November 3, 2016

November 7, 2016

Read All 184 of my Daily Kos articles or don’t.  Some of my photos

Previous Posts - from October and back

Monday, Nov. 7, 2016

Comments here.

Here’s my morning prediction prompted by Obama skewering Trump for “losing his Twitter”
…. how Freudian can you get?
Psychoanalyst Howard Covitz also offers his perspective here on Daily Kos:
“Apparently, his campaign has taken away his Twitter. In the last two days, they had so little confidence in his self-control, that they said, ‘We’re just going to take away your Twitter.’”
​We all know the psychology of this self-deluded man’s man testosterone  fueled privileged to grab an woman’s p***y.  We know how his vanity is off the charts, even for a world class narcissist.
Poor little Donnie, had his twitter taken away. 

Anybody want to put odds on him taking back his twitter and whipping out a lot of tweets today?
Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016
Comments here

Trump is poised to become the most powerful person in the world probably was a factor in some quarters for not revealing damaging indisputable proof as to what a cretinous choice he would be to be Commander in Chief. 
I wrote this some 60 years ago when our male cat was about to be castrated. The cat’s name was Demetrius, but I’ll substitute Donald:
is gonna
get ‘em
cut off
she says
male cats


Mark Burnett, who produced The Apprentice, immediately comes to mind. Many commentators have suggested that he has off camera tapes of Trump which would more than embarrass him. He got much more than a mention on the SNL skit from Kate McKinnon last night :
 “I could really go for another Donald Trump audio leak right now.  Hey, Mark Burnett, Mark, m’baby, I hear you’re sitting on some pretty racist tapes of Donald on “The Apprentice,” now Mark, as they say on “Wheel of Fortune,” give me an N!” 
There may very well be individuals waiting until after the election just to see how safe they feel before they come forward with their accounts of being sexually assaulted by Trump. Someone like Jane Doe who alleges he raped her when she was 13 years old may need to wait a year. Hopefully she’s in therapy as it does sound like she’s been traumatized twice, one after the incident and again as she considered suing him.
Other women may just have been afraid they’d be accused of lying to keep him from becoming president, but still want to liberate themselves from the burden of keeping a secret like this. It is possible there are dozens of women who were the victims of sexual assaults to varying degrees by Trump.  After all, it appears that this behavior began decades ago. That’s a long time and he certainly had ample opportunities using his “star p***y grabbing power” being around hundreds of women he’s attracted to.
There may be other scandals we haven’t even imagined which involve people with knowledge of illegalities, people afraid to come forward with evidence lest he become President Trump.
Then there are the bomblets which really should have been bombshells except that the mainstream media didn’t give them their due. One could be David Corn’s “Mother Jones” story:
Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote. The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer's conversations with Russian sources, noted, "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance." It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals." It claimed that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him." It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on "bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls.”

Ideally the anonymous source could come out publicly , as could others with knowledge about this. In fact, Putin himself could reveal the blackmail material his FSB has just to show how close we cam to dodging a bullet he personally fired to elect his puppet.
If you missed it, the Bollywood ending of this is inspiring.

Comments here

The FBI is charged with investigation of certain election crimes, not instigating them:

In democratic societies like the United States, the voting process is a means by which citizens hold their government accountable; conflicts are channeled into resolutions and power transfers peacefully. Our system of representative government works only when honest ballots are not diluted by fraudulent ballots. The FBI, through its Public Corruption Unit, has an important but limited role in ensuring fair and free elections. Election crimes become federal cases when:
  • The ballot includes one or more federal candidates;
  • The crime involves an election official abusing his duties;
  • The crime pertains to fraudulent voter registration;
  • Voters are not U.S. citizens.
Federal election crimes fall into three broad categories—campaign finance crimes, voter/ballot fraud, and civil rights violations.
There are also supposed to assure that our elections are fair and honest:
Civil rights violations
  • Someone threatens a voter with physical or economic harm unless the voter casts his ballot in a particular way;
  • Someone tries to prevent qualified voters from getting to the polls in a federal election;
  • A scheme exists to prevent minorities from voting. 


