Showing posts with label Tucker Carlson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tucker Carlson. Show all posts

April 28, 2023

I looked at Mr. Pillow's FrankSpeech YouTube "network" so you don't have to.

Hal Brown's Daily Blog: I looked at Mr. Pillow's FrankSpeech YouTube "network" so you don't have to.

Mike Lindell, bizarre as he is, is so ludicrous that he wouldn't be able to get a job in an old fashioned traveling carnival freak show unless he really could blow pillow stuffing out of his ears and mouth.
A freak show in Rutland, Vermont in 1941, public domain

I made the top of the page illustration for this May 22, 2022 story which I posted on Daily Kos: 

Mr. Pillow tried to worm his way back onto Twitter but was banned again so I couldn't tweet him this

Unfortunately anything about Mike Lindell is clickbait for me because I find him so weird and Trump's relationship with a nudnik blowhard who made his money selling pillows and gained fame by starring in his own TV ads and who begs to be the butt of jokes to be inexplicable.

That's why I read this article in Raw Story:

There nothing particularly newsworthy in the article but one comment Lindell made interested me enough to ask the duck (DuckDuckGo). Click below to enlarge image.

This is his reference to something I'd never heard of before:

"Chris, Chris, Chris. I've subpoenaed Fox. I have subpoenaed Fox for ev – they've never asked me for the evidence. We posted on FrankSpeech. Anyone can go and look at it. They've – Fox News has never subpoenaed me for the evidence," he bellowed.
I wondered what the hell FrankSpeech was, so out of curiosity, not even thinking this might be worth a blog post, I followed up and easily found out from this Business Insider's article.


When asked if Frank Social would be viewed as a competitor to Trump's Twitter-like Truth Social, he said he thought of it as an alternative to Facebook. Lindell also described YouTube and Vimeo as being "as evil as they come," which prompted him to invest in the Frank Speech platform.

While there were no reviews of Frank Speech on the Apple Store at press time, there were close to 30 reviews of the app on the Google Play store.

Some reviewers praised the app for helping to promote "free speech" and thanked Lindell for helping to "save our country," while others complained that they were unable to "share anything" and looked forward to "full app functionality."

Talk about delusions of grandeur right out of the Trump Truth Social playbook.

I just had to take a look. First, they managed to come up with a pretty good name and to snag decent URL: frank Consider:

Definition of frank: open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters

I did some clicking and saw that the site is up to date and currently features this from Mike Lindell himself:

Aside from the fact that Tucker Carlson is listed second to Dan Bongino who was banned from YouTube but obviously isn't nearly as well-known as Carlson this wasn't surprising. As you can see above he's being interviewed by Brannon Howse (his claim to fame here) while he's standing in front a a staircase apparently in his home.
I don't know if you've had enough, dear readers who have made it this far with few if any of you having endured watching some of the clips that I did. I have. I just can't go on.

This guy oozes self-importance and self-aggrandizement. If there was a way to literally lie one's ass off he'd never be able to sit down. Perhaps that's why he's being interviewed while standing up.

He competes with Eric, Donald Jr. and Rudy Giuliani for being the most irritating Trumpers for me to watch.  Hmmm... come to think of it, he's the most irritating.


I noted that it had a modest 4,462 followers. I also could see the impressions of the most recent tweets: 90 and 65. I've had as many on lots of my own tweets.

These are the tags for the above segment. What puzzled me is why Diamond and Silk (the former is dead), who I've heard of, and others I never heard of, were there.
Click above to enlarge


Mike Lindell Makes Bats**t Claim About Fox News' Role In 2020 Election, on HUFFPOST today

Excerpt: Be warned: Following Lindell’s addled argument could prove challenging.

My Buffy the Vampire Slayer story: 
Click above to read my old Daily Kos story

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April 25, 2023

From Feb. 26, 2023: Tucker Carlson might be Trump's best pick to run with him for VP



The following isn't an original idea. It is, however, one made more relevant today than it was two days ago now that Tucker Carlson is without a job. He must be wondering what to do next... aside from not having anything else that piqued my interest to write about I decided to republish my blog from February.

Click images to enlarge them.

