July 5, 2023

Was it an awakening? Did the RNC mean to honor Liberia's being founded by Black slaves on our Indepndence Day? In your dreams!


 Unlikely as it is, could someone at the RNC had an awakening from being comatose after a brain injury caused by being slammed in the head by a MAGA mallet and, like a patient of Oliver Sacks, come to differentiate MAGA unreality from actual reality, and wanted to honor the slaves and descendants of slaves who founded Liberia?

By Hal Brown

This apparent sloppy error by the RNC made the news yesterday. For example as explained in a HUFFPOST article:

RNC Accidentally Celebrates Wrong Flag In Awkward Fourth Of July Message.

The Republican National Committee’s initial attempt to celebrate Independence Day bombed on Twitter when critics noticed that the party used the wrong flag.

Several other places ― including the San Francisco district attorney and the Austin Police Department ― used the same set of incorrect flags in their Independence Day messages.

Oh ye of little faith, maybe this wasn't a mistake at all. Perhaps it was a shout-out on the day we celebrate our independence to the Black former slaves from the United States and Caribbean who founded Liberia.

Dare I say that many American couldn't locate Liberia on a map of Africa and there's a good chunk of MAGA's who don't even know it's an African country.

It's even less likely very many Americans, but especially those in states where students aren't taught about the history of slavery here (part of the anti-woke bogeyman of  letting students learn about critical race theory or CRT), even know the following (from Wikipedia):

Liberia began in the early 19th century as a project of the American Colonization Society (ACS), which believed black people would face better chances for freedom and prosperity in Africa than in the United States.[7] Between 1822 and the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861, more than 15,000 freed and free-born African Americans, along with 3,198 Afro-Caribbeans, relocated to Liberia.[8] Gradually developing an Americo-Liberian identity,[9][10] the settlers carried their culture and tradition with them. Liberia declared independence on July 26, 1847, which the U.S. did not recognize until February 5, 1862.

Liberia was the first African republic to proclaim its independence and is Africa's first and oldest modern republic. Along with Ethiopia, it was one of the two African countries to maintain its sovereignty during the Scramble for Africa. During World War II, Liberia supported the United States war effort against Germany, and in turn received considerable American investment in infrastructure, which aided the country's wealth and development. President William Tubman encouraged economic and political changes that heightened the country's prosperity and international profile; Liberia was a founding member of the League of Nations, United Nations, and the Organisation of African Unity.

How many non-Liberian Americans will be aware of, let alone pause to remember, the Liberian Independence Day on July 26th? There's a version of their national anthem on this website:

Too many Americans refuse to recognize that there are citizens of other countries who observe with reverence the formation of their country.

Here's another version of the inspiring national anthem with visuals:

Could someone at the Republican National Committee have had an awakening from their anti-woke catatonic stupor worthy of a chapter in the often republished non-fiction book "Awakenings" by the late brilliant neurologist Oliver Sacks? (The book was also made into a movie staring Robert DeNiro and playing a character based on Dr. Sacks. Robin Williams.)

Sack's describes his experience as a doctor working with patients who were rendered catatonic form a disease by administering a drug (L-DOPA) which brought them back for a sadly brief period of time to reality.

It turns out that a reminder about Liberia being founded by American and Caribbean slaves and their offspring would be quite appropriate for all Americans to be made aware of on their celebration of their own quest for independence and a new life.

While our country has much to be proud of, part of our history includes both the enslavement of a major group of human beings and the attempt, with Native Americans, to eradicate another, not even to mention the treatment both by government policy and popular practice to treat large segments of our population as second class citizens or worse.

It is not merely possible, but worthy of praise, for citizens of any country to not just be proud of its history where pride is justified, but just as proud that they aren't afraid to admit to their ethical and moral failings.

The anti-woke mob wants to - and this is a fitting way to put it - whitewash our history and paint over aspects of our history that were and still are, to put it bluntly, evil. By promoting and propagandizing this way of distorted thinking, essentially lies, they can numb people into a kind of catatonia when it comes to seeing the evil MAGA leaders and many of their followers are still engaging in.

Related, yesterday's blog: Is common sense on its deathbed in the United States?

Addendum: Comment from Ben Kalom:

Highly intelligent people?

Assuming a couple of things here...

Standardizing testing, like Sanford Binet, Myers-Briggs or any other IQ or EQ assessment tool. The instrument needs to be subtle yet clear, sensitive yet not overly so.

What's intelligence, really?

What is it, I'm curious.

I really am.

Is intelligence a blend of necessity, opportunity, conditions, environment, available resources, survival skills, observation, trial-and-error, learning from mistakes, risk-taking, material success, and perhaps, longevity?

Or, is intelligence as we currently define it...

He or she who has the biggest pot o gold is smart?