As our premier law enforcement agency, they must enforce the Hatch Act. It should go without saying they should adhere to it:
The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is a United States federal law whose main provision prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president, vice-president, and certain designated high-level officials of that branch,[1] from engaging in some forms of political activity. The law was named for Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico.
As usual, Wikipedia isn’t far behind breaking news:
  • On October 30, 2016, U.S. Senate Democrat Minority Leader Harry Reid stated that FBI Director James Comey may have violated the Hatch Act by sending a letter to the Congress on October 28, 2016, which stated that the FBI would be reopening their investigation of the Hillary Clinton email controversy.[31][32] Also on October 30, Richard Painter, a chief White House ethics lawyer for the George W. Bush administration, published an op-ed saying that he had filed a complaint against the FBI with the OSC and with the Office of Government Ethics about the same matter.[33]
We’ll never known if former KGB head Putin studied Hoover, or admires him. However the connections between the methods of the two have been address, for example:
In some respects, the Putin parallel would be if former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover had become president. Hoover was an American patriot; he broke up World War II Nazi operations and neutralized communist operations during the Cold War. He had, however, limited tolerance for nontraditional “free speech,” use of mind-altering substances, and homosexual behavior.
Putin has the same mindset — and with no democratic restraints.
They should change the name to honor the agent best known for being incorruptible.
Perhaps there is a curse, the ghost of master political manipulator J. Edgar Hoover wandering the halls of the building that unfortunately bears his name over the door of its headquarters. 

This day divider I took in Seattle gave me the idea for my FBI story.
Sat., Nov. 5, 2015
Comments here

Who are the two biggest liars in the world. I suggest it’s a tie between Putin and Trump. As was pointed out on Morning Joy today, either Trump wasn’t paying attention during his national security briefings our he is outright lying about knowing how involved Russia has been in trying to swing the election his way. Of course, we expect Russia to lie about their spyycraft against the United States.

Alleges 10 year affair. And there may have been a second woman.

While accusing Hillary of the confabulated crime of having a private email server, he’s hiding his own crime which could be actual treason. 
None of his supporters will care. Not only the smitten have been brainwashed; but people who should know better have developed a deaf ear  to evidence that Trump is the most dangerous candidate since George Wallace to run for president. At least Wallace wasn’t a puppet of NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV.
We know the family values candidate is a sexual deviant, a groper extraordinaire. Now it comes out that he is most probably an adulterer. I doubt anybody but Melania will care. (see right).
This is minor stuff compared to the Russia connection. 
Unless the CIA (not the compromised FBI) reveals it, we’ll never know whether or not the FSB actually managed to lure Trump into a honey trap during the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow, and have videos they are using to blackmail him. (see image right)
David Corn has been on the cutting edge of reporting this story:


Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote. The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer's conversations with Russian sources, noted, "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance." It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals." It claimed that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him." It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on "bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls.”
Now we also discover that there’s a good chance somebody has been bugging the DNC headquarters. Also from David Corn:
The second sweep, according to the Democratic officials, found a radio signal near the chairman's office that indicated there might be a listening device outside the office. "We were told that this was something that could pick up calls from cellphones," a DNC official says. "The guys who did the sweep said it was a strong indication." No device was recovered. No possible culprits were identified.
The DNC sent a report with the technical details to the FBI, according to the DNC officials. "We believe it's been given by the bureau to another agency with three letters to examine," the DNC official says. "We're not supposed to talk about it."
A Democratic consultant who has done work for the DNC, who asked not to be identified, says he was recently informed about the suspected bugging.
The DNC officials will not say what countermeasures were subsequently taken. "As a general policy, we don't talk about such efforts," the other DNC official says. But this official adds, "You have to take all of this incredibly seriously." The first DNC official notes, "We are the oldest political party in this country, and we are under constant attack from Russia and/or maybe others.”
Would the Trump campaign take the risk of being connected to this, or an alt-right dirty trickster have the ability to do this?  Could the FSB do it? You bet!
Trump is the master of denial, deflection, and projection.  Hillary’s a criminal and should be in prison?