Below: Unchanged blog from Feb. 23, 2023. On the bottom of the page are some images I made yesterday.

By Hal Brown

Anyone who says the following might be the best pick for Trump to ordain as his running mate:

From The Washington Post:

How a small-town train derailment erupted into a culture battle

The East Palestine train accident is one of hundreds each year, but it’s become a significant political flashpoint

Fox News host Tucker Carlson used his show to bring race into the discussion, decrying an alleged lack of urgency by the government for a blue-collar community with few people of color. “Is it because these are not their voters?” he asked Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), who agreed with the premise.

This is small potatoes compared to Tucker Carlson's latest coup enabled by Kevin McCarthy. Whether or not other media are able to get all the J6 videos of the Capitol attack his getting first dibs will score big time points with Trump.

What puzzles me is, even though the word is in quotes, why Carlson refers to this as "insurrection day" instead rebranding it with a term that most people peacefully entered the Capitol and were there to make sure the election wasn't stolen. 

With the speculation as to whether Trump would prevail in the GOP primary leaning heavily towards it being the former president there has also been chatter in the punditry about who is angling to be his vice presidential pick. There's no similar discussion about who might be currying favor with Ron DeSantis to persuade him they would be his best running mate choice.

Look at this web search:

First, what would be in it for Tucker Carlson? 

While he's the top banana at Fox News, being second banana to a president of the United States who might die in office would make him president, and assuming Trump lived it would position him to run for president in 2028. The answer for him in one word is "power". He'd have to be patient and should Trump win he knows he'd be hand maiden to a megalomaniac but time would be on his side. In addition, what would he have to lose since if Trump was defeated he could simply go back to his former Fox News gig.

The second and more important question is what would be in it for Trump. What would Carlson bring to the ticket that nobody else would, and what are the drawbacks of having his as a running mate?

The only drawback I can think of is that Tucker is another crowd pleasing performer, an actual star. It's possible he could upstage Trump. He's Marjorie Taylor Greene without being certifiably insane.

The benefits include Carlson's star power. Trump could make sure Carlson never upstages him when they are literally appearing on the same stage by warning him about this. Carlson is smart enough never to do this. 

The only possible better lead-in act for a Trump rally than Tucker Carlson is Marjorie Taylor Greene, but does Trump really want a screaming manic introducing him? Besides, he can include her as a member of his rally show cast and she can appear before Carlson. Greene, Carlson, Trump: now that would be a MAGA crowd pleaser. 

With Trump who would make the best, i.e., the most competent vice president is irrelevant. It was a fluke that he picked Mike Pence who actually had some governing experience. He picked him because he was a national unknown who wouldn't upstage him. He believed in his grandiose self-confidence that he didn't need anyone to help him win.

With Trump running again he may have rethought this and want to run with someone who has their own huge fan base. He may have a moment of humility and want to run with someone that may actually bring him additional votes in the primary coming from those who lean towards DeSantis because they see him as Trumpian without being Trump. 

For Trump it is always about winning. Who can forget this?

The question I have is whether the star of a long-running hit show is if he'd be willing to allow an equally talented understudy to be hired.


As a reward to Marjorie Taylor Greene Trump could make her his Chief of Staff. She's adept at sucking up and has demonstrated this with Kevin McCarthy. No puns intended here...
Click above to read snarky replies to this tweet.

Can you guess who just tweeted this?

Hubris is the delusion that causes people to mistake themselves for God. They imagine they have power, wisdom and foresight they don’t actually possess. It’s a species of mental illness. 

It is Carlson's latest tweet:

I am sure that the graduate of Harvard and Yale Law knows the meaning of the word "hubris". He's obviously not referring to himself, a high priest of hubris.

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In June of 2016 the blog had the most readers. Here's what I was posting then.


I asked ChatGPT AI to write a Shakespearian style sonnet about Tucker. This is what it came up with before the service got overloaded and couldn't be accessed. I wanted it to write a haiku about Tucker.

Oh, Carlson Tucker, pundit fierce and bold, Whose tongue doth lash with wit and venom keen, Thou art a force to make the blood run cold, When thou dost speak of politics and spleen.