Money makes people incredibly stupid. It is another addictive commodity, another compulsion, another thing that takes people who might be otherwise more situationally aware and responsive to changes about them, and makes them incapable of seeing anything else, pursuing only one thing, creating a perfect mouse trap if you will in which chasing the cheese assures you get caught at the end of the maze.

Elon Musk is fully capable of thinking and feeling and responding to the shifting tides. He's no genius any more. Maybe once, but not any more. Intelligence is transient. We only keep it for so long. We must set it aside, adapt, move on, change our own way of thinking, learn what is required of us, become aware of our own physical and psychological limitations.

Perhaps, intelligence is the ability to keep one's big mouth shut, rather than opening it and removing all doubt.
Scott Kirby of United Airlines is regarded as "highly intelligent."
But he got sucked in by a reporter, who quoted him stating that the impending pilot contract "will add 8 billion dollars in costs"

Again, not terribly intelligent, because he opened his mouth, removed all doubt, and got the spotlight shining on him. So much so that when he needed to use private transportation to get to a critical meeting, it was noted that he wasn't traveling on his own airline. He had to write a long-winded apology to his employees. Not intelligent at all.

Intelligence is volatile. Sometimes, it exists in a person or a group for only an instant. Once that instant passes, so does the overall brilliance.
Intelligence is fickle. No one knows why natural law chose a not very good student, a clerk by employment, to bring us the moment of general and specific relativity (E=mc2). Einstein was no "Einstein." He was doggedly persistent, and he was able to see situations around him changing and deteriorating. He was also pretty good at math, and also pretty capable of socialization.

We cannot standardize intelligence.

We can only expose ourselves to it, draw from its well of souls, pore over its relics from the past, research through literature for proof of success, or record of failure.

Intelligence -

How smart was it to keep sending a DSV to a level that repeatedly overstressed materials, welds, fabrication, the very shape of the thing, the onboard electrical systems that powered it, and only now, in retrospect, we conduct an accident investigation that shows the designers suggested alternatives but were met with "intelligence" that killed an audience, so careless with their wealth that they went on a tour of an ocean gravesite?

So again, as an end to my comment, I'll ask in Diogenes of Sinope's mode, as I carry a lantern through the streets of America, "Where is an intelligent man?"

I suggest, in the right time, in the right place, at the right moment, one appears, but vanishes, just as the shadows vanish with the approach of illumination.

We all have moments of brilliance.
Then, we need to recede into the shadows of ordinariness, and stop drawing attention to ourselves.

You won't find brilliance when you keep shining a light into the places where it might be found. At best, all you get is reflection of your own self-powered brightness.

Best to sit in the dark - -and watch for those distant glints that inspire you, and realize, maybe, just maybe, those are nothing but fireflies.
And like all things that move about of their own free will, those moments of brightness cannot be bottled up, sold off, and profited from.

All that does, is make you into either an addict, or a pusher.

Peace, all...

July 4, 2023

Is common sense on its deathbed in the United States?


Top: Poster in Mulder and Scully's
X-Files office, bottom, illustration
from Wikipedia entry for wishful thinking
showing a little boy imagining his cart
is being pulled by a real horse.

By Hal Brown

Forget about lamenting the lack of sophisticated critical thinking ability among a large part of the population. Expecting this for more than half the population is too much because it requires a combination of above average intelligence (half the people have below average IQ's) and both the desire and ability to make the effort to analyze all the elements required to differentiate fact from fiction.

To have common sense only requires that a person follows a few simple rules when reaching conclusions. An important one, perhaps the most important, is to want to know the truth. This involves having an open mind and being will to admit that there's a chance that what you believe may not be the whole truth. 

It also means that you understand that what you want to believe may not be true. Ideally the average person should be able to understand the power of wishful thinking even if they have no grasp of the concept of confirmation bias, i.e., searching for, interpreting, favoring and recalling information in a way that confirms or supports one's beliefs or values.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines wishful thinking in three ways: 

  1. Thinking in which what one wishes were the case is believed to be real or likely to become real.
  2. The illusion that what one would like is actually true.
  3. Decision-making based on self-delusion.

Note that the first is a way of thinking, the second is having an illusion, and the third is making decisions based on delusions. The latter is indicative of or at least suggestive of someone having a psychiatric disorder. 

It is frightening that what we are observing in the country today is that a large number of people, from GOP politicians to ordinary people, are making decisions based on things that they wish were true because they support their beliefs but are outright lies. Some are comparatively benign like that Biden stole the election from Trump. Others are can lead to violence, for example that members of the LGBTQ community are dangerous pedophiles.

We have members of Congress spouting QAnon conspiracy nonsense which can lead to mentally ill people committing violent acts.

It's one thing to vote for someone because you believe an exaggeration like this:

It is entirely different to vote for someone because you believe they will save you from someone who is out to destroy your country. 