Friday, Nov. 4, 2016

Newsweek bombshell here

Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016
Note: The anticipated news conference with Jane Doe, who accused Trump of raping her when she was 13 was cancelled because she fear for her life and safety.
Trump and his supporters probably think Santayana is a rock band.

The teaming masses come to his rallies to hear reality star and unhinged comic Donald Trump. They connect with him the way Hitler’s crowds connected with him. Trump draws huge crowds, as enthusiastic as the crowds Bernie Sanders drew. Bernie’s crowds came to hear and support his message.  However, crowds come to feel the intense thrill of the experience of being among kindred angry spirits worshiping their savior. 
Not to belabor the differences  between Bernie’s and Trump’s crowds, the former came en masse to support the message, the later come to idolize the messenger.
Today Trump is going to exploit another apparently reluctant woman, his own wife. For all news reports about her, she doesn’t enjoy the limelight. But she’ll be there today in a well publicized event talking about women’s issues and the Donald Trump she knows. 
Family man? Empathic? Caring? Compassionate? Altruistic?  We’ll have to see what she’s forced to read off the teleprompter and how convincingly she can come across if she has to utter words she knows aren’t true. If she has any insight she’ll know they are blatantly false. 
Donald Trump doesn’t have a number one surrogate. He feeds off the attention from his crowds and they tend to reinforce his belief that he is winning despite all evidence to the contrary. 
Michelle Obama has become first among Hillary’s many amazing surrogates: President Obama and Elizabeth Warren are both crowd pleasers and newcomer Alicia Machado is also highly effective. However Michelle is the main surrogate act. Hillary personally doesn’t have the star power her rival does. She’s not a performance artist, she’s too “presidential.” She doesn’t energize her crowds the same way Trump energizes his. That is to say she doesn’t feed them red meat so they can unleash their bloodthirsty rage.
The crowds that will come out for Melania’s performance will come out to see her, well, they will come out to see her perform because she’s a glamorous star. They are the people who watched “Life Styles of the Rich and Famous.” They are glamour junkies. They don’t care what Melania will say, they just want too see her. 
Nobody is talking about what role in a Trump administration Melania may have. Democrats are already hoping for a Michelle to be on the Supreme Court or for her to have another important job in a Hilary Clinton administration. 
The crowds that attend Michelle Obama events come to listen. They want to see her of course, and be a part of history, but the also come to hear the most admired and beloved first lady in decades. 
Cape Cod Canal

Weds., Nov. 2, 2016 

I don’t see any Daily Kos (where I republish these stories) writers spelling out these words, but this election has necessitated editors and website administrators making decisions about the leeway to allow to those who submit stories in spelling out words that in the past, if used at all, had to contain asterisks and other symbols between the first and last letter.
By chance I just read two articles in a row. One was by Amanda Marcotte on Salon(above left). I’ll edit out the version of the f-word (used in a lewd sense, not as just a swear word), below. It certainly fits and describes a something about what Trump does exactly.
 Who would have thought that, thanks to Trump’s own words, the R-rated name for part of a woman’s body which Trump thinks he has free rein  to grab is being spelled out everywhere, including on the TV screen.
In the past year and a half, a lot of ink has been spilled about Donald Trump’s problem with women: his misogyny, the way he evaluates all women (even his daughter) primarily by their blank-ability, his shaming  women for their body functions, and, of course, his bragging about sexually assaulting women with the immediately infamous phrase “grab them by the pussy.”  my italics


The Daily Beast article (above right) included the spelled out C-word in the text, and printed out a copy of the Tweet that included it. No reason to show it here, so I blanked it out (right).
My point has nothing to do with the editorial guidelines, although there is a case to be made for not sugar-coating the crude misogynist language.
Trump didn’t start it, but he gave his imprimatur to it when the Access Hollywood video was made public. He has normalized crude and demeaning language about women since this always attends a man who demonstrates demeaning behavior with and attitudes towards women.

