October 5, 2023

Trump posts unprecedented all-caps call for help in extraordinary wee hours post


Click above to enlarge
Trump posts unprecedented  all-caps call for help in extraordinary wee hours post

By Hal Brown

This was the article in Raw Story today:

Here's the Truth Social post referred to:
Clicking above to enlarge does not go to Truth Social

If you wonder if Letitia James was right in saying Trump was making racist baiting comments (read article) consider that he calls her a racist and then refers to her as Peekaboo James. Here's Mrs. Betty Bowers' explanation as to why that term is racist:

Clicking to enlarge does not go to X

Trump's using the term peek-a-boo, however he spells, it makes no sense since it refers to a game played with a young child, which involves hiding behind something and suddenly reappearing, saying “peekaboo.” 

Trump, who by the way is White, regularly calls Letitia Jones, who lest you haven't noticed (he certainly has) is Black, a racist. Am I going out on a limb to suggest that any White person who calls a Black person a racist is very likely to be a racist themselves?

As I write this on "Morning Joe" the panel is disucssing Trump's remark about migrants "poisoning the blood of our country" which can be taken as racist in that it can refer to people who aren't White having babies with White people. Read Did Trump Echo Hitler with Remark About Migrants: 'Poisoning the Blood of Our Country'?

Meanwhile back into the dark recesses of Trump brain, beware all ye that dare to enter there, we can justifiably ask ourselves why he went from his usual attack and revenge mode into his all-caps exclamation point "HELP!".

The wall between Trump conscious mind and his unconscious where his alien anxiety provoking fears reside is almost as formidable and imprenetrable as he pretends his US/Mexico wall was.

Trump, as I have pointed our many times, is actually a human being. While his personalty dynamics are unusual, like anyone he has a breaking point. He is currently under more stress than he's ever been. Everyone uses psychological defense mechanisms to protect themselves from their fears. Not to detract from this blog with details (you can read about defense mechanisms in many articles with a web search here) denial is the least healthy and the most primitive. 

Many pundits note he uses projection all of the time but my sense is that he does this to some extent deliberately and to provoke a reaction. Denial is always unconscious. 

When there are cracks in the dike of denial you can see some leakage. 

Trump could be like the Little Dutch Boy trying to plug that leak.

Of course if there's a small leak in a dike or dam it's imperative to plug it in time. However, this doesn't always work.
If Trump's dam is failing what we can expect to observe is an increase in his demonstrating self-defeating behavior and his expressing thoughts that seem weird and nonsensical like, for a recent example, ranting about preferring to be electrocuted rather than eaten by a shark.

Addendum/Update on Trump becoming temporary Speaker of the House.

Click above to go to Fox News article

Perhaps by total coincidence Trump used the word "help" but in lower case in another post today:

Click to enlagre (stays on this page)

Here he is hinting that he'd be willing to act as a temporary, i.e. short term,  Speaker of the House until a new one is selected. I don't know if this is meant to be a publicity grabbing stunt or if he'd really do it. Given his ego he just might. It would be problematic in that he'd have to go to work and in addition to hogging the spotlight he'd have try to make the Republicans look good whenever the House was in session.

He might take the job so for a change he could be the gavel wielding judge and bang his gavel on Democrats. 

Watch classic Laugh In Sammy Davis Jr. clip

If he was temporary Speaker he'd probably make the news but he couldn't feed off the energy of his cult crowds at rallies even thought Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks otherwise:
Click to enlarge, does not go to X

First he offered his help to his dear friends in the GOP House, and then he asked for help from, I'm not sure, God perhaps. 


On Trump becoming temporary speaker of the House: Give him the gavel and here come da judge.
Hal Brown
Hal Brown
• Oct 5
Hal Brown blogTrump House speaker
Trump posts unprecedented all-caps call for help in extraordinary wee hours post
Hal Brown
Hal Brown
• Oct 5
Hal Brown blogHouse SpeakerTrump
What Trump and The Fonz don't have in common and what they do
Hal Brown
Hal Brown
• Oct 4
FonzieHal Brown blogHappy DaysThe FonzTrump sharksculturetelevision
What does Trump have in common with Elaine Benes?
Hal Brown
Hal Brown
• Oct 3
Elaine BenesHal Brown blogSeinfeldThe Little KicksTrumpTrump malignant narcissismTrump trial
This was a bad look in today's New York Trump trial, and Matt Gaetz's pomade
Hal Brown
Hal Brown
• Oct 2

October 4, 2023

What Trump and The Fonz don't have in common and what they do

Photo by Olga Ernst (Great white shark in Wikipedia) 
CC BY-SA 4.0 adapted by Hal Brown with Trump's hand and tie

Click to enlarge images

By Hal Brown

This is Wednesday's blog. Thursday I posted the same illustration with these captions. Read that blog here.

