Showing posts with label Melania Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melania Trump. Show all posts

September 11, 2023

Updated: The missing Melania mystery: Money grubbing monkey or Mona Lisa?


Read article

By Hal Brown

This is from: 

PR Experts Are Advising Melania Trump ‘To Keep Her Distance’ & Plan Ahead To Do This Extra Step Amid Donald’s Legal Woes - YaHoo Entertainment

Actually, it’s getting so intense that PR experts are saying Donald’s wife Melania Trump would not only “keep her distance,” but also “plan an escape route.”

PR expert Jane Owen recently told the Mirror she thinks Melania should do both of these measures before the legal ramifications get worse. “If I was Melanie’s friend or her publicist I would be advising her to keep her distance as well. The easiest thing to justify is the lack of something,” she said. “She can say she was with her child, doing charity work, busy with literally anything and no one can fault her for it. Donald himself is not going to draw attention to her absence as a negative thing. So it’s the easiest option.”

I don't see Melania as a monster or a monkey, the image above is meant to depict someone who could be a grifter, living in the major monkey's mansion as his wife, playing the role or being the role of the loving, loyal steadfast spouse. He may have given her a case of monkey see monkey do. She also could be an enigmatic Mona Lisa marching to her munificent and maternal heartbeat.

Melania is the mystery woman in more ways than one. 

Accounts of what she's really like are contradictory. Is she an egotistical grifter like hubby? Is she a humble person more comfortable out of the spotlight  who is mostly concerned with the well-being of her son?  If you have a subscrption read The Very Private Life of Melania Trump here.

This is how the very long article concludes:

While first ladies often capitalize on the attendant fame, Mrs. Trump’s moneymaking venture is different from those of her predecessors, said Kate Andersen Brower, the author of “First Women: The Grace and Power of America’s Modern First Ladies.”

Michelle Obama was reportedly paid more than $60 million in a joint book deal with her husband, as well as commanding hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches and signing a lucrative production deal with Netflix. Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton also sold their memoirs for millions. Their memoirs and paid speeches required the former first ladies to share some details about themselves, their views and their lives in the White House.

By simply selling images, Mrs. Trump reveals nothing.

That’s exactly how she likes it, Ms. Brower said.

“She’s the most obviously unknowable first lady,” she said of Mrs. Trump’s public persona. “There’s something radical about it. First ladies are expected to want to please people and I’m not sure she really cares.”

Here's another excerpt about her husband running for reelection:

“He has my support, and we look forward to restoring hope for the future and leading America with love and strength...”
Does she really think Donald Trump is capable of leading America with love?

For that matter, doe she really truly love her husband? Does she know what love is?

I've done a lot of marriage counseling in my 40 years as a therapist, and worked with uncountable women who were married to emotional abusive men, some of whom had extreme nacssistic personality disorder and were incable of empathy. Without empathy for your partner I don't see how it's possible to love them. A couple can also have a transactional marriage without one being emotionally withholding  or emotionally abusive. I don't consider either of these to be a loving marriage.

Women can love abusive husbands because they have very low self-esteem and don't feel or believe they can do any better. Some feel they don't deserve more. It is all, to state the obvious, very complicated.

We just don't know whether Melania loves her husband and if she does feel love for him what she gets out of the marriage.

I find it telling about her personality that she auctioned a drawing  her wearing one of her hats with a portion going to charity. Who does that?

See pre-auction article and results of auction.

Bascially this is a hohum-who-cares subject, though I cared enough to write it. As someone who was a therapist for my entire career I find her and their marriage interesting.

Her absense at Trump campaign events or in court should he testify in person will be noted but while her pressense might help his burnish image especially with women who are already in his cult her absense won't mean a hill of beans.

As first lady she will be a curiosity as one who did basically nothing of significance except wear the "I don't care" jacket. She certainly would not be number 11 on this list of the 10 most influential Fist Ladies. If anyone will make number 11 on the list it will be Dr. Jill Biden.

September 10, 2023

The missing Melania mystery: Money grubbing monkey or Mona Lisa?


