July 20, 2023

Just who are the the Trump supporters? I see three general groups.

By Hal Brown, MSW

Retired after a 40 year career as a psychotherapist and a mental health center director, who was a reserve police officer for 20 years, and also a cranberry farmer in Massachusetts.

Read Disquis comments and this blog story on single page

I was just thinking about the latest poll (above on Morning Joe) which shows Biden five points ahead of Trump in a national election and wondering who those who would vote for the latter are and why they'd do this. I've broken them down into categories.

There are, of course, many dyed in the wool Trump supporters, but they seem to fall into several groups. 

I'll try to break them down into general categories here.

One are the actual Trump worshippers who are often considered members of his cult. 

They swallow hook, line, and sinker all of the propaganda that he is some kind of savior whether religious or secular, or a combinaiton of both. They look at the images on the digital trading cards and think that this somehow his the "real" him as if the evidence of their own eyes decieves them. It's as if they are watching a Superman TV show or movie and see Clark Kent and know that under his suit is a iron-muscled super hero (who as in the photo of ⅓ scale statues you can own for $4,379, below, is actaully a few inches taller than the Daily Planet reporter).

The question about what may be wrong with these people has been asked and answered - I'm not going to bother citing references from noted mental health professionals - except to say the usual conclusion is that they are engaging in wishful thinking which is, in some instances, suggestive of their having a clinical deusional psychiatric disorder.

You have to add to this that some of these Trump supporting zealots, whether or not they have a mental disorder, is that they have IQ's below the national average. 

Everyone, whether they were on the honor roll or D students is suspectible to propaganda, especially when the message supports what they want to believe. If you're reading this you probably know what confirmation bias is and understand it's power:

Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply entrenched beliefs. Confirmation bias cannot be eliminated, but it can be managed, for example, by education and training in critical thinking skills. Read more here.
There are also a what I lament may represent a large percetange of the population who are just plain gullible. Some may believe in outlandish QAnon claims, others may think that most of the X-Files TV shows were based on facts, and no doubt since they still advertise, numerous people believe that Prevagin really inproves memory. I wrote in some depth about those I'll call the "Prevagen People" here:

group may include members of the first, but among them are people with no 
impairments in mental health, intelligence, or ability to engage in critical thinking. They are those with deeply held racist, and/or bigotted, and/or fascist beliefs. The "and/or's" are improtant since there are those who are mostly or exclusively racists, which would include anti-Semites and members of the LGBTQ+ community, and those who are fascists who believe the country should be an autocricy run by a dictator who shares their beleiefs.

These people don't need demographic predictions to know that the country is becoming less White. All they need to do is look around them. From watching pop culture to walking down Main Street they will see that Americans who have assumed jobs and had roles usually held mostly by Whites now come in all shades of skin color.

They look at a version of the Pride flag we celebrate through a decidely dark lens:
The flag on top includes black and brown stripes 
to represent marginalized LGBTQ+ communities
 of color, along with the colors pink, light blue
 and white, which are used on the 
Transgender Pride Flag.

Another way to depict them and their reaction is with a decidely White version I made of The Scream (original here):

Again, none of these groups are mutually exclusive. However, I do see a fairly descrete group which for want of a better term I'd call "the enemy of my enemy is my enemy" contingent of Trump supporters.

They will align themselves with anyone no matter how dumb they are or outrageous their behavior is as long as they also support Trump.

These are people who hate the Democrats, whether President Biden in particular or any Democrat, with a visceral passion. They may or may not buy into the notion that Democrats are some kind of demon communists or socialists. The smart ones know full well this isn't true and the uniformed couldn't even define the terms. 

Some of the savvy group are hard-core capitalists who think that having a safety net for less the fortunate which costs taxpayer money (noting some of these people avoid paying their fair share of taxes) takes money away from their bottom lines. 

Some may be those who feel that because they worked hard to get where they are, owners of small businesses for example, nobody deserves to get a leg up from the government. It doen't matter to them that they might have benefited from low interest small business loans or other help from the government. 

In this group you'll find that there are some whose businesses or investments are effected by government regulations. 

These people would rather vote for the Devil himself rather than vote for a Democrat.