While not lewd, the man shouting Jew-S-A at reporters was interjecting a different kind of obscenity into politics.
Even though overt racial animus wasn’t that apparent when Obama ran, we did see things like this… made far worse by Trump promoting birtherism.

from 2112… But these bastards are attempting a NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama. And to make matters worse, Mitt Romney is openly embracing these racist ass folks for political gamesmanship.
You wonder why Republicans have trouble courting Blacks and Hispanics?
Here's the rundown of the situation. A California woman seen an offensive anti-Obama display in which the owner of the house put forth an empty chair, a yellow rope (noose), a couple of watermelons and the GO BACK TO KENYA (AFRICA) rhetoric alongside his Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan political signs.

Clearly the alt-right has brought politics into the gutter. However it is Trump’s rhetoric that has brought it into the sewer. As frequent comment StillAmused (who I doubt isn’t all that amused anymore) put it in a comment below: “Trump has drawn all the knuckledraggers out of the tall weeds.”
Wednesday, Nov 2, 2016 · 5:57:57 AM PDT · HalBrown
Here on Daily Kos we have this story which has so far gathered an astounding 50,000 + Facebook shares. The f-word isn’t spelled out in the title; but published in a quote in the story.


Nov. 1, 2016
Afternoon update -

On MSNBC and Bloomberg's With All Due Respect  hosted by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann they didn’t seem to think these Russia stories about Trump would be game changers prior to the election. But the public loves sexy stories, and they don’t necessarily have to involve sex; but Russia’s notoriously effective and sometimes very dangerous FSB would have been negligent if they didn’t try to compromise billionaire Donald Trump when he was in Moscow for his  2013 Miss Universe pageant. This part of the Russia story could also involve sex.


This morning (see below) I wrote about how the FSB might have lured Trump into a classic spy honey trap and have videos of him in sexually compromising activities with a minor, or for that matter since he was married, with an adult woman. 

By now most of you have read David Corn’s article which, if true, leads to only one logical conclusion. The Russians have blackmail material they can, or already have, used on Donald Trump. 
Since the in memorial, spy agencies have set honey traps to lure susceptible men (and women) into sexual liaisons or relationships which they later could use either to blackmail foreigners or force them to betray their own countries.


With Trump they easily could have found a 15 year old to come on to him and play on Trump’s sexual proclivities. Of course they would have videos of everything he did.
Considering that Putin is a former KGB agent I would be surprised if he didn’t order FSB (the new KGB) to get something he could use against someone he might need in his pocket in the future.
Now he must be breaking out the Stolichnaya Gold vodka, Beluga caviar, and Piramides Edicion Limitada 2008 Cuban cigars to celebrate his spymaster prescience.
Are honey traps real? You bet!

  1. Oh, they're real. Honey traps, also called "honey pots," have been a favorite spying tactic as long as sex and espionage have existed—in other words, forever. Perhaps the earliest honey trap on record was the betrayal of Samson by Delilah, who revealed Samson's weakness (his hair) to the Philistines in exchange for 1,100 pieces of silver, as described in the book of Judges. The practice continued into the 20th century and became a staple of Cold War spy craft. Governments around the world set up honey traps to this day, but it's an especially common practice in Russia and China. The Central Intelligence Agency doesn't comment on whether its agents use their sexuality to obtain information, but current and former intelligence officials say it does happen occasionally.   Slate     ​emphasis added
  1. mata-hari-ooph89yr.png
    1. Mata Hari.  America’s history of prudery may work against them so it’s possible we don’t have a special unit, perhaps run jointly by the CIA and FBI, training women and men to be honey traps. We should.  Honey traps can and have been used to ways. One is for blackmail and the other to recruit traditional spies. Ideally a woman could marry a man who would have knowledge of top secret information. 
      I assume China and Russia do this, and wouldn’t be surprised if Israel does too. 
      Even if the United State does I really doubt they would ever recruit teenagers. I am sure Russia and China would have no problems with this.

