Showing posts with label Freud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freud. Show all posts

August 6, 2023

Does SuperTrump have Mommy, Daddy, and Even Puppy Issues?



"I purposely didn’t comment on Nancy Pelosi’s very weird story concerning her husband, but now I can because she said something about me, with glee, that was really quite vicious. 'I saw a scared puppy,' she said, as she watched me on television, like millions of others, that didn’t see that. I wasn’t 'scared.' Nevertheless, how mean a thing to say! She is a Wicked Witch whose husbands journey from hell starts and finishes with her. She is a sick & demented psycho who will someday live in HELL!"

By Hal Brown

We know exactly what Trump was doing this morning at 5:37. We also know what he wasn't doing. He wasn't chillaxing with a cup of coffee and and watching Fox News hosts fawning over him and blasting his enemies. See the two articles below:

Link to first story above /// Link to second story

It doesn't require a graduate degree in psychology to figure out that if Trump really wasn't scared he would simply have ignored what Nancy Pelosi said about him looking like a scared puppy.

Trump wants the public to see him as a superhero, a macho-man, as demonstrated by his electonic card collection. He has a particular affection for identifying with Superman.

The History of Trump Pretending to Be Superman


Lex Luthor is based on Trump, but that hasn’t kept him from repeatedly posing as the Man of Steel (New York Magazine, 12/27/22).

We might ask what Freud would say about this were he around to analyze The Man of Steel's feelings about his adoptive parents. 

Whether Trump has a "mother-thing" (Freud had other terminology to explain this) for Nancy Pelosi is open to speculation. She certianly has triggered him before.

If you search Trump Pelosi on DuckDuckGo these are the first two articles:

This top article is from Dec. 23, 2019 in The Guardian while all of the other articles are about the "scared puppy"comment.

Click above to read
Remember this (photo featured in The Guardian artilce):

It isn't only Nancy Pelosi who sets Trump off on rants. For example, so does the recently emboldened Mike Pence (I wrote about his transformation on Aug.. 4th here):

Perhaps Trump has both Mommy and Daddy issues. For that matter, he may also have puppy issues.  Freud was a dog lover and it's been written that he was the first to use dogs as an adjunct to therapy. However, he never addressed the role pets have in our psyche in his psychoanalytic works. 

Click to read article

It is well known that Trump broke the presidential tradtion of having pets in the White House: see: Trump family breaks with presidential pet tradition.

Trump was aksed about this: 

Trump explains why he is the only president in 100 years to not have a dog

The president also said the idea of adopting a dog seems a bit 'phony' to him

 “I wouldn’t mind having one, honestly, but I don’t have any time. How would I look walking a dog on the White House lawn?"
Trump wasn't too busy during his presidency to play golf and be SuperTrump hero worshipped at Mar-a-Lago but he didn't have time to even have a dog in the White House, not that he'd even have to care for it. How would he look walking a dog on the White House lawn? He'd look like millions of other dog lovers, that's how.

Perhaps Baron wanted a dog. We may never know unless Baron writes his memoirs. According to reports it was Melania who came up with the idea of highlighting the heroism of the combat dog  Conan, so it's possible she is a dog lover.

So far the only person who has known Trump personally and written in depth with honesty and insight about his personality is his niece Mary Trump. In the future we may learn more. If Melania Trump wants to write a book in the future, perhaps after she's divorced him or he has died, she'd be assured a record breaking book deal and sell far more copies than  the aprox 1.1 million "The Art of the Deal" did. After all, Mary Trump's book outsold Art of the Deal in just one week.

Publishing books by mental health experts analyzing Trump has become a cottage industry. The ultimate best-selling and most accurate book would be co-authored by Melania Trump and Mary Trump.


When trying to determine the mental state of Donald Trump one has to pay attention to what he says. For example in yesterday's shower speech::

July 11, 2023

Christie reminded me of Trump's small hand denials: What would Freud say?


Click above to read article

By Hal Brown, MSW, Retired psychotherapist

I was thinking about writing about the coming first GOP presidential wannabe debates and how I’d watch them if both Trump and Christi were on the stage together. This was after I watched the most recent appearance of Christi on “Morning Joe”  where he was his usual acerbic and articulate self.

For sheer entertainment value pitting Christi against Trump would be a poltical version of the Thrilla in Manila, only in Milwaukee.  In this instance instead of a battle to be the heavyweight champion of the world it would be to be one step away from being the leader of the Free World.

I have no  doubt that Christi would be Muhammad Ali and Trump would be Joe Frazier. I don't know if Christi could match Ali's rhyming boast that the fight would be "a killa and a thrilla and a chilla, when I get that gorilla in Manila." He can't literally float like a butterfly but he can certainly sting like a bee. 