Read article

This is from 

PR Experts Are Advising Melania Trump ‘To Keep Her Distance’ & Plan Ahead To Do This Extra Step Amid Donald’s Legal Woes - Yahoo Entertainment

With four indictments, multiple lawsuits, and a viral mugshot making the rounds on all corners of the internet, former US President Donald Trump’s legal woes are becoming greater and greater every day. Actually, it’s getting so intense that PR experts are saying Donald’s wife Melania Trump would not only “keep her distance,” but also “plan an escape route.”

PR expert Jane Owen recently told the Mirror she thinks Melania should do both of these measures before the legal ramifications get worse. “If I was Melanie’s friend or her publicist I would be advising her to keep her distance as well. The easiest thing to justify is the lack of something,” she said. “She can say she was with her child, doing charity work, busy with literally anything and no one can fault her for it. Donald himself is not going to draw attention to her absence as a negative thing. So it’s the easiest option.”

I don't see Melania as a monster or a monkey, the image above is meant to depict someone who could be a grifter, living in the major monkey's mansion as his wife, playing the role or being the role, may have given her a case of monkey see monkey do. She also could be an enigmatic Mona Lisa marching to her munificent and maternal heartbeat.

Melania is the mystery woman in more ways than one. 

Accounts of what she's really like are contradictory. Is she an egotistical grifter like hubby? Is she a humble person more comfortable out of the spotlight  who is mostly concerned with the well-being of her son?  If you have a subscrption read The Very Private Life of Melania Trump here.

Here's just one excerpt about her husband running for reelection:

“He has my support, and we look forward to restoring hope for the future and leading America with love and strength...”
Does she really think Donald Trump is capable of leading America with love?

For that matter, doe she really truly love her husband? Does she know what love is?

I've done a lot of marriage counseling in my 40 years as a therapist, and worked with uncountable women who were married to emotional abusive men, some of whom had extreme nacssistic personality disorder and were incable of empathy. Without empathy for your partner I don't see how it's possible to love them. A couple can also have a transactional marriage without one being emotionally withholding  or emotionally abusive. I don't consider either of these to be a loving marriage.

Women can love abusive husbands because they have very low self-esteem and don't feel or believe they can do any better. Some feel they don't deserve more. It is all, to state the obvious, very complicated.

We just don't know whether Melania loves her husband and if she does feel love for him what she gets out of the marriage.

I find it telling about her personality that she auctioned a drawing  her wearing one of her hats with a portion going to charity. Who does that?

See pre-auction article and results of auction.

Bascially this is a hohum-who-cares subject, though I cared enough to write it. As someone who was a therapist for my entire career I find her and their marriage interesting.

Her absense at Trump campaign events or in court should he testify in person will be noted but while her pressense might help his burnish image especially with women who are already in his cult her absense won't mean a hill of beans.

As first lady she will be a curiosity as one who did basically nothing of significance except wear the "I don't care" jacket. She certainly would not be number 11 on this list of the 10 most influential Fist Ladies. If anyone will make number 11 on the list it will be Dr. Jill Biden.

July 22, 2023

Election 2024: Silly Season or Stinky Season?

By Hal Brown

Read today's blog story on single page here.

Click above to enlarge

#sneakergate is now a hashtag on Twitter:
Click images to enlarge
They don't link to Twitter

Then there's this...

 See "Trump shares image of his minor son being used in political attack"

The two articles above caught my eye this morning. I thought how downright absurb, or silly if you will, they were. 

I suppose one way look at this is that there are some creative Trump supporters. After all, how does one turn the fact that instead of wearing sneakers meaning that President Biden is athletic they say this is proof postive he's senile? 

I'm 79 and mentally and physically fit. The four pairs of shoes I own languish in a box at the back of my closet since I rarely wear them.  In fact, I don't even own a necktie. Then again, in case you hadn't noticed, I'm not president of anything. As you can see I am one of the many who have discovered HOKA shoes which I wear in warm weather whenever I don't wear sandals.