November 7, 2016

Read All 184 of my Daily Kos articles or don’t.  Some of my photos

Previous Posts - from October and back

Monday, Nov. 7, 2016
Morning prediction after Obama skewers Trump for “losing his Twitter”…. how Freudian can you get? “Apparently, his campaign has taken away his Twitter,” Obama said, speaking at a Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee, Florida. “In the last two days, they had so little confidence in his self-control, that they said, ‘We’re just going to take away your Twitter.’” Anybody want to put odd on him taking back his twitter and whipping out a lot of tweets today?

Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016
Comments here

Trump is poised to become the most powerful person in the world probably was a factor in some quarters for not revealing damaging indisputable proof as to what a cretinous choice he would be to be Commander in Chief. 
I wrote this some 60 years ago when our male cat was about to be castrated. The cat’s name was Demetrius, but I’ll substitute Donald:
is gonna
get ‘em
cut off
she says
male cats


Mark Burnett, who produced The Apprentice, immediately comes to mind. Many commentators have suggested that he has off camera tapes of Trump which would more than embarrass him. He got much more than a mention on the SNL skit from Kate McKinnon last night :
 “I could really go for another Donald Trump audio leak right now.  Hey, Mark Burnett, Mark, m’baby, I hear you’re sitting on some pretty racist tapes of Donald on “The Apprentice,” now Mark, as they say on “Wheel of Fortune,” give me an N!” 
There may very well be individuals waiting until after the election just to see how safe they feel before they come forward with their accounts of being sexually assaulted by Trump. Someone like Jane Doe who alleges he raped her when she was 13 years old may need to wait a year. Hopefully she’s in therapy as it does sound like she’s been traumatized twice, one after the incident and again as she considered suing him.
Other women may just have been afraid they’d be accused of lying to keep him from becoming president, but still want to liberate themselves from the burden of keeping a secret like this. It is possible there are dozens of women who were the victims of sexual assaults to varying degrees by Trump.  After all, it appears that this behavior began decades ago. That’s a long time and he certainly had ample opportunities using his “star p***y grabbing power” being around hundreds of women he’s attracted to.
There may be other scandals we haven’t even imagined which involve people with knowledge of illegalities, people afraid to come forward with evidence lest he become President Trump.
Then there are the bomblets which really should have been bombshells except that the mainstream media didn’t give them their due. One could be David Corn’s “Mother Jones” story:
Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote. The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer's conversations with Russian sources, noted, "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance." It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals." It claimed that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him." It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on "bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls.”

Ideally the anonymous source could come out publicly , as could others with knowledge about this. In fact, Putin himself could reveal the blackmail material his FSB has just to show how close we cam to dodging a bullet he personally fired to elect his puppet.
If you missed it, the Bollywood ending of this is inspiring.

Comments here

The FBI is charged with investigation of certain election crimes, not instigating them:

In democratic societies like the United States, the voting process is a means by which citizens hold their government accountable; conflicts are channeled into resolutions and power transfers peacefully. Our system of representative government works only when honest ballots are not diluted by fraudulent ballots. The FBI, through its Public Corruption Unit, has an important but limited role in ensuring fair and free elections. Election crimes become federal cases when:
  • The ballot includes one or more federal candidates;
  • The crime involves an election official abusing his duties;
  • The crime pertains to fraudulent voter registration;
  • Voters are not U.S. citizens.
Federal election crimes fall into three broad categories—campaign finance crimes, voter/ballot fraud, and civil rights violations.
There are also supposed to assure that our elections are fair and honest:
Civil rights violations
  • Someone threatens a voter with physical or economic harm unless the voter casts his ballot in a particular way;
  • Someone tries to prevent qualified voters from getting to the polls in a federal election;
  • A scheme exists to prevent minorities from voting. 


