September 11, 2016

Fri, Sept. 16, 2016

Previous September Posts

All my Daily Kos diaries 

Friday, Sept. 16, 2016

Tonight on Rachel Maddow:
Discussing the alt-right press conference and how they are counting on Trump to advance their racist agenda, she showed this from Donald J. Trump, Jr.
The green cartoon to the right of Trump is Pepe the frog. The frog has become the meme promoted by the alt-right.  Trump Jr., he of the gas chamber remark, said he had no idea who Pepe was.

More of my “pic-toons” (captioned photos) here.

I can fit that….

Read “Newsweek investigation should be
 bombshellstory of the week...
but is getting roundly ignored"
Why does HuffPo spell bullshit “bulls**t? 

Overnight Facebook shares of the piece I put on Daily Kos about the Newsweek article and the media picked up 6,000 Facebook shares and more comments, and is now over 32,000 

Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016

I was gobsmacked when this diary, Newsweek investigation should be bombshell story of the week, but getting roundly ignored, hit 10,000 Facebook shares last night. It wasn’t a particularly creative diary and was more venting on my part than anything else. 
As a matter of pride in authorship I’d rather some of my other diaries — the ones I worked several hours on — got this kind of readership. I’m just glad that there’s a chance I did my bit, however tiny the influence of this diary was, to tweak the mainstream media into paying attention.
I have no idea whether 24,000 plus is a high number for Facebook Daily Kos diary shares. This isn’t about my ego — well — maybe a little.  Just a little follow-up to yesterday’s piece which now has 24,000 Facebook shares.

This piece I put on Daily Kos yesterday was shared with 24,000 people on Facebook and likely a large number on Twitter.

The “breaking news” on TV is about Trump, Dr. Oz, and his medical records, and the the Trump Foundation, but this should be the number one Trump news… are they too embarrassed because Newsweek did a deep comprehensive investigation and came up with extraordinary entanglements between Trump and some unsavory, and dare it say, deplorable foreign leaders?
I’ll give Daily Kos a pass because it’s not intended to be a breaking news liberal website. At least Kos had a “front page” story about this early today, but unfortunately it’s moved down the page. I don’t know where it will end up on Huffington Post, but it currently is the main story.
Rachel had it on last night. This should have alerted other media that this was coming.


Daily Beast had it as number five in their sidebar.
Politico, Buzzfeed, and Vox didn’t even have it.
The “breaking news” on TV is about Trump, Dr. Oz, and his medical records, and the the Trump Foundation, but this should be the number one Trump news… are they too embarrassed because Newsweek did a deep comprehensive investigation and came up with extraordinary entanglements between Trump and some unsavory, and dare it say, deplorable foreign leaders?
There’s no way to balance the news coverage of the Trump scandals with the Hillary “scandals.”  First the Trump scandals are so egregious they should have ended the media taking him seriously months ago. The hyped up Hillary scandals don’t even deserve the name. See what Colin Powell said about Benghazi.
The media, if they are ever to be taken seriously, will have to admit that the sheer number of legitimate Trump scandals far outweigh the number of specious, made up, Hillary scandals.
A few days ago I posed the poll question as to whether readers thought CIA Director Brennan’s essentially calling Trump a liar would get the media coverage it deserved.
The majority were right. The news flew by like a hummingbird at a feeder and zoomed off just as quickly.
So here’s a far bigger story. Will the media make this an issue. Take the poll.

This was the CIA chief poll

Finally being covered on national media…
will the cynics who took the poll finally be wrong?
Throughout this campaign, the Trump Organization, which pumps potentially hundreds of millions of dollars into the Trump family’s bank accounts each year, has been largely ignored. As a private enterprise, its businesses, partners and investors are hidden from public view, even though they are the very people who could be enriched by—or will further enrich—Trump and his family if he wins the presidency.

 ...the Trump family rakes in untold millions of dollars from the Trump Organization every year. Much of that comes from deals with international financiers and developers, many of whom have been tied to controversial and even illegal activities. None of Trump’s overseas contractual business relationships examined by Newsweek were revealed in his campaign’s financial filings with the Federal Election Commission, nor was the amount paid to him by his foreign partners.