Thy voice doth ring with cadence like a bell, And words like arrows pierce the heart and mind, Thou art a champion of the right-wing swell, And of conservative ideals thou art aligned.

Yet some do find thy rhetoric too harsh, And claim that thou dost stoke the flames of hate, But thou dost hold thy ground with steadfast marsh, And boldly speak the truth, though others chide and berate.

So let the critics rail and vent their spleen, For Carlson Tucker, thou art our pundit king.

Here's what it came up with as an Ogden Nash style poem:

Tucker Carlson, a man of the hour, His opinions, they do tower, A pundit with a gift of gab, Whose words can make the viewers grab.

He talks of politics and the state, His commentary, never late, Some might say his views are skewed, But his arguments, they do exude.

He's got a wit like no one else, A pundit who's not on the shelf, He's got the charm, he's got the flair, And his followers, they do not spare.

So whether you love him or you hate, Tucker Carlson, he won't abate, His commentary, he will always bring, A pundit who can make you sing.

This is the limerick it generated:

There once was a pundit named Tucker, Whose views on politics would often sucker, He'd speak with great zeal, And sometimes appeal, To those who found his arguments tougher.

 I could change the fifth line to a dirty one...

Click above to read


"What if he runs?" Wilson added. "He's rich enough. He'd instantly have an online fundraising juggernaut second only to Trump, and perhaps surpassing him. He's polarizing, terrible, and utterly amoral ... in short, better than Ron DeSantis for the base. I'd argue he's the only Republican who presents a material danger to Donald Trump in a primary. Celebrity, money, mental acuity, cynicism, pro-Putin isolationism, and an overt love of authoritarianism are a pretty strong secret sauce for the MAGA base. Celebrity got Trump the [White House]. It could certainly do the same for Tucker."

All the qualities that make Carlson's potential candidacy seem far-fetched would be considered strengths in a GOP primary, Wilson argues.

"Spare me your 'That could never happen. Even Trump's GOP would never vote for a former TV host pushing white replacement theory,'" he wrote. "That's PRECISELY who they'd vote for."

"This iteration of 'A Face In the Crowd' doesn't end with a revelation of the real character of the showman-as-politician," Wilson concluded. "This one ends with Tucker running and possibly winning a herrenvolk campaign, where his flaws don't matter, only his capacity for hate."

New: HUFFPOST assumes everyone knows Harry Potter and that everyone but Harry is afraid to call Voldemort by his name... my image. The story just notes how hardly anybody on Fox News is mentioning the Tucker Carlson story.


These are some images I made yesterday:

Below: Not too many people assume Tucker is dead, more likely with his star power if he has died it is only temporary and he'll be a zombie king leading his undead hoard to continue his attack on the living liberals.

Below: Only Tucker and perhaps a few top Fox News insiders know why Rupert Murdoch really fired him. It is possible that the reason is quite simple. Murdoch may have seen a behind the scenes video of Tucker joking about why Lesley Ann Smith said they called off their engagement.

Below, the HUFFPOST top story title and above what they really meant to say

March 28, 2023

Sean Hannity scores bigly against Tucker Carlson getting interview of rabid Trump

 Trump is a foxy rabid fox appearing as it happens on a phony news network called Fox.

Trump wasn't in rant mode. He was decidedly subdued. But consider this from WikiHow about animals who have rabies and whose bite can kill you:

Beware if an animal seems overly friendly.
 While infected animals may appear aggressive or anxious, others show signs of being friendly. Ultimately, friendliness in infected animals is one of the biggest dangers to humans or other uninfected animals, as contact with an infected animal can lead to infection.

  • Stay away from stray or feral animals that seem friendly. A friendly animal can turn aggressive very quickly, especially if they are infected with rabies.
  • Avoid approaching a wild animal because it shows signs that it is friendly.
  • Some infected wild animals may seem unusually calm or even docile.

 By Hal Brown

Trump finally realized that despite his feud with Fox News he needed their audience to spew his venomous lies so he ended up granting the network an hour long interview, if one could call a one-sided exposition of grievances lathered with a generous helping of self-serving lies an interview. You can watch the "interview" here. 