There is a sobering irony in all of this. This is that the leading Republican candidates for president are all intent on turning the country in an authoritarian direction which disenfranchises minority groups or worse. You don't need to be a critical thinker to reach this conclusion. This is common sense.

The incontrovertible fact is that the two most likely Republican candidates not only spout lies but base their campaigns on them. We can only speculate whether they believe their lies or not. If they do they are delusional. If not they are counting on the lack of common sense among people they hope will vote for them.


In a subscriber only newsletter Paul Krugman in The NY Times writes (in the context of an article about the economy titled Biden and the bad news bros)

...that technology billionaires are especially susceptible to the belief that they’re uniquely brilliant, able to instantly master any subject, from Covid to the war in Ukraine. They could afford to hire experts to brief them on world affairs, but that would only work if they were willing to listen when the experts told them things they didn’t want to hear. So what happens instead, all too often, is that they go down the rabbit hole: Their belief in their own genius makes them highly gullible, easy marks for grifters claiming that the experts are all wrong.
To me this demonstrates that even highly intelligent people can lack common sense.

July 3, 2023

Let's analyze whether there really are demons only a Trump or DeSantis can save you from

 By Hal Brown

Let's analyze whether there really are demons only a Trump or DeSantis can save you from....

This is a photo I took in a village we walked to on Sunday.

Click above to enlarge.

While it can't be proved to with absolute 100% certainty we can be 99999999.9% sure that at some time shoes were sold in a store in this location in the unincorporated village of Oak Grove, Oregon. It is open to interpretation as to whether this shoe store should be called an emporium since it depends on how big an establishment has to be for it to accurately call itself this. 

We can also be sure with 100% certainty that the mural was painted on the side of the building:

It would take some research to find whether the shoe store was operating when the mural was painted or whether it was painted after the store closed. 

Tomorrow is Tuesday. The only way it won't be Tuesday is if the planet ceases to exist, is literally vaporized because even in the event of a nuclear holocaust and no human woke up to check their calendar it would still be Tuesday.. maybe. In a version of the 
philosophical question about the tree falling in the forest making a sound if no-one was there we could say that absent humans it wouldn't be Tuesday it would just be another rotation of the earth. It wouldn't even be July 4th with humans around and nobody would care that this was once a national holiday in the United States.

I share this only because facts have become irrelevant in American politics to the extent unprecedented in our history. The twisting of facts to promote a political agenda reminds me when as a child I learned about how the leaders of the Soviet Union claimed that Russians invented just about everything from the bicycle (really invented by a Frenchman) to baseball (a claim they gave up in 1988 when Valentin V. Lozinskiy, the Soviet ambassador, formally relinquished Moscow's claim to have invented the game

Not content to brag about their own made-up accomplishments the champion shameless purveyors of lies (who stand a chance of becoming president, a proviso I add because of George Santos) Trump and DeSantis aren't constrained merely by lying to pump up their wonderfulness. Not only do they want to portray themselves as hyper-masculine warriors (case in point Trump's electronic trading cards) but they want to concoct terrifying demons best left to horror movies and nightmares. 

There's a war going on, don't 'ya know? We're being invaded.   

Don't just be uneasy, be terrified! I suppose by now all I have to say is that it is everything - bless his contribution to today's dictionary - what Ron DeSantis defines as a new nasty meaning of woke.

Wokers (I had to look this up to see if this was a word being used, it is) are coming to get you.

What led me to writing this blog was the DeSantis video ad in the news today. 

There are death and destruction dealing demons determined to demolish your world and only I can save you with my superhuman powers. Trust me. I'd never lie to you...

July 2, 2023

What would Thomas Aquinas say?

Thomas Aquinas, Altarpiece in
Ascoli Piceno, Italy,
by Carlo Crivelli
 (15th century) Public domain

By Hal Brown

We recently binge watched Madam Secretary. If you're familiar with the show you know that the star Téa Leoni plays Secretary of State Elizabeth McCord and that her husband Harry (played by Tim Daly) is a theology professor who often quotes Thomas Aquinas who has been described as "the most influential thinker of the medieval period and he greatest of the medieval philopsher-theologians. 

In a few episodes he related a "Thomas Aquinas walks into a bar" joke. Here's one of them:

Thomas Aquinas walks into a bar, and the bartender pours him a big goblet of mead.

Bartender says, "How ya doin?"

Aquinas says, "Oh, not so great. I've been working on this treatise for seminarians. Uh, basically explains all the major points of Catholicism. It could be the most important theological document of our time, and I even thought of the perfect title: Summa Theologica."

Aquinas continues, "So, I finish it, and I misplaced it. I can't find it anywhere, and I can't understand why God would inspire me to do this and then allow it to be taken away. What is God trying to tell me?"

Bartender says, "Eh. You win summa, you lose summa."