As our premier law enforcement agency, they must enforce the Hatch Act. It should go without saying they should adhere to it:
The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is a United States federal law whose main provision prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the president, vice-president, and certain designated high-level officials of that branch,[1] from engaging in some forms of political activity. The law was named for Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico.
As usual, Wikipedia isn’t far behind breaking news:
  • On October 30, 2016, U.S. Senate Democrat Minority Leader Harry Reid stated that FBI Director James Comey may have violated the Hatch Act by sending a letter to the Congress on October 28, 2016, which stated that the FBI would be reopening their investigation of the Hillary Clinton email controversy.[31][32] Also on October 30, Richard Painter, a chief White House ethics lawyer for the George W. Bush administration, published an op-ed saying that he had filed a complaint against the FBI with the OSC and with the Office of Government Ethics about the same matter.[33]
We’ll never known if former KGB head Putin studied Hoover, or admires him. However the connections between the methods of the two have been address, for example:
In some respects, the Putin parallel would be if former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover had become president. Hoover was an American patriot; he broke up World War II Nazi operations and neutralized communist operations during the Cold War. He had, however, limited tolerance for nontraditional “free speech,” use of mind-altering substances, and homosexual behavior.
Putin has the same mindset — and with no democratic restraints.
They should change the name to honor the agent best known for being incorruptible.
Perhaps there is a curse, the ghost of master political manipulator J. Edgar Hoover wandering the halls of the building that unfortunately bears his name over the door of its headquarters. 

This day divider I took in Seattle gave me the idea for my FBI story.
Sat., Nov. 5, 2015
Comments here

Who are the two biggest liars in the world. I suggest it’s a tie between Putin and Trump. As was pointed out on Morning Joy today, either Trump wasn’t paying attention during his national security briefings our he is outright lying about knowing how involved Russia has been in trying to swing the election his way. Of course, we expect Russia to lie about their spyycraft against the United States.

Alleges 10 year affair. And there may have been a second woman.

While accusing Hillary of the confabulated crime of having a private email server, he’s hiding his own crime which could be actual treason. 
None of his supporters will care. Not only the smitten have been brainwashed; but people who should know better have developed a deaf ear  to evidence that Trump is the most dangerous candidate since George Wallace to run for president. At least Wallace wasn’t a puppet of NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV.
We know the family values candidate is a sexual deviant, a groper extraordinaire. Now it comes out that he is most probably an adulterer. I doubt anybody but Melania will care. (see right).
This is minor stuff compared to the Russia connection. 
Unless the CIA (not the compromised FBI) reveals it, we’ll never know whether or not the FSB actually managed to lure Trump into a honey trap during the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow, and have videos they are using to blackmail him. (see image right)
David Corn has been on the cutting edge of reporting this story:


Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote. The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer's conversations with Russian sources, noted, "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance." It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals." It claimed that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him." It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on "bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls.”
Now we also discover that there’s a good chance somebody has been bugging the DNC headquarters. Also from David Corn:
The second sweep, according to the Democratic officials, found a radio signal near the chairman's office that indicated there might be a listening device outside the office. "We were told that this was something that could pick up calls from cellphones," a DNC official says. "The guys who did the sweep said it was a strong indication." No device was recovered. No possible culprits were identified.
The DNC sent a report with the technical details to the FBI, according to the DNC officials. "We believe it's been given by the bureau to another agency with three letters to examine," the DNC official says. "We're not supposed to talk about it."
A Democratic consultant who has done work for the DNC, who asked not to be identified, says he was recently informed about the suspected bugging.
The DNC officials will not say what countermeasures were subsequently taken. "As a general policy, we don't talk about such efforts," the other DNC official says. But this official adds, "You have to take all of this incredibly seriously." The first DNC official notes, "We are the oldest political party in this country, and we are under constant attack from Russia and/or maybe others.”
Would the Trump campaign take the risk of being connected to this, or an alt-right dirty trickster have the ability to do this?  Could the FSB do it? You bet!
Trump is the master of denial, deflection, and projection.  Hillary’s a criminal and should be in prison?