Wednesday blog:



The former president turned a rant against renewable energy into a wild explanation of how he’d rather die if he were on a sinking electric boat.

“But if I’m sitting down, and that boat’s going down, and I’m on top of a battery, and the water starts flooding in, I’m getting concerned,” Trump said at an event in Iowa in Sunday. “But then I look 10 yards to my left and there’s a shark over there. So I have a choice of electrocution or shark, you know what I’m gonna take? Electrocution. I will take electrocution every single time.”

If anyone hasn't seen  a video of Trump's insane rant about electric boats, sharks, and how he'd chose to die, here it is:

Click to view

What Trump and The Fonz don't have in common.

According to someone who had a very close relationship with him, Trump is obsessed with sharks and is terrified of them.

 The strangest thing about that night — this was the best thing ever. You could see the television from the little dining room table and he was watching Shark Week and he was watching a special about the U.S.S. something and it sank and it was like the worst shark attack in history. He is obsessed with sharks. Terrified of sharks. He was like, “I donate to all these charities and I would never donate to any charity that helps sharks. I hope all the sharks die.” He was like riveted. He was like obsessed. It’s so strange, I know. Stormy Daniels interview in Touch Magazine.

The Fonz wasn't afraid of anything and if he knew there was a shark in the water in the iconic episode which led to the term "jumping the shark" being added to the lexicon, meaning the beginning of the end (as follows), he wouldn't have be fazed.

The idiom "jumping the shark" or "jump the shark" is a pejorative that is used to argue that a creative work or entity has reached a point in which it has exhausted its core intent and is introducing new ideas that are discordant with, or an overexaggeration of, its original purpose. The phrase was coined in 1985 by radio personality Jon Hein in response to a 1977 episode from the fifth season of the American sitcom Happy Days, in which the character of Fonzie (Henry Winkler) jumps over a live shark while on water-skis. (Wikipedia)
What do Trump and Fonzie have in common?

Fonzie jumped the shark. However, this happened in the fifth season of Happy Days and it went on to air for six more years. It is unsettling to think that Trump will wield power for six more years. There are critics who argue that in spite of Happy Days' longevity the level of creativity declined in its final seasons. Likewise, there are those who may look back years from now and say the same thing about Trump in his later years.

Trump in his rant about sharks proved once and for all that he has gone irrovocably into the delusional drink. His boat is sinking and he's just admitted to this fantasy suggesting that in some recess of his mind he has this knowledge and fear.

He said it. This means it is in his mind. The unconscious percolated up into his conscious and this is why he speculated on the way he'd  chose to meet his demise.

He sensibly sensibly chose execution as the way he'd want to die if he was on a sinking boat between the choice of a quick death and being riped apart by apex ocean predators. However, dead is dead, and not to be too graphic, once you're dead in shark infested waters the disposal your corpse is taken care of.

October 3, 2023

What does Trump have in common with Elaine Benes?

Click to watch video

By Hal Brown

There are several classic moments from Seinfeld. One is the Soup NAZI's "no soup for you" segment and another is the segment with Elaine dancing in the episode "The Little Kicks" which is described on Wikipedia here. In the segment she dances horribly at a staff party.

In order to perform the dance as badly as the script called for Juila Louis-Dryfus, who choreographed the dance herself, had to dance with without the music since that distracted her. The music was added later.

After George watches her spastic dancing George says "sweet fancy Moses."

Less well known is how Jerry told Elaine that she couldn't dance.

Click to watch

When she complains to Jerry that the next day she'd lost complete control with her staff who were at the party he has to explain to her that she was a horrible dancer. Kramer tells her that her dancing stinks and leaves the apartment. Then she asks Jerry if she really stinks and with trepidation he tells her that her dancing is beyond stink.

Elaine's reaction (below upper left) was shock, and she exclaims "it was that bad? (below lower right).