I am about as far removed from being a religious scholar as I am from being Kafka's cockroach, well, probably further removed. Still, I decided to see whether Aquinas had anything to say applicable to the politics of today and to my life in general. Not about to read his collected works I turned to the website AZ Quotes for his best known quotations. Below are a selection of quotes with my annotations.

This is totally irrelevant to me personally since I don't believe in God. However it should be a quote to live by for all those who do believe in God. You can ask yourself whether members of the far-right could say the above if there was a real lightning hurling god who would strike liars and hypocrites and burn them to a heap of cinders would be around to vote in the next election.
 Whether you love money, power, your family, or humanity or various combinations to different degrees, I believe this.
I agree, but this quite obviously far easier said than done. As someone who was a psychotherapist for 40 years the saying "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink" comes to mind. Of course the horse first has to be thirsty and then is willing to ask you for directions to the watering hole.
This is a tricky one because it is possible to be consumed by anger over injustice to the point where you can be immobilized. I agree it is immoral not to feel angry at immorality and injustice but anger enacted upon in a moral and productive way should be the highest goal.
When Aquinas refers to faith he means faith with no evidence he means believing in God without questioning. His going on to say that those without faith will ignore evidence of God's existence seems to be highfalutin dismissiveness.
There's love and there's love and there's hate. I love people who are in my life, and I can and do have love for people who I admire, and can have a kind of empathy which isn't really love but isn't hate either for people who I understand even though they are to varying degrees intolerant and hateful. While it is risky to be consumed by hate for someone like Trump or DeSantis or their ilk I can feel it and haven't an iota of guilt over this.
I don't know whether this is meant to mean an individual man or mankind. Either way, the assumption that there's a supernatural entity that is capable of such a feat seems preposterous to me. As a cynic I ask why if God is real what is he (or He) waiting for to do this?
Here Aquinas makes an observation tIhat seems to be his being a goody two-shoes engaging in wishful thinking. Getting back to the politics of the day, why should I will the good of Trump or Putin? I wish they were good people but I only wish bad things for them.
Before Anton van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope there were invisible creatures nobody knew existed. Today we know we sleep because there are scientific ways as simple as being video recorded, to prove we do. If somebody invents a way to prove angels exist I won't believe in them.
By this I assume he means mankind. By ought to believe this seems to mean God. While belief in and acting on all the best of religion would indeed lead to the salvation of mankind, this isn't about to happen. The second and third ideas make sense to me. If you know that you ought to desire and act, for want of a better way to phrase it, that you live by The Golden Rule I agree.
He sure nails it here. One of the emotions that drives the hard right, that drives white nationalism, and also motivates individuals to lash out at other, is fear. 
This seems to be an indictment of self-aggrandizing narcissism. If this is what he meant I certainly agree.
Wow! Sure a person leads a happier more fulfilling life the more joy they experience. But again he has to interject spirituality when this is irrelevant to leading an ethical, moral, and happy life. You can be an abject atheist and still lead a laudatory life. He's goes even further here. What's this carnal pleasure addiction? He probably means sex although the term also means anything of the body so this could be a condemnation not only of sexual gratification but also of enjoying any other kind of sexual pleasure from sensual touching to eating tasty food to enjoying the sun shining on your skin.
Somehow the universe of which Earth is but a minuscule part of came into being. Nobody knows what was here before the Big Bang. I suppose we could call this unknown God, nothingness, Rootie Kazootie, or hell, why not El Squeako Mouse, the great Mexican matador.
This appears to be an appeal phrased as an admonition to reason and critical thinking. I'd put it as saying that it's best in decision making to consider all factors without prejudging and bias.
This is basically a prayer which I find nothing to object to about for believers who find it helpful assuming they don't distort the means of the words to justify evil behavior.
I assume this is a metaphor for an individual never taking risks. It makes sense to me.
You don't have to believe in God to do what's right. The heart is an ancient metaphor for emotions, the saying "follow your heart" usually means taking actions that feel right to you. Unfortunately for some people doing what feels right is morally and ethically wrong.
One the face of this, without going too deeply, this sounds like a valid statement. Unfortunately it could be used to exact what one group considers justice against someone who does deserve mercy. The second part describes how punishment is all too often exacted against groups of people today.
I would add true love to true friendship but I certainly agree with this. 
100% agree.
Add love and I agree.
100% agree.
This is a version of "the ends justified the means" which is often addressed in the study of ethics. Was dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified is a frequently used example. It would be interesting to bring Aquinas back and ask him what he thought.
In the language of his time soul meant something deeper than just saying person, but assuming this is what he meant, I can find an argument to support this. Everyone wants to achieve some kind of happiness even in people with some psychiatric disorders, it is by making themselves experience pain. Everyone, even those struggling to survive to the next day, wants to have some kind of meaning in their life even if it is just keeping themselves and their loved ones alive.

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