I see him more like a great white shark and Trump like a lumpering walrus.

"The great white shark is a large predator that feeds on a variety of animals, including walruses. These sharks are one of the largest and most feared predators in the ocean and can reach up to 20 feet in length. They have sharp teeth that can easily tear through flesh, making them a formidable opponent for any animal." 
Reference with photos.

It could be dubbed after the fact as the Massacre in Milwaukee.

The last sentence in this Time article was click bait for me:

There’s no place where these dynamics will play out better than the debate stage, especially if the ex-President is on it. For candidates like former Vice President Mike Pence, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, or former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, this may be where the group piles-on Trump and provokes him. After all, Trump has never proven a terribly disciplined person when he feels disrespected, let alone challenged. Remember him bragging about the size of his… ummm… let’s say hands on stage at a debate in Detroit?

I clicked on the word bragging which led to this 2016 Time article. Here’s the excerpt which includes an unprecedented piece of braggadocio coming from a presidential candidate:

It was a debate that highlighted the GOP’s descent into the Twilight Zone, where facts don’t matter and displays of bravado substitute for policy. Within minutes of the start of the debate in Detroit, Trump was assuring supporters that his, um, hands were adequate—and it only escalated—or spun into the sewer—from there.

It was a spectacle unlike any other in modern debate history, with facts playing a minor role, records cast aside and personalities taking primacy over political purity.

“Look at those hands. Are they small?” Trump asked the crowd, holding his mitts up. “And he referred to my hands—if they are small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there is no problem.” The audience roared.

I won't bother elaborating about Freudian psychoanalytic theory beyond noting that in "The Intretation of Dreams" that all elongated objects such as sticks, tree-trunks, umbrellas, long, sharp weapons such as knives, daggers and pikes had a symbolic meaning. Reference

You can reach your own conclusions about why Trump might bristle and become defensive at the implication that he had short fingers. 

My title is meant to be a rhetorical question.

December 28, 2022

Is it time for a female president? If Republicans or men prevail the answer is no.

Is it time for a female president? If Republicans or men prevail the answer is no.
by Hal Brown 
The slogan and ads  for Virginia Slims probably sold a lot of cigarettes, but it is interesting to note that the use of the word "baby" smacks of male chauvinism. The word "lady" could just as easily have been used. It also show bias because it reads "you've come a long way, baby" rather than simply "we've come a long way." Below you will find some of my Freudian political analysis but even the word "long" could have been chosen by advertisers of the time who were steeped in depth psychology to unconsciously appeal to women. Here's a review of The Hidden Persuaders.

Susan Page, who wrote a USA article yesterday, was on Morning Joe this morning discussing 

In search of the perfect president: What Americans say they want, from age to gender

She was discussing the results of a recent poll about what Americans want in a president This is the portion that, while it didn't surprise me at all, it did pique my interest because it verified what I would have predicted (my emphasis added):

Is it time for a female president? 

Maybe not.

Most voters, a 55% majority, volunteered that gender doesn't matter. That would be news to Hillary Clinton and other female candidates, who believe they encountered political headwinds because of their sex. 

For a significant number of Americans, the Oval Office remains a man's world. Overall, those who expressed a preference chose a man over a woman as ideal by more than 2-1, 28%-12%. 

Among Republicans, 50% said the ideal president would be male while a negligible 2% said she would be female. In contrast, Democrats with a preference chose a woman over a man by 2-1, 24%-11%.

Political independents were the most likely to say gender doesn't matter. Nearly two-thirds, 63%, volunteered that view. 

Is there a gender gap on gender? 

Among those voters with a preference, men by 8-1 preferred a male president over a female one, 32%-4%. Women were somewhat more likely to prefer a male president as well, 25%-19%.  

 I think in writing "maybe not" above, Susan Page was being optimistic. I would have written "probably not" and perhaps added that if Republicans and men had their say we won't have a woman as president in the foreseeable future.

I was trained as a psychoanalytically oriented therapist and then practiced psychodynamically informed though eclectic psychotherapy for 40 years. I often channel Freud when I try to understand behavior, beliefs, opinions, and such.

When it comes to the opinion of the men as to whether they'd be comfortable with having a woman as president one term comes to mind. It is castration anxiety. This is  is a psychoanalytic concept introduced by Sigmund Freud to describe a boy's fear of loss of or damage to the genital organ as punishment for incestuous wishes toward the mother and murderous fantasies toward the rival father.

We can put it less graphically as, say, fears of emasculation, or even less so, feeling threatened by having smart, competent, and confident women in power because it makes them feel diminished.

In Freudian theory, the female counterpart of castration anxiety is penis envy. Both concepts are now quite controversial with the later being the subject of considerable debate and attempts at debunking not only in Freud's time but especially during the Women's Lib era.