Not only were Hannity's queries the very definition of softball questions but his facial expressions and head nodding showing agreement with everything Trump said were downright lovey-dovey. Not having watched much of Tucker Carlson I would venture to suggest he isn't capable to that kind of sycophancy.

Above, just one of many articles about this, not that there was anything significantly new in this. 
Here's another article:

5 things Donald Trump said in his interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity

Trump didn't make new news in this appearance.I think his allowing  Fox back into his good graces may portend his doing the same with Twitter. If he returns to posting there he'd probably ignore his contract with Truth Social where he agreed to wait six hours before posting anything political on other social media after posting there. After all, what are they going to do, sue him?

This would assure Truth Social went kaput.

What then did I find interesting in this appearance? 

Well, you read my title. 

Trump had two choices about whose show he'd grace with his divine presence and give the show a rating bonanza. 

Ruling out appearing on The Five because it really isn't an interview show, Tucker Carlson and Jesse Watters beats out Hannity.

For reasons incompressible to me the caustic lacking in charisma Jesse Watters beats out Hannity. He's not particularly well known outside of the Fox News universe.  However, compared to Carlson and Watters, Hannity is dull.

I figure that if the choice was up to Trump, and I assume it was, it would be between Hannity and Carlson.

I think the reason he chose Hannity is because he considers him to be as close to a friend as Trump is capable of having. Hannity, as these stories show, has had an actual relationship with Trump:

Friendship or not, everything is transactional with Trump when it comes to relationships and who he decides to do favors for.

I have a hunch as to another reason why Trump decided to go on Hannity's show rather than on Tucker's show.

I think it is because of Tucker's massive ego and how he tries to make all of his shows about himself. He could have Jesus Christ himself on the show and try to make it about himself. Hannity for his part, from what I can tell since I only watch clips of both shows on MSNBC, is a better interviewer who knows when to keep his mouth shut.


The beleaguered bastion of blowhard bloviators is bleeding but not dead yet:

You read it here.

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March 25, 2023

Today's Trumpian tale of two tabloids

 By Hal Brown

Someone walking by news kiosks in New York today might mistake the cover page (below) for the Murdoch owned New York Post for it's competitor, the liberal Daily News:

I found out where the Post got the photo of Trump holding a bat (here). It was taken while was participating in a Made in America event with companies featuring their products in the Blue Room of the White House in July, 2017.
Both covers featured the embattled former president but the Post says he's deranged and "bat hit crazy" while the New York Daily News "merely" says he's dangerous. 

I would like to have been in the Post newsroom to see if anyone brought up the idea of spelling out the word "shit" thus making the cover look something like this and hear the pro and con arguments.
Click above to enlarge

The Daily News has a self-satisfied slightly sneering Trump on their cover today. They are known for their Trump covers which are far harsher:
Click above to enlarge
I don't know what to call the facial expression on the baseball bat holding Trump.

I won't summarize the article (click above to read it) but will note it has one choice reference that anti-Trumpers have been using for years, saying that the emperor has no clothes (left).

I note that there are two meanings of the word "won't" shown in the NY Post title but not in the article itself. "Won't" can mean a prediction about something that won't occur in the future. Alternately, it can be a word suggesting in this context that Trump can decide whether to change or not. Defining it this way misses the fact that Trump, being Trump, can't change.

Another way to put this is that Trump won't change because he can't change.

No matter how self-defeating, acting on his impulses to lash out at those he is fighting with words that go beyond intemperate to insane he is unable to control himself. 

Rather than rant and rave out loud or stew in his boiling juices in silent rage like a more-or-less normal person who feels their world crashing down around them, he vents his spleen though his fingertips when he types (now often in all caps) on Truth Social. 

Wait for Waco today when we'll see video clips of his doing it with his maniac mouth. (More on Waco rally.)

Who would have predicted that the liberal media and the right-wing media would both use words like crazy, deranged and unhinged to describe Donald Trump? For example, this is how HUFFPOST titled their article about the Post editorial today: 

‘Unhinged’: Trump Ripped In Withering Editorial From Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post

The previously pro-Trump tabloid offered some harsh truths for Trump supporters.