Perhaps this Rosanna_RosannaDanna, who may or may not have made the image but did post it on Truth Social, thinks they are a brilliant satirist. Whoever it is took their handle, with the name spelled not quite correctly, from the Gilda Radner SNL character. They've been on Reddit (here) for four years but never posted anything.

The youngest Trump progeny (that we know of) has been kept out of poltics (though he still makes the news on some websites like this article about how he supposedly won't tell his father he loves him). From what I've read Melania wants to insulate him from daddy's poltical world. She might not be happy that Big Daddy reposted this image on Truth Social and that this is a story being shared. Horrors upon horror, not only did it make Raw Story, but it's on my blog.

It breaks my heart that Melania might be perturbed at Donald.

As for Rosanna: what a way to get national attention! It tempts me to join Truth Social and see if I can get Trump to re-post something I put on his personal online sandbox. One might ask "Who let the cat do his business in that particular sandbox?"

These attempts to smear President Biden are all rather silly, but then we have the likes of the class-act Marjorie Taylor Greene who thought it appropriate to hold up those photos of Hunter Biden with a scantily clad woman, supposedly a prostitute, at a House committee hearing.

We already have Jim Jordan's jingoistic juggernaut, James Comer's crime confabulations, and of course the master of miserable himself, Donald J. Trump... one may ask:

For those not familiar with the reverse question mark, it means the statement is rhetorical.

July 9, 2023

Is Netflix movie "Mar-a-Lago Murder Mystery" in the offing?


By Hal Brown

I had nothing particularly profound or inspired, or original, to blog about this morning. Then I read about Kari Lake and Melania Trump at Mar-a-Lago. I can't say this blog is up to my usual standard but want to write abiout it anyway.

I was curious about the top of the page article when I looked at Raw Story and I liked the side-by-side photos of Kari Lake and Melania Trump then decided to use it to illustrate the story with a major modification.


Following up on reporting that failed Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake's prospects of becoming Donald Trump's 2024 running mate are collapsing, the Daily Beast's Zach Petrizzo is reporting that Lake is also causing the former president grief with his wife Melania.

Speaking with the hosts of the Daily Beast's "The New Abnormal," Petrizzo pointed to an article in People Magazine that made the claim that Lake has been at Mar-a-Lago with Trump more than his wife and that is putting him an awkward position with Melania. 

"Those type of headlines -- Trump of course is printed out story after story, he runs through a stack of papers or whatever have you -- typically many of these type of stories will go to the wastebin, but stories about Melania Trump, I mean, really get kind of scrutinized because he has to see her," he explained.

This is the People article referred to in Raw Story, click above to read it.

At first, just for the hell of it, I made an image and put it on as a comment (below) and then decided to blog about the story.

These are the replies to my comment:

Certainly not on Hallmark.

    Click above to enlarge most recent comments.

    Many of the comments, almost 300 at this update, as expected from the readers of the progressive website, are snarkily sexually suggestive or outright profane. I copied some them and realized half of them violated the Google Blogger rule that bloggers put adult content behind a warning. So if you read the comments to the article consider yourself warned. Saying many are salacious is saying the least.

    I really don't expect to see a "based on a true story" NetFlix movie about whatever is going on at Mar-a-Lago with Kari Lake. However, I think a fictionalized tale about a wealthy former president living in a tacky opulent seaside mansion, maybe in California to avoid a dircted comparision. He'd be a notorious womanizer who was on his third, or for drama, his fourth, marriage. His wife could be a losely based on Kim Kardashion. 

    Said former presdient has already won the nomination for his party to be president and there's wild speculaton as to whom he'll select to run as his vice president. Then a former air-brushed attractive dim-bulb female tevelsion news show host and losing political candidate moves into the mansion leading to rampant specualtion she is angling to be chosen to run for vice presdient.

    You get the idea. 

    Hey, I'm a blogger, not a screenwriter. 


    If you don't see the (preferred) Disquis comment section below click here and scroll to bottom of the page.

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