I hope Daily Kos keeps this story on the top of their page all day where it is now….  Huffington Post has it as the lead and calls it rightly a bombshell, Beast no. 5 it’s in the sidebar , Politico doesn’t even have it…

The “breaking news” on TV is about Trump, Dr. Oz, and his medical records, and the the Trump Foundation, but this should be the number one Trump news… are they too embarrassed because Newsweek did a deep comprehensive investigation and came up with extraordinary entanglements between Trump and some unsavory, and dare it say, deplorable foreign leaders?
I’ll give Daily Kos a pass because it’s not intended to be a breaking news liberal website. At least Kos had a “front page” story about this early today, but unfortunately it’s moved down the page. I don’t know where it will end up on Huffington Post, but it currently is the main story. 
Daily Beast had it as number five in their sidebar.
Politico, Buzzfeed, and Vox didn’t even have it.
The “breaking news” on TV is about Trump, Dr. Oz, and his medical records, and the the Trump Foundation, but this should be the number one Trump news… are they too embarrassed because Newsweek did a deep comprehensive investigation and came up with extraordinary entanglements between Trump and some unsavory, and dare it say, deplorable foreign leaders?
There’s no way to balance the news coverage of the Trump scandals with the Hillary “scandals.”  First the Trump scandals are so egregious they should have ended the media taking him seriously months ago. The hyped up Hillary scandals don’t even deserve the name. See what Colin Powell said about Benghazi.
The media, if they are ever to be taken seriously, will have to admit that the sheer number of legitimate Trump scandals far out way the number of specious, made up, Hillary scandals.
A few days ago I posed the poll question as to whether readers thought CIA Director Brennan’s essentially calling Trump a liar would get the media coverage it deserved.
The majority were right. The news flew by like a hummingbird at a feeder and zoomed off just as quickly.
So here’s a far bigger story. Will the media make this an issue. Take the poll.

Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016

Monday,September 12, 2016 

My evening Pic-toon on Trump’s charitable contributions --  zero for last eight tax returns:

UPDATE on story below: Lawrence O’Donnell just played the clip of CIA Director Brennan and said "here’s the translation of this, the CIA chief just said Donald Trump is a liar.”

When you think it can’t get any more unfuckenbelieveable dept.
COMMENTS A sitting CIA director (almost) calls a presidential candidate a liar!’


Hillary didn’t almost collapse. We only saw her stumble and look like she was woozy. We do know she was stepping off a curb at the time and also lost a shoe. 
Here’s what it means for a person to collapse: to  fall down and become unconscious, typically through illness or injury. This is not only untrue, we just don’t know she almost because unconscious, but it is an unfortunate choice of a word when she’s next to the site of the Two Towers which really did collapse.
Meanwhile, here’s something Trump doesn’t want reported:
Reports are saying she APPEARED to faint, but that seems impossible for anyone to judge. She may have gotten woozy as many of us have experienced even when not fighting off an infection, but being dehyrated in warm weather - reports also said she seemed to trip stepping of a curb and that she lost a shoe. Tripping and loosing a shoe would account for how unsteady she looked. I still expect a gloating cover on National Enquirer next week "proving" that Hillary suffers from a few more dread illnesses than those they "reported" on this week when they "revealed" how sick she was: 3 strokes, liver damage from booze, Alzheimer's, and violent rages.

Tech Note:  I’ve been letting these pages get too long and my guess is that some of you with slower Internet download speeds may find that the page takes awhile to open, especially since I usually have a lot of pictures. I’m going to keep the pages shorter.

For those of you who want to check your Internet speed go to or  . If you are not satisfied with your download speed you may be able to do what I just did. XFinity can upgrade your service for a small fee and also change you cables and connections to maximize speed and put a powered booster where you cable comes into your residence. My downloads are now 3-5 times faster than they were before.

Previous September Posts

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