Considering that nothing makes it into a Rupert Murdoch owned publication as an editorial about Trump, whether it's The NY Post or The Wall Street Journal, that doesn't have the bosses approval. Fox News, which has far more influence with Republican voters than Murdoch's American newspapers, doesn't air editorials, at least not the way newspapers regularly do.

Now it is a wait and see game to see whether Murdoch forces the likes of Tucker Carlson so be ordered to throw Trump out the window or be defenestrated themselves.

You read it here.

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March 14, 2023

Not being boring is the Trump and DeSantis challenge, but are they about to jump the shark?

 By Hal Brown

Read my related Mar. 15 blog here.

My version

I read this in Salon...

The real image

Double duds: Jim Jordan's and Tucker Carlson's lazy conspiracy theories bore MAGA

GOP propagandists believe MAGA buys whatever they're selling, so why put any effort into spinning lies?

... and I thought that the article could just as easily be referring to both Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. You can see how I changed the illustration.

Just about everything that Amanda Marcotte writes in her article about Jim Jordan and Tucker Carlson, with some modification, could describe what might happen with Trump and DeSantis. 

Jumping the shark (see Wikipedia) of course originated with an episode of the popular TV show "Happy Days" where Fonzie was on water skis and jumped over a shark. After that the popularity of the series gradually declined but the term has expanded to mean a stunt meant to be a wowza which turns out to have been be a dud.

Consider how Trump is now hysterically warning that only he is capable of preventing World War III. DeSantis wants you to wet yourself in terror at the woke warriors who want to turn your children into "perverts".

Marcotte calls Jordan and Tucker's conspiracy theories lazy. I'd call them desperate. As far as I'm concerned the same goes for Trump and DeSantis. 

Jordan and Tucker are actors. This is from Marcotte's article (emphasis added):

Both Carlson and Jordan have become famous and powerful by dint of their effectiveness at spreading conspiracy theories. Carlson gets paid $6 million a year, strictly due to his acting chops, whether he's pretending to care about the sexiness of M&Ms or to believe in the intelligence of Donald Trump. Similarly, Jordan rose high in the ranks of House Republicans because he's talented at faking outrage. Yet both these men are showing less passion for conspiracy theories these days than your average unpaid and anonymous QAnon troll. It must be tiring, looking forward to the rest of their lives spent trying to feign zeal over fake culture war fights or made-up controversies. Not that they deserve your pity, of course. Being professional liars is the path they chose for themselves, and they're clearly stuck following it to the end. 
Not that I have to point out the obvious, but Trump and DeSantis are professional liars.

Their political fortunes depend on keeping their lying fresh and entertaining. Here's the 30 Second World War III possible shark jumper from Trump tweeted by Junior.

I don't have a comparable example from Ron DeSantis. The one thing he has in his advantage is that he always comes across as dull. 

This is from The Washington Post opinion piece How much does charisma matter? DeSantis is putting it to the test. by Paul Waldman published today: 
He is “reserved and dry” and has a challenge “forging connections with people.” He’s “pinched and humorless.” He “just doesn’t have the charisma to command a national political stage.” He “has the charisma of a pair of cargo shorts.”

He wisely doesn't try to out-Trump Trump in feigning outrage. He depends on using a dry presentation of the dire consequences of woke policies. I don't know what latest policy announcement could, in retrospect, be seen as him having jumped the shark. I expect it could just the a straw the breaks the camels back executive order.

Both of the top contenders for the GOP nomination depend on not being boring. They are very different in this respect from Mike Pence and Joe Biden. Both of them are naturally low-key. You could call them boring in how they present their ideas and policies. When Biden is particularly animated, or expresses anger, more than usual people take notice, for example:

Click above to read article

Neither Pence nor Biden have to worry about boring MAGA-world since residents of this land of won't vote for them anyway. It's Trump and DeSantis who have to worry about boring the denizens of MAGA.

I was curious about this...

so I looked it up:
Click above to read article

Trump can try to gin up hysteria about a nuclear attack but does he really care about the rest of Americans when his house has three bomb shelters? None can withstand a direct hit but why would Putin want to take out Mar-a-Lago when Trump is his pal?

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