Below is a comment from someone who read this blog on anther platform. I don't know where they fit into my three categories but it is clear to me they buy much of the GOP propaganda (against Joe and Hunter Biden for example) and don't understand how the special proescuter is not "throwing indictments" at him without good cause, and there is a rigorous process for how such judicial procedures are conducted. 

It seems that you and some Democrats are the haters. The four years we had under Trump wasn't so bad. And if those same 4 years were under by a different president, Biden, Clinton, or another Republican, there would be a good chance that person would be reelected in 2020. 
But the name Trump makes some people go nuts and he wasn't reelected.
Yes, he's a bombastic egotistical, loud mouth self promoter as well as other things.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2020, or Biden. And there's no way in hell can I vote for Biden in '24.
Yes, Trump is a jerk and all, but the way they are throwing one indictment after another against him all in the name of hoping he will not run is not what this country is about.
You don't try and lock up a possible political opponent by any means. You don't threaten lawyers who want to represent Trump with the possible loss of their law licenses or if they are up for a judgeship by squashing it.
John Adams said, "Even a scoundrel has the right to consul." And he defended the British soldiers who shot at Americans at the Boston Massacre.
Come '24, if I vote for Trump, it won't be because of his policies and such. It will be a protest vote on what is going on with the Justice Department and Attorney General in this.
And Biden had better look over his shoulder. He and Hunter and the rest of the Biden clan might be in deep shit as day after day, more evidence is coming forward on what they have been doing. 

Adapted by Hal Brown from Tacosunday Public Domain

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July 19, 2023

Holy maraschino-cherry macho mishagas, Batman, what's with these push-up 'pulican's?

By Hal Brown

Click smaller images tp enlarge them/

By chance one of the first articles I read this morning had nothing to do with politics but for me it segued into the second one I read and led me to write this blog. The first article was in The Washington Post (subscription)

Weight training can be easy and still build strength. Here’s how.

It served as some motivation to start doing the light weight training lazy-me got out of the habit of doing an embarrassing length of time ago. My dumbbells don't do me any good languishing on the floor of my kitchen pantry (top photo).

The next article, by Amanda Marcotte, which I looked was... 

 It at was featured on the top of the page on Salon:
I watched the videos in the the article.

For some convoluted reason in my mind I thought of one of Robin's oft used taglines in the Batman series/

  Robin had many "holy something Batman" phrases. 

Here's a video of 50 other them.

 Seeing these videos he might exclaim Holy maraschino-cherry macho michagas Batman. This was my intial reaction.

Why did this come to me? 

Letting my mind wander, I recalled the time years ago when my friend Helen, her foster daughter, and I used to go to our local Friendly's restaurant and always made sure our favorite waitress waited on us. One time I ordered a sundae with extra cherries for desert and she brought me a sundae topped with as many cherries as would fit on the ample mountain of whipped cream. I think I made this association because the videos in the articles represented the sicky sweet cherries on the top of the sundae.

I have a photo of the actual sundae somewhere. This isn't it but it was taken of me at the same restaurant.

You may prefer to forget the 2007 fake wrerstling match, Batttle of the Billionaires, between Trump and Vince McMahon with Trump "winning" and getting to shave McMahon's head.

. I'd seen the "this is my Covid protection" video of Margorie Taylor Greene lifting weights and doing swinging pull-ups...

...  and of course most of the Trump photoshopped digital trading cards depicting him as some musclebound superhero.

I hadn't seen RFK Jr. doing push-ups ("getting in shape for my debates with President Biden" which hopefully will never happen) showing off his actual muscled pects and abs. If anything demonstates the egotism and unseriousness of his run for president this one video tweet does.  

I hadn't seen Tom Cotton and Chuck Grassley trying to show off by doing butt-in-the-air push-ups to prove, hmmm, something half-assed point:

Drew Comments, above left, snarkily wrote:

 For some guys who try to act so macho and manly these some sorry ass push-ups no cap🤨 Chuck Grassley and Tom Cotton I see why y’all fight for the 2nd amendment so hard. Y’all NEED guns 🥴

I have nothing to add to what Amanda Marcotte wrote in her concluding three paragraphs:

Such nonsense also lays the groundwork for other fascist arguments about who does and doesn't count because of their bodies. Women, ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, and disabled people are often targeted with stereotypes of bodily degeneracy, as a pretext for stripping them of basic human rights. There's a reason that Trump and his acolytes like to portray immigrants as diseased or drugged-out, implicitly comparing them to supposedly pure-and-strong white Americans. Dehumanizing people as weak or sickly is a first step towards arguing they must be culled or controlled. There's a reason that the discredited theory of eugenics laid the foundation for the Holocaust.