The saddest part of this poll, again not a surprise, is that women who had a preference were somewhat more likely to prefer a male president as well, 25%-19% While a 6% difference may seem insignificant to me it suggests that while since the chauvinistic 1950's, while women have come a long way, there are still many many adult women in the United States who I think have a serious self-esteem problem.

Consider the numbers: There are about 108 million women over the age of 18 in the United States. Six percent of that is about 6.5 million. My hunch is that the under 50 years of age demographic of those with a preference would rather have a female president with a much higher percentage the even younger adult women.

The poll doesn't separate middle-of-the-road and never-Trump Republicans from MAGA and far right Republicans. I think the further to the right one is the more they have a belief that men are superior to women.

I don't have polling date to confirm my, hopefully educated, hunches, but my sense is that Republican men are more likely to feel superior to women than Democrat and Independent men. I think that women married to the Republican men who have chauvinistic beliefs are more likely to have low self-esteem. 


You can read more about castration anxiety here:


Just for the hell of it, now that I have my new MacBook Pro I can make images again. Here's what I just made to post on my Mastodon page.

Click to enlarge:

This is from the scene in which the spaceship hits the Moon's eye from Marie-Georges-Jean Méliès 1902 film "A Trip to the Moon" would go on to become one of the most iconic images in cinematic history. Musk has made history by being the man in the moon who sent a rocket of his making into his own eye.

December 3, 2022

Pot and psilocybin mushrooms in Oregon

 Pot and psilocybin mushrooms in Oregon
by Hal Brown

Two slightly related stories caught my eye on the website of a local Portland area TV station. Once I started writing about them my mind wandered far afield to cover other subjects.

Former employee reveals details about Shroom House’s operation

The use of psilocybin mushrooms will be legal in Oregon next year but apparently they are available now - the article concludes:

“I’ve never even seen this stuff before. So I’m trying,” said Scott Yon, a customer at Shroom House. “I understand it may not be legally up yet, but in Portland, it doesn’t seem like people get arrested for anything.”

Even though the Oregon Health Authority and police say this is not legal, the long lines seen outside the store show the simple economics of supply and demand.

I've considered trying psilocybin mushrooms once the clinics, where someone trained to help you navigate the experience will help you, to see what unexplored part of my mind was opened to my consciousness. 

Since the psychedelic era there were two groups (not mutually exclusive) of people who used LSD and similar substances. Some belonged to the "turn on, tune in, drop out" group, a term popularized by Timothy Leary, and the others wanted to discover more about themselves. Some eventually followers of Richard Alpert who was Leary's partner, who became Baba Ram Das, and led a movement aimed at spiritual enlightenment.

When I was in college during the height of hippie and counterculture psychedelic times (1963-1967) I knew lots of people in the former group. There was a people's park I often walked through at Michigan State where students camped out and got stoned. Reference. 

I have concluded that I don't want to take the risk of using psilocybin. I am leery of any substance that leads me to be out of control of where my mind goes. Once a psychoactive drug is in your brain there's no "off" switch. You have to ride out the experience.

I like to be able to embark on unstructured  mental journeys to see where my unconscious leads me, but I want to be able to exert some conscious control.

I have friends who meditate using one or another technique. Almost everyday I spend time just letting my mind wander freely. I am not sure whether this would be considered mediation but I like the experience.

Since my mid-teens I paid a lot attention to my dreams, what Freud called "the royal road to the unconscious" and in fact read two paperback books by Freud when I was in my teens. One was his "Introduction of Psychoanalysis" and the other was "The Interpretation of Dreams."
Karl Jung agreed and wrote that “the dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the psyche.”

These readings led me to understand that there was much more to people, including myself, than they were aware of. This understanding always informed the kind of therapy I practiced for 40 years. I feel the crucial way therapy helps is the relationship between client and therapist, but that there are times with certain clients when it is helpful to facilitate insight into why they are distressed. 

The following article should be both cautionary and reassuring to those using cannabis, which is legal for recreational use in Oregon:

While I've tried high in CBD cannabis edibles to help sleep through the night I find that I don't like the effect that even the amount of THC, usually about a third, has on me. I makes my mind race and causes near hallucinatory images. I don't use any cannabis at all now, but I live in a senior community where many friends and acquaintances use it. If you visit any of the  560 + Oregon pot stores you will see customers ranging in age from 21 to 91 or older.  You will see hipsters looking for a better high to elders with bad hips relying on budmasters, the pot store version of your pharmacist, suggest varieties to help with different ailments.

It should be reassuring to cannabis users that the state is testing the products, but it seems to be common sense that anyone trying a new variety realize that the testing takes time to find contaminants so they need to make changes with caution.


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