Friday, Nov. 4, 2016

Newsweek bombshell here

Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016
Note: The anticipated news conference with Jane Doe, who accused Trump of raping her when she was 13 was cancelled because she fear for her life and safety.
Trump and his supporters probably think Santayana is a rock band.

The teaming masses come to his rallies to hear reality star and unhinged comic Donald Trump. They connect with him the way Hitler’s crowds connected with him. Trump draws huge crowds, as enthusiastic as the crowds Bernie Sanders drew. Bernie’s crowds came to hear and support his message.  However, crowds come to feel the intense thrill of the experience of being among kindred angry spirits worshiping their savior. 
Not to belabor the differences  between Bernie’s and Trump’s crowds, the former came en masse to support the message, the later come to idolize the messenger.
Today Trump is going to exploit another apparently reluctant woman, his own wife. For all news reports about her, she doesn’t enjoy the limelight. But she’ll be there today in a well publicized event talking about women’s issues and the Donald Trump she knows. 
Family man? Empathic? Caring? Compassionate? Altruistic?  We’ll have to see what she’s forced to read off the teleprompter and how convincingly she can come across if she has to utter words she knows aren’t true. If she has any insight she’ll know they are blatantly false. 
Donald Trump doesn’t have a number one surrogate. He feeds off the attention from his crowds and they tend to reinforce his belief that he is winning despite all evidence to the contrary. 
Michelle Obama has become first among Hillary’s many amazing surrogates: President Obama and Elizabeth Warren are both crowd pleasers and newcomer Alicia Machado is also highly effective. However Michelle is the main surrogate act. Hillary personally doesn’t have the star power her rival does. She’s not a performance artist, she’s too “presidential.” She doesn’t energize her crowds the same way Trump energizes his. That is to say she doesn’t feed them red meat so they can unleash their bloodthirsty rage.
The crowds that will come out for Melania’s performance will come out to see her, well, they will come out to see her perform because she’s a glamorous star. They are the people who watched “Life Styles of the Rich and Famous.” They are glamour junkies. They don’t care what Melania will say, they just want too see her. 
Nobody is talking about what role in a Trump administration Melania may have. Democrats are already hoping for a Michelle to be on the Supreme Court or for her to have another important job in a Hilary Clinton administration. 
The crowds that attend Michelle Obama events come to listen. They want to see her of course, and be a part of history, but the also come to hear the most admired and beloved first lady in decades. 
Cape Cod Canal

Weds., Nov. 2, 2016 

I don’t see any Daily Kos (where I republish these stories) writers spelling out these words, but this election has necessitated editors and website administrators making decisions about the leeway to allow to those who submit stories in spelling out words that in the past, if used at all, had to contain asterisks and other symbols between the first and last letter.
By chance I just read two articles in a row. One was by Amanda Marcotte on Salon(above left). I’ll edit out the version of the f-word (used in a lewd sense, not as just a swear word), below. It certainly fits and describes a something about what Trump does exactly.
 Who would have thought that, thanks to Trump’s own words, the R-rated name for part of a woman’s body which Trump thinks he has free rein  to grab is being spelled out everywhere, including on the TV screen.
In the past year and a half, a lot of ink has been spilled about Donald Trump’s problem with women: his misogyny, the way he evaluates all women (even his daughter) primarily by their blank-ability, his shaming  women for their body functions, and, of course, his bragging about sexually assaulting women with the immediately infamous phrase “grab them by the pussy.”  my italics


The Daily Beast article (above right) included the spelled out C-word in the text, and printed out a copy of the Tweet that included it. No reason to show it here, so I blanked it out (right).
My point has nothing to do with the editorial guidelines, although there is a case to be made for not sugar-coating the crude misogynist language.
Trump didn’t start it, but he gave his imprimatur to it when the Access Hollywood video was made public. He has normalized crude and demeaning language about women since this always attends a man who demonstrates demeaning behavior with and attitudes towards women.