Elaine believed she had all the right moves. When she was told she had anything but the right dance moves she seems to reluctantly accept this and when Jerry leaves to take the garbage out she looks at the camera on a counter so she can view a tape of herself.

It is unfair to compare Elaine's illusion with Trump's delusion. After all Elaine was willing to consider that Kramer and Jerry were right.

Trump thinks he has all the right moves. He also thinks he can dance:

Here he is dancing to YMCA

Read: Trump the dancer? His moves to ‘YMCA’ at rallies are a hit

While all the main Seinfeld characters are in various ways narcissistic and they often hurt the feelings of people they associate with, none of them are sociopathic malignant narcissists.

When it comes to what Trump did in his trial yesterday, it was beyond stink even though the vainglorious egomaniac thought he put on an glorious performance.

I doubt any of his lawyers, his sons, his daughter, or his wife, have the guts to tell him his actions in court were beyond stink.

Glaring at Letitia James when he walked by her was a bad idea. He could have simply maintained some class and dignity and walked by her. Eric Trump stopped and shook her hands using both of his hands as he followed his father out of the courtroom (Reference). Blasting the judge outisde the courtroom was downright stupid.

Trump refuses to recognize the power that the judge in this trial or judges in his other trials have over him. His delusional arrogance and ignorance hopefully will come back to bite him bigly if, and hopefully when, a judge holds him in contempt.


NEW YORK — The judge overseeing a civil trial over alleged business fraud committed by Donald Trump and his company issued a gag order in the case Tuesday barring the former president from making public comments about his court staff. 

The decision by Judge Arthur Engoron, announced about a day and a half into the trial, came soon after Trump posted on social media about a staffer for the judge and included a picture of the person.

Engoron announced his decision publicly following multiple closed-door sessions with Trump, James and their attorneys. The judge said he had ordered the post deleted, and it appeared to be removed from Trump’s TruthSocial site by Tuesday afternoon. Engoron also said that violating his gag order would lead to “serious sanctions.

  Washington Post

October 2, 2023

This was a bad look in today's New York Trump trial, and Matt Gaetz's pomade


By Hal Brown

I try to share an original take on a serious topic on my blog. Occasionally something strikes me as interesting while not particularly earthshaking. Two things in this category stood out this morning.

This is the video version of a hot mike.

A special case of hot mic is the microphone gaffe, in which the microphone is actively collecting and transmitting sound gathered near a subject who is unaware that their remarks are being transmitted and recorded, allowing unintended listeners to hear cononversations not meant for public consumption. Such errors usually involve live broadcasting in radio or television, and sometimes material is recorded and played back via media outlets. Such events can cause embarrassment for the person or organization involved, sometimes resulting in serious confrontations and employment termination. Wikipedia

Pictured above is a New York State assistant attorney general who was shown as she talked to the lawyer next to her in the brief video the judge allowed prior to beginning the Letitia James Trump fraud trial. She appears to be laughing.

Everyone else in the room remained more or less motionless and had a serious expression on their face including James who was sitting a few rows back on an aisle seat with her ankles crossed and one hand holding her wrist on her lap, and Trump  in the front row on the defense side looking very serious.

I don't know who this attorney is. The Office of the NY State Attorney General has over 700 assistant attorney's general. I read that there were a dozen in the courtroom today. I assume that A.G. James picked the best of the best for this kind of case to front row the trial.

It may seem like a small thing but I wish she'd advised the attorneys who would be seen again and again when the judge allowed camera to maintain the utmost of seriousness in their demeanor.

I wouldn't be surprised if this lawyer whose name I expect won't be unknown for long (I tried to find her but couldn't) will be given a rather uncomfortable talking to once James see this video clip.

My hunch is that she didn't know she was on camera and when she sees it herself she'll be embarrassed.

I don't know what struck her as funny since for a time she looked very serious.

While we'll probably never know my hunch is that Letitia James will find out.

While on the subject of appearances on television, someone should tell Matt Gaetz that the pomade he uses on his hair looks terrible. For someone who loves to be in the spotlight he ouught to know that the spotlight makes him look like 

For someone who loves to be in the spotlight he ouught to know that the spotlight makes him look worse than the original greaser on a bad hair day:

Only in his dreams could Gaetz be as cool as The Fonz.

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