elon Musk posted was supposed to influence advertisers. Really?  Unless this is an example of Musk's warped sense of humor this is a lousy poll. For someone so smart he demonstrates that he can be not so smart in certain areas. One of them is how to construct a poll.

Do reputable advertisers really want to focus their ads on members of the group who checked the second options instead of the first?

Of course phrasing the choice as being between freedom of speech and political correctness is the height of a slanted choice of terms. 

Musk has no way of knowing who checked the second choice. Some, perhaps most, of them could be trolls who get a thrill be being provocative.

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