Toxic masculinity and fitness fetishization also do lesser but real harm to the authoritarian personalities that get caught up in it. Right-wing websites and influencers like Alex Jones and Joe Rogan are always grifting their audiences by pitching useless supplements with false hopes of physical perfectability. People who believe Kennedy's silly claim about 35-minute workouts might get frustrated when it doesn't work out for them and develop eating disorders or other bad health habits response. And, of course, there's all the people who believed that only "weak" people need vaccines, and ended up either very sick or dying from COVID-19.

Working out is a good thing to do and being fit is a fine goal to have. It just turns to poison in the hands of fascists, who conflate fitness with moral superiority. Your push-up count says nothing about your character or fitness to lead. But your choice to post cringey workout videos as campaign proves that you're bankrupt in both departments. 

July 18, 2023

Trump has Israeli artifacts at Mar-a-Lago. They want them back. Send Mossad to get them.


Above: Mossad logo with the  seven-branched candelabrum that is described in the Hebrew Bible and in later ancient sources as having been used in the Tabernacle and in the Temple in Jerusalem. Since ancient times, it has served as a symbol representing the Jewish people and Judaism in both the Land of Israel and the Diaspora. It eventually became the State of Israel's official emblem after its founding in 1948. The menorah used for Hanukkah has nine branches.

View on single page here.

This story just broke in Haaretz (subscription required).

Israeli Antiquities Are Stranded at Trump's Florida Estate as Authorities Fail to Retrieve Them

Israeli clay lamps, intended for a brief exhibition in Washington D.C. in 2019, got stranded in the U.S. due to the pandemic. Recently, they were found at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida

 It is being reported on other news websites. This is an excerpt:

A source told Haaretz they wouldn’t be surprised if “the items Israel seeks are also eventually found in some bathroom there”.

Israel is trying to recover 'national treasures' held at Trump's Florida home... read article

Trump has always put  - would I be cycnical to suggest- a political show on for Jews during Hannukah. He once celebrated Hannukah with a menorah from the Tarnów ghetto (article)

Above: President Trump seen during the lighting of the Menorah by Moshe Margareten during an evening Hanukkah Reception in the East Room of the White House, December 11, 2019. I doubt this is a menorah loaned by Israel since the one described is ceramic.

Specifically celebrating Hannukah has become a fairly recent annual tradition.  The first American president to have a Hannukah party or celebration was in 2001 under Predient George W. Bush. (Reference

Oh ye, of little faith, who may think Trump only celebrated a Jewish holiday in the White House because he felt he had to do so and that in his black heart of hearts he harbors anti-Semetic feelings. You may point to how he has used anti-Semtic tropes (see 22021 CNN article: Trump uses anti-Semitic tropes to again criticize Jewish America), but don't forget his deep love for Jared and Ivanka.

It occurred to me that if Israel really wanted the antiquities back from Trump they'd have to go get them by whatever means possible. After all, the United States had to get a warrant and send the FBI to retrieve the stolen White House documents.

I thought  about the fact that one of the most effective intelligence agencies in the world capable of operations outside of their own countries is Mossad. They've tracked down NAZI's and in 1972's Operation Wrath of God dealt with the perpetrators of the Olympic massacre in Munich.

The most effective way to assure the Isreali antiquities are returned is to send Mossad agents to get them. Maybe they could enlist Jared in finding out where they are squirreled away. I would be shocked, shocked I tell you, if Mossad didn't already have agents posing as rich Jewish members of the Mar-a-Lago golf club.


I wasn't going to write a blog about this until I looked up Mossad and saw that their logo had the seven candle menorah. I thought that this was close enough to the nine candle Hanukkah version.

I haven''t been able to find a photo of the actual  ancient ceramic candles which were sent from Israel to the US for a Hanukkah event at the White House attended by Trump or a photo of Trump with the menorah. I don't know if Trump used them for a photo op. I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

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