While not lewd, the man shouting Jew-S-A at reporters was interjecting a different kind of obscenity into politics.
Even though overt racial animus wasn’t that apparent when Obama ran, we did see things like this… made far worse by Trump promoting birtherism.

from 2112… But these bastards are attempting a NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama. And to make matters worse, Mitt Romney is openly embracing these racist ass folks for political gamesmanship.
You wonder why Republicans have trouble courting Blacks and Hispanics?
Here's the rundown of the situation. A California woman seen an offensive anti-Obama display in which the owner of the house put forth an empty chair, a yellow rope (noose), a couple of watermelons and the GO BACK TO KENYA (AFRICA) rhetoric alongside his Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan political signs.

Clearly the alt-right has brought politics into the gutter. However it is Trump’s rhetoric that has brought it into the sewer. As frequent comment StillAmused (who I doubt isn’t all that amused anymore) put it in a comment below: “Trump has drawn all the knuckledraggers out of the tall weeds.”
Wednesday, Nov 2, 2016 · 5:57:57 AM PDT · HalBrown
Here on Daily Kos we have this story which has so far gathered an astounding 50,000 + Facebook shares. The f-word isn’t spelled out in the title; but published in a quote in the story.


Nov. 1, 2016
Afternoon update -

On MSNBC and Bloomberg's With All Due Respect  hosted by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann they didn’t seem to think these Russia stories about Trump would be game changers prior to the election. But the public loves sexy stories, and they don’t necessarily have to involve sex; but Russia’s notoriously effective and sometimes very dangerous FSB would have been negligent if they didn’t try to compromise billionaire Donald Trump when he was in Moscow for his  2013 Miss Universe pageant. This part of the Russia story could also involve sex.


This morning (see below) I wrote about how the FSB might have lured Trump into a classic spy honey trap and have videos of him in sexually compromising activities with a minor, or for that matter since he was married, with an adult woman. 

By now most of you have read David Corn’s article which, if true, leads to only one logical conclusion. The Russians have blackmail material they can, or already have, used on Donald Trump. 
Since the in memorial, spy agencies have set honey traps to lure susceptible men (and women) into sexual liaisons or relationships which they later could use either to blackmail foreigners or force them to betray their own countries.


With Trump they easily could have found a 15 year old to come on to him and play on Trump’s sexual proclivities. Of course they would have videos of everything he did.
Considering that Putin is a former KGB agent I would be surprised if he didn’t order FSB (the new KGB) to get something he could use against someone he might need in his pocket in the future.
Now he must be breaking out the Stolichnaya Gold vodka, Beluga caviar, and Piramides Edicion Limitada 2008 Cuban cigars to celebrate his spymaster prescience.
Are honey traps real? You bet!

  1. Oh, they're real. Honey traps, also called "honey pots," have been a favorite spying tactic as long as sex and espionage have existed—in other words, forever. Perhaps the earliest honey trap on record was the betrayal of Samson by Delilah, who revealed Samson's weakness (his hair) to the Philistines in exchange for 1,100 pieces of silver, as described in the book of Judges. The practice continued into the 20th century and became a staple of Cold War spy craft. Governments around the world set up honey traps to this day, but it's an especially common practice in Russia and China. The Central Intelligence Agency doesn't comment on whether its agents use their sexuality to obtain information, but current and former intelligence officials say it does happen occasionally.   Slate     ​emphasis added
  1. mata-hari-ooph89yr.png
    1. Mata Hari.  America’s history of prudery may work against them so it’s possible we don’t have a special unit, perhaps run jointly by the CIA and FBI, training women and men to be honey traps. We should.  Honey traps can and have been used to ways. One is for blackmail and the other to recruit traditional spies. Ideally a woman could marry a man who would have knowledge of top secret information. 
      I assume China and Russia do this, and wouldn’t be surprised if Israel does too. 
      Even if the United State does I really doubt they would ever recruit teenagers. I am sure Russia and China would have no problems with this.

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